
The OverdispersionModelsInR package was developed for demonstration purposes, to accompany the technical report Modeling Overdispersion in R. The objective was to use R to reproduce analyses from the book Overdispersion Models in SAS by Jorge Morel and Nagaraj Neerchal. We were especially interested in analyses involving likelihoods for binomial data with extra variation. For more information, see the technical report or the ProbStatDay 2014 workshop presentation R Supplement to "Analysis of Overdispersed Data using SAS" [slides | handout | tech report].

The original release of the package is OverdispersionModelsInR_0.1.tar.gz. Some improvements and corrections have been made since then.

The code is currently not documented. This means, for example, that the R command "?d.rcb" asking for help on the d.rcb function currently returns nothing. I hope to add this documentation in the future, and continue to make improvements to the package. If you find the package to be helpful, or have suggestions, please send me an email and let me know.

This initial version of this package featured an early implementation of the Mixture Link distribution. Functionality related to Mixture Link has been removed from later versions, and is now available in the package mixlink.


The latest package code can be installed directly from Github using

> library(devtools)
> install_github("andrewraim/OverdispersionModelsInR")

Or, download the package tarball (as a tar.gz file) and install it locally.

> install.packages("/path/to/OverdispersionModelsInR_0.1.tar.gz", repos = NULL)

andrewraim/OverdispersionModelsInR documentation built on May 10, 2019, 11:10 a.m.