Man pages for andybeet/indexPPR
Utilities to create ecosystem overfishing indices for the NEFSC State of the Ecosystem report

calc_fogarty_indexCalculate the Fogarty index
calc_mtl_indexCalculate the mean Trophic Level
calc_ppr_indexCalculate the PPR index
calc_PPR_scaledScale PPR index by total primary production
calc_ryther_indexCalculate the Ryther index
capitalize_first_letterCapitalize first letter of string
explore_species_compositionExplores species composition based on landings
get_trophic_levelObtain trophic level data from rfishbase
plot_fogarty_indexPlot the Fogarty index
plot_mtl_indexPlot the mean trophic level index
plot_ppr_indexPlot the Primary Production Required index (scaled)
plot_ryther_indexPlot the Ryther index
select_top_x_percentSelect species in top x of landings
select_trophCombine trophic level data
andybeet/indexPPR documentation built on March 18, 2021, 12:33 p.m.