\newcommand{\Deltab} {\Delta} \newcommand{\intd} {\textrm{d}} \newcommand{\Bmat} {B} \newcommand{\Cmat} {C} \newcommand{\cmat} {c} \newcommand{\Imat} {I} \newcommand{\bvec} {b} \newcommand{\svec} {s} \newcommand{\uvec} {u} \newcommand{\omegab} {\omega} \newcommand{\s}{s} \newcommand{\h}{h} \renewcommand{\b}{b} \newcommand{\e}{e} \newcommand{\z}{z} \renewcommand{\v}{v} \renewcommand{\u}{u} \newcommand{\w}{w} \renewcommand{\d}{d} \newcommand{\Z}{Z} \newcommand{\x}{x} \newcommand{\Y}{Y} \newcommand{\Yvec}{Y} \newcommand{\Zvec}{Z} \newcommand{\epsilonb}{\varepsilon} \newcommand{\bI}{I} \newcommand{\bB}{B} \newcommand{\bbeta}{\beta} \newcommand{\thetab}{\theta} \newcommand{\bzero}{0} \newcommand{\bSigma}{\Sigma} \newcommand{\E}{E} \newcommand{\cov}{\mathrm{cov}} \newcommand{\var}{\mathrm{var}} \newcommand{\tr}{\mathrm{tr}} \newcommand{\diag}{\mathrm{diag}} \newcommand{\vect}{\mathrm{vec}} \newcommand{\Gau}{\mathrm{Gau}} \newcommand{\RR}{\mathbb{R}} \newcommand{\T}{{ \mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle T} }} \renewcommand{\figurename}{Fig.}

Setting up

In this document we show the R Software [@R] code used to reproduce the results shown in Section 5 of @CressieZammit2015. The code for the application study in Section 3.2 is available in a separate document. For both studies, the package bicon is required. This package can be installed by first installing and loading the package devtools, and then running


The package will take some time to download since all the results of Section 5 are dispatched with the package. To install these documents as vignettes use the argument build_vignettes = TRUE.

As part of this example we will be needing the INLA package for mesh construction, and installation instructions for this can be found on the R-INLA homepage. Once this is installed we can load the required packages. As with the other document (Simulation example in Section 3.2), we will also need dplyr, tidyr, and Matrix for core operations and ggplot2, gridExtra, grid, extrafont for plotting purposes. In addition, in this vignette we will need maptools, mapproj, and RandomFields (that provides the data used in this problem), and the verification package that contains a handy routing for computing CRPSs. For parallel operations we will be requiring foreach and doParallel and possibly doMPI if an MPI backend is available.


Finally, we will also need the package bicon mentioned above.


As detailed in @CressieZammit2015, in this example we consider four models that vary only through the interaction function $b_o(h)$. The models are

\begin{equation} \begin{array}{ll} \textrm{Model 1 (independent Mat{\'e}rns):} &b_o(\h) \equiv 0, \ \textrm{Model 2 (pointwise dependence):} &b_o(\h) \equiv A\delta(\h), \ \textrm{Model 3 (diffused dependence):} & \textrm{Model 4 with~} \Deltab = 0 \ \textrm{Model 4 (asymmetric dependence):} &b_o(\h) \equiv \left{\begin{array}{ll} A{1 - (\|\h - \Deltab\|/r)^2}^2, & \| \h - \Deltab\| \le r \ 0, & \textrm{otherwise}, \end{array} \right. \end{array} \end{equation} where $\Deltab = (\Delta_1, \Delta_2)^\T$ is a shift-parameter vector that captures asymmetry, $r$ is the aperture parameter, and $A$ is a scaling parameter. In Models 3 and 4, $b_o(\h)$ is a shifted bisquare function defined on $\mathbb{R}^2$. The covariance functions $C_{11}(\cdot)$ and $C_{2|1}(\cdot)$ are Matérn covariance functions. For each model we also consider a \emph{reversed} dependence, where we switch $Y_2$ and $Y_1$. This gives us a total of eight models to fit and compare.

First we set program options, indicating which parts of the program we want to run and which parts we want to skip, loading results from cache instead. The flag LK_analysis indicates whether we want to carry out a standard likelihood fit of all 8 models using the entire dataset (requires about 30 minutes of computing time) and the flag LOO_analysis indicates whether we want to run the leave-one-out cross-validation study (without re-fitting). In this vignette we set both flags to zero; the results are instead loaded from cache. If you wish to run parts of the program from scratch, please omit or comment out any of the save commands encountered below.

### Model choice
model_names <- c("independent","pointwise","moving_average_delta0","moving_average")
img_path <- "../paper/art"                  ## Where to save the figures
show_figs <- 1                              ## Show the figures in document
print_figs <- 0                             ## Print figures to file (leave =0)
LK_analysis <- 0                            ## Carry out likelihood analysis
LOO_analysis <- 0                           ## Carry out LOO analysis
Shifted_Pars_estimation <- 0                ## Fit shifted parimonious Matern
RF_estimation <- 0                          ## Carry out LOO with RFields
useMPI <- 0                                 ## MPI backend available?

The data

The data were made available through the package \texttt{RandomFields} and analysed by @Gneitingetal2010. We first load the data.

data(weather,package = "RandomFields")
weather <- weather %>% data.frame()

The weather table contains four fields, with latitude, longitude, pressure forecasting errors, and temperature forecasting errors for December 13, 2003 at 4 p.m. in the North American Pacific Northwest. Since pressure and temperature have different units, we find a scaling factor by taking the ratio of the sample variances of the two variates, and computing its square root. We will use this factor to scale the pressure variable.

