runWheresCroc: Run Where's Croc

Description Usage Arguments Value

View source: R/WheresCroc.R


Runs the Where's Croc game. In this game, you are a ranger in an Australian national park. This park consists of a number of waterholes, some of which are connected to each other. There is a crocodile in the park called 'Croc'. Croc has been fitted with sensors that record the salinity, phosphate and nitrogen levels in the water where he is swimming. He was also fitted with a sensor that records his position, but that has broken. Your task is to find Croc using the available information. To aid in this you have information about the probability distributions for different salinity, phosphate and nitrogen levels in different waterholes. There are also two tourists in the park. Both the tourists and Croc walk randomly, each turn moving to one of the neighboring waterholes from where they are or staying still. All moves are equally likely. If Croc and a tourist end up on the same waterhole, Croc will eat the tourist. If you search the waterhole you are on when Croc is there, you have found Croc and win the game. Your score is the number of turns it takes to find Croc. To play manually pass manualWC as the makeMoves function and enter the appropriate numbers to make moves.


runWheresCroc(makeMoves, showCroc = F, pause = 1)



Your function that takes five arguments: (1) A list of information for the move. This has two fiels. The first is a vector of numbers called 'moves', where you will enter the moves you want to make. You should enter two moves (so you can move to a neighboring waterhole and search). Valid moves are the numbers of a neighboring or current waterhole or '0' which means you will search your current waterhole for Croc. The second field is a list called 'mem' that you can use to store information you want to remember from turn to turn. (2) A vector giving the salinity, phosphate and nitrogen reading from Croc sensors at his current location. (3) A vector giving the positions of the two tourists and yourself. If a tourist has just been eaten by Croc that turn, the position will be multiplied by -1. If a tourist was eaten by Croc in a previous turn, then the position will be NA. (4) a matrix giving the edges paths between waterholes (edges) present. (5) a list of three matrices giving the mean and standard deviation of readings for salinity, phosphate and nitrogen respectively at each waterhole. Your function should return the first argument passed with an updated moves vector and any changes to the 'mem' field you wish to access later on.


A Boolean value specifying whether you want Croc to be shown on the gameboard. Note that you are not permitted to use this visual information when you are scored.


The pause period between moves. Ignore this.


A string describing the outcome of the game.

annanormark/wherescroc documentation built on May 27, 2019, 7:43 a.m.