Man pages for animalnexus/feedr
Transforming Raw RFID Data

check_idsCheck for and omit non-animal animal ids
check_problemsCheck for and correct odd animal ids
chickadeesRead data on Chickadees from gap-crossing study
convert_activityConvert data for use by the activity package
convert_anidomConvert displacements for use by functions from the aniDom...
convert_asnipeConvert data for use in two asnipe functions
convert_dominanceConvert displacements for use by functions from the Dominance...
convert_percConvert displacements for use by the Perc package
dailyDaily activity
feedr-packageTransforming Raw RFID Data
finchesFinch visits to RFID-enabled feeders
finches_lgLarge dataset of finch visits to RFID-enabled feeders
inoutSummarize trips when RFID loggers define in/out
load_formatFormat data
load_rawLoad raw read data
load_raw_allLoad and combine raw data files
map_ggmapMap data using ggmap
map_leafletMap data using leaflet
pipePipe operator
sunGet sunrise/sunset times
tz_offsetGet timezone offset from UTC
animalnexus/feedr documentation built on Feb. 2, 2023, 1:12 a.m.