P_scale <- (var(weather$pressure)/var(weather$temperature)) %>%
            sqrt() %>%

From this data frame we extract $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ and concatenate them into one long vector $Z$ through a function form_Z. The vectors $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ are inverted if the model being analysed is greater than 4 (reversed model). We also define m1 as the number of observations of $Y_1$, m2 as the number of observations of $Y_2$ and m as the total number of observations.

form_Z <- function(model_num,scale=T) {
  Z1 <- matrix(weather$temperature)
  Z2 <- matrix(weather$pressure)
  if(scale) Z2 <- Z2 / P_scale # Change pressure to have similar scale
  if(model_num > 4) {          # Switch Z1 and Z2 
    temp <- Z1
    Z1 <- Z2
    Z2 <- temp
  Z <- rbind(Z1,Z2)            # Concatenate

m1 <- m2 <- nrow(weather)   # Number of observations of Y1 and Y2
m <- m1 + m2                # Total number of observations 
I_m1 <- Diagonal(m1)        # Identity matrix of size m1 x m1

Process discretisation

We approximate the processes as a sum of elemental basis functions (tent functions) constructed on a triangulation. The triangulation is formed using the mesher in the INLA package, while we provide a tailored function in the package bicon, initFEbasis, which takes information from the INLA mesher and casts it into a Mesh object. We provide several methods associated with the Mesh class which will be useful for plotting later on. Importantly, the Mesh object also contains information on the areas of the elements in the Voronoi tesselation, which will be used to approximate the integrations.

### Construct mesh
mesh <- inla.mesh.2d(loc= weather[c("lon","lat")],
                     max.edge=0.75,offset = 4) ## Fine mesh
mesh_locs <- mesh$loc[,1:2]

## Compute distances as in Gneiting (2010) -- great circle distances
D <- as.matrix(RFearth2dist(as.matrix(mesh_locs)))
Dvec <- as.double(c(D))
Dobs <- as.matrix(RFearth2dist(as.matrix(weather[c("lon","lat")])))
Dobsvec <- c(Dobs)

## Cast into custom Mesh object
Mesh <- initFEbasis(p = mesh_locs, 
                    t = mesh$graph$tv,
                    K = mesh$graph$vv)
# area <- NULL
# library(gpclib)
# POLS <- Mesh@pars$pol[[1]]
# bbox <- as(as.matrix(mesh_locs[chull(mesh_locs),]),"gpc.poly")
# for(i in 1:Mesh@n) {
#   POL <- intersect(Mesh@pars$pol[[i]],bbox)
#   POLdf <- do.call("cbind",POL@pts[[1]][c("x","y")])
#   area[i] <- areaPolygon(POLdf)/1e6 # Boundary Voronoi shouldn't be large
#   POLS <- append.poly(POLS,POL)
# }
# Mesh["area_tess"] <- area

We next establish the dimension of our grids. Since we will be evaluating $Y_1$ and $Y_2$ on the same grid, n1 = n2.

### Mesh sizes
n1 <- nrow(mesh_locs)
n2 <- nrow(mesh_locs)
n <- n1 + n2

As in the first document (simulation example in Section 3.2), we will approximate the integration using the rectangular rule. When using finite elements, this reduces to using the areas of the Voronoi tessellation as integration weights.

We first compute the vector of displacements $h$ which will be of length (n2 $\times$ n1). Then, with each element we associate an integration weight equal to the area of the Voronoi tessellation of the element.

### Mesh integration points
h <- matrix(0,n1*n2,2)
areas <- rep(0,n1*n2)
for(i in 1:n2) {
  h[((i-1)*n1+1):(i*n1),] <- t(t(mesh_locs) - mesh_locs[i,])
  areas[((i-1)*n1+1):(i*n1)] <- Mesh["area_tess"]
h1_double <- as.double(h[,1])
h2_double <- as.double(h[,2])

The displacements (h1,h2) and the areas areas will be used to construct the matrix B using the function bisquare_B.

Organising the observations

In order to map the process to the observations we construct an incidence matrix, which contains a 1 wherever the observation coincides with a vertex on the triangulation and a 0 otherwise. The dimension of this incidence matrix is (m1 + m2) $\times$ (n1 + n2), where m1, m2, are the number of observations in $Z_1$, $Z_2$, respectively. Since in this problem we have co-located observations, we find the incidence matrix for one of the observations, $Z_1$, and then form the whole incidence matrix by simply constructing a block diagonal matrix (using bdiag). We find the points with which the observation locations coincide by using the function left_join, which returns an NA if no observation coincides with the vertex.

mesh_locs <- data.frame(lon=mesh_locs[,1],lat=mesh_locs[,2])      ## mesh locations
idx <- which(!(is.na(left_join(mesh_locs,weather)$temperature)))  ## index of coincidence
C1 <- sparseMatrix(i=1:m1,j=idx,x=1,dims=c(m1,n1))  ## incidence matrix of Z1
C <- bdiag(C1,C1)                                   ## incidence matrix

Maximum likelihood estimation

Since the optimisation algorithm requires a parameter vector of the same length (irrespective of the model number) we first define a function append_theta that takes the parameter vector associated with the model in question and appends it so it is of the required size (in this case of length 12).

append_theta <- function(theta,model_num) {
  if(model_num %in% c(1,5)) {
    theta <- c(theta,rep(0,4))
    theta[10] <- 0.001
  } else if(model_num %in% c(2,6)) {
    theta <- c(theta,rep(0,3))
    theta[10] <- 0.001
  } else if(model_num %in% c(3,7)) {
    theta <- c(theta,rep(0,2))

Next, we require a function that, given the parameter vector theta and the model number model_num, returns the required matrices and vectors used in fitting. These are the matrices \begin{equation}\label{eqn:cov-matrix} \textrm{\texttt{SY}} = \begin{bmatrix}\bSigma_{11} & \bSigma_{11}\bB^\T \ \bB \bSigma_{11} & \bSigma_{2\mid 1}+\bB\bSigma_{11}\bB^\T \end{bmatrix}, ~~\qquad \textrm{\texttt{So}} = \begin{bmatrix}\tau_1^2I_m & 0\ 0 & \tau_2^2I_m \end{bmatrix}.
\end{equation} We then add these two together to obtain the matrix $\textrm{cov}((\Yvec_1^\T,\Yvec_2^\T)^\T)$ which, recall that for this example is identical to $\textrm{cov}((\Zvec_1^\T,\Zvec_2^\T)^\T)$ since the data is equal to the process at the observed locations. If whole_mesh is TRUE, then the process covariance matrix is evaluated over the entire mesh (used for cokriging at unobserved locations).

