

This package contains the code to create encounter histories for and run Space-to-Event and Instantaneous Sampling analyses described in "Three novel methods to estimate abundance of unmarked animals using remote cameras" by Moeller et al. (2018).

This is my first package and is frequently changing. I would appreciate hearing from you if you encounter problems. Please check back frequently, because I will be actively adding new features.

Practical guide

See our publication spaceNtime: an R package for estimating abundance of unmarked animals using camera‑trap photographs to learn more about designing and running these analyses.

Getting started with the package

Please try installing the package and viewing the vignette.

  1. Update to the newest version of R

  2. run devtools::install_github("annam21/spaceNtime", force = T, build_vignettes = T)

  3. run browseVignettes("spaceNtime") Then click on HTML.

  4. Also see ??spaceNtime for additional resources.

annam21/TTE.STE.IS documentation built on Dec. 24, 2021, 8:42 a.m.