Man pages for anjaweigel/mixComp_package
Estimation of the Order of Finite Mixture Distributions

datMixCreate Object for Which to Estimate the Mixture Complexity
dMixMixture density
hellinger.contEstimate a Continuous Mixture's Complexity Based on Hellinger...
hellinger.discEstimate a Discrete Mixture's Complexity Based on Hellinger...
L2.discEstimate a Discrete Mixture's Complexity Based on L2 Distance
MixMixtures of Univariate Distributions
mix.lrtEstimate a Mixture's Complexity Based on Likelihood Ratio...
nonparam.HankelEstimate Mixture Complexity Based on Hankel Matrix
paramHankelEstimate a Mixture's Complexity (and Component...
plot.Mix'plot' Method for 'Mix' Objects
plot.rMix'plot' Method for 'rMix' Objects
rMixGenerate a Random Sample from a Mixture Distribution
RtoDatConverting 'rMix' to 'datMix' Objects
anjaweigel/mixComp_package documentation built on Sept. 2, 2020, 3:55 p.m.