construct_mats <- function(theta,model_num,whole_mesh=F) {

  nu1 <- theta[7]
  nu2 <- theta[8]

  B <- theta[9]*Diagonal(n1) # Automatically zero if Model 1

  if(model_num %in% c(3,4,7,8)) {
    B <- theta[9]*bisquare_B(h1_double,h2_double,
                             delta=theta[11:12], # Zero for Model with no shift
                             n1 = n1,
                             n2 = n2,
                             areas = areas)
  C1B <- C1 %*% B

  ## Form matrices (scaled pressure)
  S11 <- makeS(r = Dobsvec,var = theta[3],
                 kappa = theta[5],nu = nu1)
  S2_1 <- makeS(r = Dobsvec,var = theta[4],
                  kappa = theta[6],nu = nu2)
  if(model_num %in% c(3,4,7,8) | whole_mesh==TRUE) {
    S11_big <- makeS(r = Dvec,var = theta[3],
                     kappa = theta[5],nu = nu1)
    S21 <- C1B %*% (S11_big %*% t(C1))
    S12 <- t(S21)
    S22 <- S2_1 + forceSymmetric(C1B %*% forceSymmetric(S11_big) %*% t(C1B))
  } else {
    S21 <- S12 <- theta[9]*S11 
    S22 <- S2_1 + theta[9]^2 * S11

  if(whole_mesh) {
    S11 <- S11_big
    S2_1 <- makeS(r = Dvec,var = theta[4],
                  kappa = theta[6],nu =nu2)
    S21 <- B %*% S11_big
    S12 <- t(S21)
    S22 <- S2_1 + Matrix::crossprod(chol(S11_big) %*% t(B))

  ## Form matrices (Unscaled pressure)
  S11_true <- ifelse(model_num > 4,P_scale^2,1) * S11
  S12_true <- P_scale * S12
  S21_true <- P_scale * S21
  S22_true <-  ifelse(model_num < 5, P_scale^2,1) *S22
  SY_true <- rBind(cBind(S11_true,S12_true),
                   cBind(S21_true,S22_true)) %>% as("dgeMatrix")
  So_true <- bdiag(ifelse(model_num < 5,1,P_scale^2) * theta[1]*I_m1,
                   ifelse(model_num < 5,P_scale^2,1) * theta[2]*I_m1)
  if(whole_mesh) So_true <- t(C) %*% So_true %*% C

  list(SY = SY_true, So = So_true, Z = form_Z(model_num,scale=F))

Now we're in place to define the log-likelihood function. This is the usual Gaussian log-likelihood function. In the function we allow the dropping of certain observations for cross-validation purposes. The indices of the observations we wish to drop are stored in the parameter i. If i = NULL then no observations are dropped. This argument is useful for cross-validation.

loglik_Model <- function(theta,model_num,i=NULL) {
  # theta1:  sigma2e1
  # theta2:  sigma2e2
  # theta3:  sigma211
  # theta4:  sigma22_1
  # theta5:  kappa11
  # theta6:  kappa2_1
  # theta7:  nu11
  # theta8:  nu2_1
  # theta9:  A
  # theta10: r
  # theta11: d1
  # theta12: d2

  theta <- append_theta(theta,model_num)

  ## Hard constraints on parameters
  if(theta[1] <= 0 |  theta[2] <= 0 | theta[3] <= 0 | 
     theta[4] <= 0 | theta[5] <= 0.001 | theta[6] <= 0.001 | 
     theta[7] <= 0.05 | theta[8] <= 0.05 | theta[10] < 0.0005) {
     } else {

       ## Construct matrices
       X <- construct_mats(theta,model_num)

       ## Drop observations if required for CV
       if(is.null(i)) {  
         SY <- X$SY
         So <- X$So
         Z <- X$Z
       } else {
         SY <- X$SY[-i,-i]
         So <- X$So[-i,-i]
         Z <- X$Z[-i,,drop=F]

       ## Evaluate log-likelihood function
       cholYo <- chol(SY + So)
       loglik <- 
         -(-0.5 * logdet(cholYo) -
             0.5 * t(Z) %*% chol2inv(cholYo) %*% Z -
             0.5 * nrow(Z)*log(2*pi)) %>% as.numeric()


For optimising we will use the R function optim (BFGS). We allow for 3000 maximum iterations and set trace = 6 for detailed output. We choose not tp compute the Hessian since this is not required in our analysis. Recall that the parameter i here contains the indices of the observations we do not wish to include in the fit. If i = NULL then all observations are inlcuded. The function optim_loglik is called for each model in the program later on.

optim_loglik <- function(par,model_num, i = NULL){
        fn = loglik_Model,


The last function we need to define is one that fits all the models, possibly with a set of observations in i removed. In the function fit_all_models below, we first fit Model 1 using realistic starting values and store the results in fit.Model1, and then we fit the reversed version (with pressure as $Y_1$) and store that in fit.Model1_rev. Model 2 is then fit using the estimates of Model 1 as starting values. Model 3 uses the maximum likelihood estimates of Model 2 as starting values, and so on. The reversed version of Model 2 uses the results of the reversed version of Model 1 as starting values and so on.

fit_all_models <- function(i) {
  fit.Model1     <- optim_loglik(par=c(0.01,1,5,15,0.01,0.01,0.6,1.5),model_num=1, i = i)
  fit.Model1_rev <- optim_loglik(par=c(1,0.01,15,5,0.01,0.01,1.5,0.6),model_num=5, i = i)
  fit.Model2     <- optim_loglik(par=c(fit.Model1$par,-0.2),    model_num=2, i = i)
  fit.Model2_rev <- optim_loglik(par=c(fit.Model1_rev$par,-0.2),model_num=6, i = i)
  fit.Model3     <- optim_loglik(par=c(fit.Model2$par,0.1),     model_num=3, i = i)
  fit.Model3_rev <- optim_loglik(par=c(fit.Model2_rev$par,0.1), model_num=7, i = i)
  fit.Model4     <- optim_loglik(par=c(fit.Model3$par,0,0),     model_num=4, i = i)
  fit.Model4_rev <- optim_loglik(par=c(fit.Model3_rev$par,0,0), model_num=8, i = i)

  list(Model1 = fit.Model1, 
       Model2 = fit.Model2,
       Model3 = fit.Model3, 
       Model4 = fit.Model4,
       Model5 = fit.Model1_rev, 
       Model6 = fit.Model2_rev,
       Model7 = fit.Model3_rev, 
       Model8 = fit.Model4_rev)

With all functions in place we now call fit_all_data <- fit_all_models(NULL). All this does is fit all the models using all the observations (since i = NULL). If LK_analysis = 1 then this is done from scratch (takes about 30 minutes), otherwise the data is loaded from cache.

