Edwards_nutrient_traits: Nutrient utilization traits of phytoplankton.

Description Usage Format Details Corrections Source


Data from Kyle F. Edwards, Christopher A. Klausmeier, and Elena Litchman (2015). Nutrient utilization traits of phytoplankton. Ecology 96:2311. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/14-2252.1.




A data frame with 384 rows and 42 variables:

Encoding UTF-8

Column name Variable definition Units Storage type
species Species name text string
isolate Isolate ID text string
taxon Taxon name text string
system Freshwater/marine text string
temperature Culture temperature °C floating point
irradiance Culture irradiance µmol photons m^-2^ s^-1^ floating point
light_hours Culture daylength hr integer
synonym Former species name text string
volume Cell volume µm^3^ floating point
c_per_cell Carbon per cell µmol cell^-1^ floating point
c_citation C per cell citation integer integer
mu_inf_amm µ~inf~ for ammonium-limited growth day^-1^ floating point
mu_amm µ~max~ for ammonium-limited growth day^-1^ floating point
k_amm_m K~m~ for ammonium-limited growth µmol L^-1^ floating point
k_amm K for ammonium uptake µmol L^-1^ floating point
vmax_amm V~max~ for ammonium uptake µmol N cell^-1^ day^-1^ floating point
vmax_amm_c V~max~:C for ammonium uptake µmol N µmol C^-1^ day ^-1^ floating point
qmin_amm Q~min~ for ammonium-limited growth µmol N cell^-1^ floating point
qmin_amm_c Q~min~:C for ammonium-limited growth µmol N µmol C^-1^ floating point
qmax_amm Q~max~ for ammonium-limited growth µmol N cell^-1^ floating point
qmax_amm_c Q~max~:C for ammonium-limited growth µmol N µmol C^-1^ floating point
mu_inf_nit µ~inf~ for nitrate-limited growth day^-1^ floating point
mu_nit µ~max~ for nitrate-limited growth day^-1^ floating point
k_nit_m K~m~ for nitrate-limited growth µmol L^-1^ floating point
k_nit K for nitrate uptake µmol L^-1^ floating point
vmax_nit V~max~ for nitrate uptake µmol N cell^-1^ day^-1^ floating point
vmax_nit_c V~max~:C for nitrate uptake µmol N µmol C^-1^ day^-1^ floating point
qmin_nit Q~min~ for nitrate-limited growth µmol N cell^-1^ floating point
qmin_nit_c Q~min~:C for nitrate-limited growth µmol N µmol C^-1^ floating point
qmax_nit Q~max~ for nitrate-limited growth µmol N cell^-1^ floating point
qmax_nit_c Q~max~:C for nitrate-limited growth µmol N µmol C^-1^ floating point
mu_inf_p µ~inf~ for phosphate-limited growth day^-1^ floating point
mu_p µmax for phosphate-limited growth day^-1^ floating point
k_p_m Km for phosphate-limited growth µmol L^-1^ floating point
k_p K for phosphate uptake µmol L^-1^ floating point
vmax_p V~max~ for phosphate uptake µmol P cell^-1^ day^-1^ floating point
vmax_p_c V~max~:C for phosphate uptake µmol P µmol C^-1^ day^-1^ floating point
qmin_p Q~min~ for phosphate-limited growth µmol P cell^-1^ floating point
qmin_p_c Q~min~:C for phosphate-limited growth µmol P µmol C^-1^ floating point
qmax_p Q~max~ for phosphate-limited growth µmol P cell^-1^ floating point
qmax_p_c Q~max~:C for phosphate-limited growth µmol P µmol C^-1^ floating point
citation Publication code integer integer


Table 1 of Ecological Archives E096-202-D1.


The value for "system" was corrected from "fresh" to "freshwater" for one entry



andrewdolman/phytotraitr documentation built on May 10, 2019, 10:31 a.m.