Man pages for angel30mpa/ampa
FIELDimageR: A R Package to Analyze Orthomosaic Images from Agricultural Field Trials

canopyPercentage of canopy
fieldCropSelecting experimental field from original image
fieldMapOrganazing the field map in function of plot order
fieldMaskRemoving the soil using vegetation index
fieldPlotPlot of fieldShape file filled with trait value for each plot
fieldRotateRotating the image to biuld the fieldShape file
fieldShapeBuilding the plot shape file
getInfoExtract information from image using the fieldShape file as...
indicesBuilding vegetation indices using Red, Green, Blue, Red Edge,...
Indices.txtVegetation indices
RGB.rescaleRGB rescale colors
standCountCalculating stand account for each plot
angel30mpa/ampa documentation built on Feb. 22, 2020, 12:17 a.m.