## First we carry out the analysis with all data
if(LK_analysis) {
  fit_all_data <- fit_all_models(NULL)
  save(fit_all_data, file=paste0("../inst/extdata/temp_pressure/LK_fits.rda"))
} else {
  load(system.file("extdata/temp_pressure","LK_fits.rda", package = "bicon"))

The log-likelihoods and AICs given by our fit are given in the table below. Recall that Model 5 is Model 1 reversed (i.e., with pressure as $Y_1$), Model 6 is Model 2 reversed, and so on.

print("Log-likelihood for all models trained with complete dataset")
sapply(fit_all_data,function(x) x$value) ## Negative LL
sapply(fit_all_data,function(x) x$value)*2 + 2*c(8,9,10,12) ## AIC

The parameter estimates can be printed using the code below (the output is in LaTeX for direct use in a paper). Note that since P_scale was used to put pressure on the same scale as temperature, we scale the fitted marginal standard deviation of the pressure fields so that they are on the original scale.

print("Estimated parameters for all models")
par_est <- plyr::rbind.fill(sapply(fit_all_data,function(x) data.frame(t(x$par))))
par_est1 <- par_est[1:4,]
par_est1[,c(1,3)] <- sqrt(par_est1[,c(1,3)])
par_est1[,c(2,4)] <- sqrt(par_est1[,c(2,4)]) * P_scale
par_est1[,9] <- par_est1[,9] * P_scale

colnames(par_est1) <- c("$\\sigma_1$","$\\sigma_2$","$\\sigma_{11}$",
                        "$A$","$r$", "$\\Delta_1$","$\\Delta_2$")
rownames(par_est1) <- c("Model 1","Model 2","Model 3","Model 4")


We predict the temperature and pressure fields at the unobserved locations using cokriging. Since we assume mean zero, this is simple cokriging; the predictive mean and variance can thus be obtained by simple conditioning with a joint multivariate Gaussian distribution. If i = NULL then the data is used to predict at all (observed and unobserved) locations. Otherwise prediction is only carried out at the locations in i with the observations in i removed. Note that when i is specified it is assumed that only the covariance matrices associated with the observation locations are supplied. This enables us to use the same function for cross-validation (see below).

cokrige <- function(X,i=NULL) {
  SS <- X$SY + X$So

  if(is.null(i)) {
    Z <- X$Z
    Q <- chol2inv(chol(C%*% SS %*% t(C))) %>% as("dgeMatrix")
    mu_pred  <- SS%*% t(C) %*% Q %*% Z %>% as.numeric()
    var_pred <- diag(SS - SS %*% t(C) %*% Q %*% C %*% SS) %>% as.numeric()
    data.frame(mu_pred = mu_pred,
               var_pred = var_pred)
  } else {
    cholSS <- chol(SS[-i,-i]) ## this was SS[-i,-i]
    SSinv <- chol2inv(cholSS) %>% as("dgeMatrix")

    mu_pred  <- SS[i,-i] %*% SSinv %*%  X$Z[-i,,drop=FALSE] %>% as.numeric()
    var_pred <- diag(SS[i,i] - SS[i,-i] %*% SSinv %*% SS[-i,i]) %>% as.numeric()
    data.frame(mu_pred = mu_pred,
               var_pred = var_pred,
               Z = X$Z[i,],


Below we predict at all the mesh locations using Model 1 and Model 4. First we construct the required matrices and store them in X1 and X4. Then we carry out cokriging and add the mean predictions to the mesh.

X1 <- construct_mats(theta = append_theta(fit_all_data[[1]]$par,model_num = 1),
                     model_num = 1,whole_mesh = T)
X4 <- construct_mats(theta = append_theta(fit_all_data[[4]]$par,model_num = 4),
                     model_num = 4,whole_mesh = T)
ALL1 <- cokrige(X=X1,i=NULL)
ALL4 <- cokrige(X=X4,i=NULL)

Mesh["y1_Model1"] <- ALL1$mu_pred[(1:n1)]
Mesh["y1_Model4"] <- ALL4$mu_pred[(1:n1)]
Mesh["y2_Model1"] <- ALL1$mu_pred[-(1:n1)]
Mesh["y2_Model4"] <- ALL4$mu_pred[-(1:n1)]  

Leave-one-out cross validation

Unlike @Gneitingetal2010, here we carry out leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV) without re-fitting the model each time. If we have an MPI cluster available we carry out the LOOCV over MPI, otherwise we parallelise using the computer's multiple cores. The two loops below iterate over the observations and models.

