Man pages for anhinton/conduit
A prototype glue system for OpenAPI

addComponentAdd a new component to a pipeline
addPipeAdd a pipe to a pipeline
amendSearchPathsAmend search paths
calculateInputsReturns a named list of input objects
calculateModuleOutputsCalculate 'output' objects produced by a 'module'
calculateOutputsCalculate ouput objects produced by a pipeline 'component'
commandGenerate a system command to run a module's source scripts
componentCreate a component object
componentPathCalculate a component's output path
componentResultResult of 'runModule' or 'runPipeline'
componentToXMLConvert a component to XML
dir.copyCopy a directory and its contents
dockerHostCreate a 'dockerHost' object
endComponentReturn 'pipe' end component
endInputReturn 'pipe' end input
end.pipeReturn 'pipe' end list
execLanguageSelect execLanguage to store in 'moduleLanguage' object
executeCommandExecute a 'command' list object
executeScriptExecute a prepared module script file.
expandSearchPathsExpand a search path to an absolute path
exportExport OpenAPI objects
exportComponentExport a component to an XML file
exportPipelineExport a pipeline and its components to disk
extractModuleSourceExtract a module's source script
fetchVesselReturns the contents of a resource referenced by a 'vessel'...
findFileFind a file referenced by 'ref' and 'path'
getComponentsExtract components from object
getDescriptionExtract object description
getExecLanguageVersionRecovers module execution language information
getFormatRetrieve object format
getLanguageRetrieve object language
getLocationRetrieve object location
getNameExtract object name
getPipesExtract pipes from object
getRefRetrieve object ref
getTypeRetrieve object type
getValueRetrieve object value
getVesselRetrieve object vessel
getXMLAttrGets a named XML attribute if it exists
importModuleImport from a module archive
importPipelineImport from a pipeline archive
inputCreate an 'input' object for executing a 'component' in a...
internalExtensionReturns the correct file extension for a language's...
internalInputScriptPrepare script for internal inputs
internalOutputScriptprepare script to resolve internal output
ioFormatCreate an 'ioFormat' object.
ioFormatToXMLCreate XML corresponding to an 'ioFormat' object
is_absoluteTests if a file path is absolute
is_length1_charChecks whether 'x' is a length 1 character vector
isValidXMLCheck module and pipeline XML for validity
loadModuleLoad a module from an XML file
loadPipelineLoad a pipeline from an XML file
moduleCreate a 'module' object
moduleHost'moduleHost' object
moduleHostToXMLCreate XML corresponding to a 'moduleHost' object
moduleInputCreate a 'module' input
moduleInputHostCreate a 'moduleInputHost' object
moduleIOCreate a 'module' input or output object.
moduleIOToXMLCreate XML corresponding to 'moduleIO' object
moduleLanguageCreate a 'moduleLanguage' object
moduleLanguageToXMLCreate XML corresponding to 'moduleLanguage' object
moduleOutputCreate a 'module' output
moduleResultCreate 'moduleResult' object
moduleSourceCreate a 'module' source
moduleSourceToXMLCreate XML corresponding to 'moduleSource' object
moduleToXMLConvert a 'module' object to XML
outputreturn 'output' produced by a 'moduleOutput'
pipeCreates a 'pipe' object
pipelineCreate a pipeline
pipelineResultCreate 'pipelineResult' object
pipelineToXMLConvert a pipeline to XML
pipesAsEdgesGet pipes as list of edges
pipeToXMLConvert a pipe to XML
prepareFileInputPrepare file input object
prepareInputPrepare input object
prepareInternalInputPrepare internal input object.
prepareModuleHostPrepare a module host for execution.
prepareScriptPrepare a script for executing a module in its language.
prepareScriptInitCreate initScript for module source execution
prepareScriptInputPrepare script to create inputs
prepareScriptOutputPrepare script to create outputs
prepareURLInputPrepare URL input object
readComponentNodeParse a component 'xmlNode' and return a 'component'.
readDockerHostXMLCreate a 'dockerHost' object from <host><docker/></host> XML
readIOFormatXMLCreate a 'ioFormat' object from format XML
readModuleHostXMLCreate a 'moduleHost' object from host XML
readModuleInputHostXMLCreate a 'moduleInputHost' object from...
readModuleIOXMLCreate a 'moduleIO' object from input/output XML
readModuleLanguageXMLCreate a 'moduleLanguage' object from language XML
readModuleSourceXMLcreate a 'moduleSource' object from module source XML
readModuleXMLParse module XML and return a 'module' object
readPipelineXMLParse pipeline XML and return a pipeline object
readPipeXMLCreate 'pipe' object from pipe XML
readVagrantHostXMLCreate a 'vagrantHost' object from <host><vagrant/></host>...
readVesselXMLCreate a 'vessel' object from vessel XML
resolveOutputChecks a module output object has been created.
resultComponentReturn a 'component' object for use in a 'pipelineResult'...
resultInputReturn a 'moduleInput' object for use in a 'moduleResult'...
resultOutputReturn a 'moduleOutput' object for use in a 'moduleResult'...
resultSourceReturn a 'moduleSource' object for use in a 'moduleResult'...
retrieveModuleHostRetrieve results of running a module's source scripts on a...
runComponentRun a component
runModuleExecute a 'module"s source(s)
runPipelineRun a pipeline
saveModuleSave a module to disk
savePipelineSave a pipeline to disk
scriptExtensionReturns the correct file extension for a language's script...
searchingInformation about file searching in 'conduit'.
sourceOrderDetermines running order for 'moduleSource's.
splitPathsSplit a search paths string separated by 'pathSep'
startComponentReturn 'pipe' start component
startOutputReturn 'pipe' start output
start.pipeReturn 'pipe' start list
topologicalSortDo a topological sort on a graph
vagrantHostCreate a 'vagrantHost' object
validatePipeValidate a pipe
validatePipelineValidate all pipes in a pipeline
vesselFunctions to create 'vessel' objects.
vesselToXMLCreate XML corresponding to a 'vessel' object.
warnLanguageVersionGive warning if module execution violated moduleLanguage...
anhinton/conduit documentation built on May 10, 2019, 11:48 a.m.