Man pages for angusmoore/arphit
RBA-style R Plots

agg_ablineAdd a line between two points on your graph
agg_aesDefine an aesthetic for a graph, or a graph layer.
agg_arrowAdd an arrow
agg_autolabelAdd automatically placed label
agg_bgshadingAdd background shading
agg_colAdd a col layer to an arphit plot.
agg_drawDraw a defined graph
agg_footnoteAdd a footnote (or many footnotes)
agg_hlineAdd a horizontal line to your graph
agg_labelAdd a label
agg_legendAdd a legend to the graph
agg_lineAdd a line layer to an arphit plot.
agg_pointAdd a scatter layer to an arphit plot.
agg_qplotQuick plot - for quickly creates a single-panel graph....
agg_rename_seriesRename series in your plot (for legends and autolabeller)
agg_shadingAdd shading between series
agg_slidesMake slides in gif
agg_sourceAdd a source (or many sources)
agg_stepAdd a step line layer to an arphit plot.
agg_subtitleAdd a subtitle or panel subtitle
agg_titleAdd a title or panel title
agg_unitsAdd units (for the y axis)
agg_vlineAdd a vertical line to your graph
agg_waterfallAdd a waterfall layer to an arphit plot.
agg_xaxisfreqSpecify the frequency of the x ticks for time series graphs
agg_xaxislabelAdd an axis label to the x axis
agg_xlimSpecify the x limits for a graph
agg_xunitsAdd units to the x axis (only works for scatter graphs)
agg_yaxislabelAdd an axis label to the y axis
agg_ylimSpecify the y scale for a graph
arphitggCreate an new arphit graph
plus-.arphit.ggAdd a layer or element to an arphitgg graph.
print.arphit.ggDraw a defined graph
RBARBA colour palette
angusmoore/arphit documentation built on Feb. 15, 2021, 9:40 a.m.