## Now we do a LOO analysis
if(LOO_analysis) {

  if(useMPI) {
    cl <- startMPIcluster(count=80)
  } else {
    cl <- makePSOCKcluster(4,outfile="cores_output.txt")

  ## Loop over each observation location
  pred <- foreach(i = 1:m1,.combine = "rbind", 
                  .packages = c("Matrix","bicon","dplyr","foreach")) %dopar% {

    fit.Model <- fit_all_data

    ## Loop over each model (not parallelised)
    pred <- foreach(j = seq_along(fit.Model),.combine = "rbind") %do% {

      ## Construct matrices
      X <- construct_mats(theta = append_theta(fit.Model[[j]]$par,model_num = j),
                          model_num = j)

      ## Cokrige, leaving out the ith observation (for both temperature and pressure)
            model_num = j) 

  if(useMPI) {
  } else {

  ### Should only be run with path set as vignette source directory
  save(pred, file=paste0("../inst/extdata/temp_pressure/all_predictions.rda"))

If we decided not to run the LOOCV, we load the results from cache.

if(!LOO_analysis) {
  load(system.file("extdata/temp_pressure/all_predictions.rda", package = "bicon"))

The shifted parsimonious Matérn model

In this section we repeat the analysis above for the shifted parsimonious Matérn model, obtained by applying the method of @Li_2011 to the standard parsimonious model. First we define a function that constructs the matrices based on the usual parameters.

sh_pars_mats <- function(theta) {
    ## Now create the shifted locations for the cross-covariances
    new_locs <- weather[,3:4] + matrix(theta[1:2],ncol=2,nrow=nrow(weather),byrow=TRUE)

    X <- rbind(new_locs,weather[,3:4])
    tot_D <- as.matrix(RFearth2dist(as.matrix(X)))
    D12 <- tot_D[-(1:m1),1:m1]
    D21 <- t(D12)

    sigma2_21 <- sqrt(theta[9] * theta[10])*theta[6]
    SY11 <- makeS(r=Dobsvec,var= theta[9],kappa = theta[3],nu=theta[4])  
    SY22 <- makeS(r=Dobsvec,var= theta[10],kappa = theta[3],nu=theta[5]) 
    SY12 <- makeS(r=c(D21),var=sigma2_21, kappa = theta[3], nu = (theta[4] + theta[5])/2)
    SY21 <- t(SY12)
    So11 <- theta[7]^2 * diag(m1)
    So22 <- theta[8]^2 * diag(m1)
    SY <- cbind(rbind(SY11,SY12),rbind(SY21,SY22))
    So <- bdiag(So11,So22)
    list(SY = SY, So = So,Z = form_Z(1L,scale=F))

Next, we define the likelihood funciton; note that the parameter definitions for the parsimonious Matérn are different than for the conditional approach.

loglik_sh_pars_model <- function(theta,shift=FALSE) {
  # theta1:  delta1
  # theta2:  delta2
  # theta3:  kappa
  # theta4:  nu1 
  # theta5:  nu2
  # theta6:  rho
  # theta7:  tau1
  # theta8:  tau2/100
  # theta9:  sigma2_11
  # theta10: sigma2_22/10000
  if(theta[3] < 0.00001 | theta[4] < 0.1 | theta[5] < 0.1 | 
     abs(theta[6]) >= 1 | theta[7] <= 0 | theta[8] <= 0 |  
     theta[9] <= 0 | theta[10] <= 0) {
     } else  if (abs(theta[6]) > sqrt(theta[4] * theta[5]) / 0.5*(theta[4] + theta[5]))  
     }  else {

        if(!shift) {
            theta[1] <- theta[2] <- 0

       theta[8] <- theta[8] * 100    ## These were divided by 100 and 1000
       theta[10] <- theta[10] * 10000  ## in the initial call, respectively

       ## Get the data
       Z = form_Z(1L,scale=F)

       ## Get the matrices
       Matrices <- sh_pars_mats(theta)
       S <- Matrices$SY + Matrices$So
       cholS <- chol(S)

       loglik <- 
         -as.numeric(-0.5 * determinant(S)$modulus -
                       0.5 * t(Z) %*% chol2inv(cholS) %*% Z -
                       0.5 * nrow(Z)*log(2*pi))


Finally, we estimate the parameters.

## Set shift=TRUE below to estimate the shift parameters; otherwise they are fixed to zero
## and we get the same likelihood and parameter estimates of Gneiting (2010)
if(Shifted_Pars_estimation) {
    optim_est_sh_pars <- optim(c(0.5,-1,1/95.88,
         file = "../inst/extdata/temp_pressure/Shifted_Pars_est_results.rda")
} else {
                     "Shifted_Pars_est_results.rda", package = "bicon"))

print(paste0("Log-lik. of shifted parsimonious Matern is ",
print(paste0("AIC of shifted parsimonious Matern is ",
             optim_est_sh_pars$value*2 + 20)) # 10 parameters

For cokriging and for cross-validation we follow the same approach as earlier.

theta_lk <- optim_est_sh_pars$par
theta_lk[8] <- theta_lk[8] * 100    ## These were divided by 100 and 1000
theta_lk[10] <- theta_lk[10] * 10000  ## in the initial call, respectively
X <- sh_pars_mats(theta = theta_lk)

## Loop over each observation location
print("Running CV for shifted parsimonious Matern...")
pred_sh_pars <- foreach(i = 1:m1,.combine = "rbind") %do% {
                X <- sh_pars_mats(theta = theta_lk)
                              model_num = 1)}

Processing the results

The following code is only documented in-line since it just involves data manipulation for obtaining the results shown in the paper. For verification we find the mean absolute error (MAE), the root mean-squared prediction error (RMSPE) and the continuous probability rank score [CRPS, @Gneiting_2005].

### Analyse results

## put data set into long format
weather_long <- mutate(weather,loc_num = 1:nrow(weather)) %>%
  mutate(sum_D = apply(Dobs,1,function(x) sum(sort(x)[1:2]))) %>%
  gather(process,z,temperature,pressure,convert = TRUE)

