evsi.calc: Calculates the EVSI accross willingness-to-pay, sample size...

View source: R/evsi.calc.R

evsi.calcR Documentation

Calculates the EVSI accross willingness-to-pay, sample size and gives uncertainty for these measurements as required. This function can be fed into/used in the other plot functions This should allow people to upload their own EVSI matrices and still use the plotting capabilities.


Calculates the EVSI accross willingness-to-pay, sample size and gives uncertainty for these measurements as required. This function can be fed into/used in the other plot functions This should allow people to upload their own EVSI matrices and still use the plotting capabilities.


evsi.calc(mm.var, wtp = NULL, N = NULL, CI = NULL)



An mm.var object computed from the mm.post.var function in the EVSI package. The posterior variances can also be calculated external to the package and passed as a list to the evsi.calc function. If this is the case a bcea object, an evppi object, N.calc and a Bayesian updating program, if mm.var is estimated across different sample sizes must also be provided.


The willingness to pay value(s) for which the EVSI should be calculated. It will be chosen as all the wtp values in the bcea object, either passed as he or directly from the mm.var object.


The sample sizes for which the EVSI should be calculated. If NULL it will select a range of values for which the EVSI was calculated in the mm.var object. If the mm.var object is not given then this argument must be provided.


If EVSI is calculated across multiple sample sizes then this gives the confidence level for the credible intervals of the EVSI. If NULL chosen as 95


An evsi object. 1. evsi An array containing the EVSI by wtp, N and across different uncertaincies 2. attrib A list of wtp, N and prob describing the attributes of the evsi matrix. 3. evppi An evppi object containing all the information about the calculation of EVPPI. 4. he A bcea object containing all the information about the underlying health economic model

annaheath/EVSI documentation built on June 25, 2022, 6:26 a.m.