## Utility wrapper around the crps function
crps_wrapper <- function(Z,mu,sd) {

sanitise_results <- function(pred) {
    ## put data set into long format
    pred2 <- mutate(pred,                                     # Take our LOOCV results
                process = ifelse((model_num < 5 & i <= m1) |  # Assign process name to row
                                   (model_num >=5 & i >  m1) ,
                loc_num = ((i-1) %% m1)+1) %>%                # Assign loc ID
  left_join(weather_long) %>%                                 # Join up with data
  dplyr::select(-i,-z)                                        # Remove unwanted columns

    results <- pred2 %>%                                  # Take the predictions
    group_by(process,model_num) %>%                       # Group by process and model
    summarise(MAE = mean(abs(mu_pred - Z)),               # Find MAE
              MAE_se = sd(mu_pred - Z)/sqrt((m1-1)),      # Find MAE standard error
              Bias = mean(mu_pred - Z),                   # Find mean bias
              Bias_se = sd(mu_pred - Z)/sqrt((m1-1)),     # Find bias standard error
              Bias_norm = mean((mu_pred - Z)/sqrt(var_pred)), # Find mean normalised bias
              RMSPE = sqrt(mean((mu_pred - Z)^2)),            # Find RMSPE
              CRPS = mean(crps_wrapper(Z,mu_pred,sqrt(var_pred))),   # Find CRPS
              CRPS_se = sd(crps_wrapper(Z,mu_pred,sqrt(var_pred)))/  # Find CRPS se

results <- sanitise_results(pred)

Next we do the same for the shifted parsimonious Matérn model.

## Extract our results
sh_pars_results <- sanitise_results(pred_sh_pars) %>%    
sh_pars_results$model_num <- "Shifted_Pars"

For completeness we also carry out LOOCV on the (unshifted) parsimonious and full Matérn models using the RandomFields package. This closely follows the approach illustrated in @Schlachter_2015.

Dist.mat <- as.vector(RFearth2dist(as.matrix(weather[, 3:4])))   # Compute distances
PT <- as.matrix(weather[, 1:2])                                  # Change data into matrix
## Note the below code only works with RandomFields v3.0.62
if(RF_estimation) {

  ## Parsimonious Matern model
  nug <- RMmatrix(M = matrix(nc = 2, c(NA, 0, 0, NA)), RMnugget())   # nugget model
  pars.model <- nug + RMbiwm(nudiag = c(NA, NA), scale = NA,         # parsimonious model
                                cdiag = c(NA, NA), rhored = NA)
  RFpars <- RFfit(pars.model, distances = Dist.mat, dim = 3, data = PT)  # fit model
  CVresults.pars <- RFcrossvalidate(RFpars,              # carry out CV 
                       x = as.matrix(weather[, 3:4]), 
                       data = PT, 
                       full = TRUE)                      # on all the data (no re-fitting)

  ## Full Matern model
  whole.model <- nug + RMbiwm(nudiag = c(NA, NA), nured = NA,
                              s = rep(NA, 3), cdiag = c(NA, NA), rhored = NA)
  RFwhole <- RFfit(whole.model, distances = Dist.mat, dim = 3, data = PT)
  CVresults.whole <- RFcrossvalidate(RFwhole, 
                       x = as.matrix(weather[, 3:4]), 
                       data = PT, 
                       full = TRUE)

  ## cache results
       file = "../inst/extdata/temp_pressure/RF_CV_results.rda")

} else {
  ## otherwise load
  load(system.file("extdata/temp_pressure","RF_CV_results.rda", package = "bicon"))
## Combine results into one long data frame
RFpred2 <- rbind(data.frame(Z = weather$pressure,
                              mu_pred = CVresults.pars$`user's model`$predicted[,1],
                              var_pred = CVresults.pars$`user's model`$krige.var[,1],
                              loc_num = 1:m1,
                              model_name = "Pars",
                              process = "pressure"),
                   data.frame(Z = weather$temperature,
                              mu_pred = CVresults.pars$`user's model`$predicted[,2],
                              var_pred = CVresults.pars$`user's model`$krige.var[,2],
                              loc_num = 1:m1,
                              model_name = "Pars",
                              process = "temperature"),
                   data.frame(Z = weather$pressure,
                              mu_pred = CVresults.whole$`user's model`$predicted[,1],
                              var_pred = CVresults.whole$`user's model`$krige.var[,1],
                              loc_num = 1:m1,
                              model_name = "Whole",
                              process = "pressure"),
                   data.frame(Z = weather$temperature,
                              mu_pred = CVresults.whole$`user's model`$predicted[,2],
                              var_pred = CVresults.whole$`user's model`$krige.var[,2],
                              loc_num = 1:m1,
                              model_name = "Whole",
                              process = "temperature")) %>%
            left_join(weather_long) %>%

## Get out the diagnostics
RFresults <- RFpred2 %>%
  group_by(process,model_name) %>%  # Group by process and model name
  summarise(MAE = mean(abs(mu_pred - Z)),
            MAE_se = sd(mu_pred - Z)/sqrt((m1-1)),
            Bias = mean(mu_pred - Z),
            Bias_se = sd(mu_pred - Z)/sqrt((m1-1)),
            Bias_norm = mean((mu_pred - Z)/sqrt(var_pred)),
            RMSPE = sqrt(mean((mu_pred - Z)^2)),
            CRPS = mean(crps_wrapper(Z,mu_pred,sqrt(var_pred))),
            CRPS_se = sd(crps_wrapper(Z,mu_pred,sqrt(var_pred)))/sqrt(m1-1))

## Extract our results
select_results <- filter(results,model_num < 5) %>%          

## Extract RandomFields results
select_resultsRF <- dplyr::select(RFresults,model_name,MAE,RMSPE,CRPS)  

## Relabel columns
colnames(select_results) <- colnames(select_resultsRF) <- colnames(sh_pars_results) <-

## Join our results with those from RandomFields and the shifted parsimonious Matern
all_results <- rbind.data.frame(select_results,select_resultsRF,sh_pars_results) %>% 
    as.data.frame() %>% arrange(Process)

## Print the LaTeX table
      each = "column", max = c(F,NA,NA,T,NA),
## Deprecated:
pred2 <- mutate(pred,                                           # Take our LOOCV results
                process = ifelse((model_num < 5 & i <= m1) |    # Assign process name to row
                                   (model_num >=5 & i >  m1) ,
                loc_num = ((i-1) %% m1)+1) %>%                  # Assign loc ID
  left_join(weather_long) %>%                                   # Join up with data

best_performing <- pred2 %>%
  filter(model_num %in% 1:4) %>% 
  group_by(lon,lat,process) %>%
  summarise(best_model_MAE = model_num[which.min(abs(mu_pred - Z))],
            best_model_CRPS = model_num[which.min(crps_wrapper(Z,mu_pred,sqrt(var_pred)))]) %>%
  mutate(reversed = best_model_MAE > 4) 

best_summary <- group_by(best_performing,process,best_model_MAE) %>%
  summarise(tot_count = length(best_model_MAE),
            reverse = best_model_MAE[1] > 4)
if(show_figs) {

  g1 <- LinePlotTheme() + 
    stat_qq(data=filter(pred2,model_num %in% c(1,4)),
            aes(sample=(mu_pred - Z)/sqrt(var_pred),
            size=4) + 

  g2 <- LinePlotTheme() + geom_bar(data=best_performing,
                                   aes((best_model_MAE - 1)%%4 + 1,fill=c(process)),
                                   binwidth=0.5) + 
    scale_fill_grey(guide_legend(title="process")) +
    xlab("best model for MAE")

  g3 <- LinePlotTheme() + geom_bar(data=best_performing,
                                   aes((best_model_CRPS - 1)%%4 + 1,fill=c(process)),
                                   binwidth=0.5) + 
    scale_fill_grey(guide_legend(title="process")) + 
    xlab("best model for CRPS")




The rest of the code is devoted to plotting and uses the packages ggplot2, dplyr, and tidyr. The latter package is needed for putting the data into an appropriate format.

# Load shapefiles
shape1 <- system.file("extdata", "cb_2013_us_state_5m.shp", package = "bicon")
shape2 <- system.file("extdata", "Canada_provinces.SHP", package = "bicon")
US_States <- maptools::readShapeSpatial(shape1)
Ca_States <- maptools::readShapeSpatial(shape2)

US_States_fort <- fortify(US_States) %>% mutate( id= as.numeric(id))
Ca_States_fort <- fortify(Ca_States) %>% mutate( id= as.numeric(id)+100)

US_State_names <- data.frame(Name = US_States$NAME, 
                             id = 0:(length(US_States$NAME)-1))
Ca_State_names <- data.frame(Name = Ca_States$NAME, 
                             id = 0:(length(Ca_States$NAME)-1) + 100)

US_States_fort <- left_join(US_States_fort,US_State_names,by="id")
Ca_States_fort <- left_join(Ca_States_fort,Ca_State_names,by="id")

All_States <- rbind(US_States_fort,Ca_States_fort) %>% 
  filter(Name %in% c("British Columbia","Alberta",

conv_hull <- Mesh[c("x","y")][chull(Mesh[c("x","y")]),] 
conv_hull <- rbind(conv_hull,conv_hull[1,])

Stateplot <- LinePlotTheme() + 
  geom_path(data=All_States,aes(long,lat,group=group,label=Name),linetype="solid") +
  coord_fixed(xlim=c(-137,-110),ylim=c(35,58)) + 
  geom_path(data=conv_hull,aes(x,y),size=1,colour="black",linetype="dashed") +
  theme(plot.margin = grid::unit(c(2, 2, 2, 2),units="mm")) + xlab("lon")

meshplot <- function(g,include_obs=1L) {
  p <- plot(Mesh,g=g,plot_dots=F)
  p <- p + 
    xlab('lon') + ylab('lat') + 
    coord_fixed(xlim=c(-137,-110),ylim=c(35,58)) +
    geom_path(data=All_States,aes(long,lat,group=group,label=Name),linetype="solid") +
  if(include_obs) p <- p + geom_point(data = weather,aes(lon,lat),size=3,col="red")

if(show_figs) {
  States_mesh <- meshplot(LinePlotTheme())
g1M1 <- plot_interp(Mesh,"y1_Model1",150,max=5,min=-5,leg_title="degC") %>% 
  meshplot(include_obs = 0L)
g1M4 <- plot_interp(Mesh,"y1_Model4",150,max=5,min=-5,leg_title="degC") %>%
  meshplot(include_obs = 0L)

g2M1 <- plot_interp(Mesh,"y2_Model1",150,max=500,min=-500,leg_title="Pa") %>%
  meshplot(include_obs = 0L)
g2M4 <- plot_interp(Mesh,"y2_Model4",150,max=500,min=-500,leg_title="Pa") %>%
  meshplot(include_obs = 0L)
if(show_figs) {
par1 <- fit_all_data[[4]]$par
par2 <- fit_all_data[[8]]$par
x <- seq(-3,3,length=100)
XY <- expand.grid(h1=x,h2=x)
XY$b1 <- bisquare_2d(h1=XY[,1],h2=XY[,2],delta=par1[11:12],r=par1[10],A=par1[9])
XY$b2 <- bisquare_2d(h1=XY[,1],h2=XY[,2],delta=par2[11:12],r=par2[10],A=par2[9])

axes <- geom_line(data=data.frame(x=c(0,0,-3,3),y=c(-3,3,0,0),grp=c(1,1,2,2)),
greys <- scale_fill_gradient(low="black",high="white")
bluered <- scale_fill_gradient2(low=muted("blue"),high=muted("red"))
g1 <- LinePlotTheme() + geom_tile(data=XY,aes(h1,h2,fill=b1)) + 
  greys + axes + coord_fixed() +ggtitle("Model 4")
g2 <- LinePlotTheme() + geom_tile(data=XY,aes(h1,h2,fill=b2)) + 
  axes + greys + coord_fixed() +ggtitle("Model 8")
if(show_figs) grid.arrange(g1,g2,nrow=1)
h1_grid<- seq(-4,4,by=0.2)
h2_grid <- seq(-4,4,by=0.2)
Disp <- expand.grid(h1 = h1_grid,h2 = h2_grid)
xo <- seq(-127,-113,by=0.2)
yo <- seq(40,55,by=0.2)

Disp$corr <- foreach(i = 1:nrow(Disp),.combine="c") %dopar% {
  Temp <- akima::interp(mesh_locs[,1]-Disp$h1[i],mesh_locs[,2]-Disp$h2[i],
  Pres <- akima::interp(mesh_locs[,1],mesh_locs[,2],
axes <- geom_line(data=data.frame(x=c(0,0,-4,4),y=c(-4,4,0,0),grp=c(1,1,2,2)),
corr_plot <- LinePlotTheme() + geom_tile(data=Disp,aes(h1,h2,fill=corr)) + 
  axes + bluered +
  geom_point(data=data.frame(d1 = par1[11],d2 = par1[12]),
             aes(d1,d2),pch=9,size=5,colour="yellow") +

if(show_figs) print(corr_plot)
if(print_figs) ggsave(corr_plot, 
                      filename = file.path(img_path,"T-P-corr.png"),
delta <- 0.25
x_grid<- seq(-131,-115,by=delta)
y_grid <- seq(40,50,by=delta)
grid_locs <- expand.grid(x = x_grid, y = y_grid) %>% as.matrix()
D_grid <- as.matrix(RFearth2dist(grid_locs))
Dvec_grid <- as.double(c(D_grid))

n2_grid <- n1_grid <- nrow(grid_locs)
h_grid <- matrix(0,n1_grid^2,2)
areas_grid <- rep(delta^2,n1_grid^2)
for(i in 1:n2_grid) {
  h_grid[((i-1)*n1_grid+1):(i*n1_grid),] <- t(t(grid_locs) -grid_locs[i,])

theta = fit_all_data$Model4$par
B <- theta[9]*bisquare_B(h_grid[,1],h_grid[,2],
                         delta=theta[11:12], # Automatically zero for Model with no shift
                         n1 = n1_grid,
                         n2 = n2_grid,
                         areas = areas_grid)

  S11 <- makeS(r = Dvec_grid,var = theta[3],
               kappa = theta[5],nu = theta[7])
  S11 <- S11 + theta[1]^2*diag(nrow(S11))
  S2_1 <- makeS(r = Dvec_grid, var = theta[4],
                kappa = theta[6],nu = theta[8])
  S21 <- B %*% S11
  S12 <- t(S21)
  S22 <- S2_1 + Matrix::crossprod(chol(S11) %*% t(B))
  S22 <- S22 + theta[2]^2*diag(nrow(S22))

centre_node <- which(grid_locs[,1] == -123 & grid_locs[,2] == 45)
h_centre <- t(t(grid_locs) -c(-123,45))
H <- data.frame(h1 = h_centre[,1],
                h2 = h_centre[,2],
                S11 = (S11)[centre_node,],
                S12 = (S12)[centre_node,],
                S21 = (S21)[centre_node,],
                S22 = (S22)[centre_node,]) %>%
    gather(cov_mat,C,-h1,-h2) %>%
    mutate(Cgrp1 = ifelse(cov_mat %in% c("S11","S12"),"Y1","Y2"),
           Cgrp2 = ifelse(cov_mat %in% c("S11","S21"),"Y1","Y2")) %>%
    group_by(cov_mat) %>%
    mutate(corr = C / max(abs(C)))

axes <- geom_line(data=data.frame(x=c(0,0,-5,5),y=c(-5,5,0,0),grp=c(1,1,2,2)),
corr_fn_plot <- LinePlotTheme() + geom_tile(data=H,aes(h1,h2,fill=corr)) + 
    geom_contour(data=H,aes(h1,h2,z=corr),binwidth=0.2,colour="black",lty="dashed") +
          facet_grid(Cgrp1~Cgrp2) + axes +
          scale_fill_gradient2(low="blue",high="red") + 
  coord_fixed(xlim=c(-4,4),ylim=c(-4.2,4.2))  +
    theme(panel.margin = grid::unit(3, "lines"))

if(show_figs) print(corr_fn_plot)

if(print_figs) ggsave(corr_fn_plot, 
                      filename = file.path(img_path,"T-P-cov.png"),

if(print_figs) {
  g <- arrangeGrob(States_mesh,corr_fn_plot,ncol=2)
         filename = file.path(img_path,"Fig2.eps"),
Mesh["M1T_errors"] <- sqrt(pmax(ALL1$var_pred,0))[1:n1]
Mesh["M4T_errors"] <- sqrt(pmax(ALL4$var_pred,0))[1:n1]
Mesh["diffT_errors"] <- Mesh["M1T_errors"] - Mesh["M4T_errors"]
Mesh["ratioT_errors"] <- Mesh["M1T_errors"]/pmax(Mesh["M4T_errors"],1e-9)
std_diff <- (plot_interp(Mesh,"diffT_errors",150) + 
                                    guide = guide_legend(title="diff (deg. C)"))) %>% 
              meshplot(include_obs = 1L)

X <- data.frame(M1_errors = Mesh["M1T_errors"],
                M4_errors = Mesh["M4T_errors"])
std_diff_scatter <- LinePlotTheme() + 
  geom_point(data=X,aes(M1_errors,M4_errors,fill = M1_errors - M4_errors),
             colour="black",size=4,shape=21) +    
  scale_fill_gradient2(low=muted("green"),mid="white", high=muted("magenta"),
                     guide=guide_legend(title="diff (deg. C)")) +
  geom_line(data=data.frame(x=c(-5,5),y=c(-5,5)),aes(x,y),linetype="dashed") +
  xlab("Model 1 standard errors for Y1 (deg. C)") +
  ylab("Model 4 standard errors for Y1 (deg. C)") +
    coord_fixed(xlim=c(0,3.5),ylim=c(0,3.5),ratio=0.8) +
  theme(text = element_text(size = 30), axis.title.y = element_text(vjust=2));
if (show_figs) print(std_diff_scatter)

if(print_figs) {
  g <- arrangeGrob(g1M4,(std_diff_scatter + 
                           theme(plot.margin = grid::unit(c(10, 10, 10, 10),
         filename = file.path(img_path,"Fig3.eps"),

Package versions

If the code above is not reproducing the results or figures precisely, it is highly likely that this is due to some new, updated package implementing things differently. The package versions used to construct this document are listed below.



andrewzm/bicon documentation built on May 10, 2019, 11:15 a.m.