exclude_irrelevant_findings: Sample inclusion, exclusion and blacklist sets for a MiADE...

exclude_irrelevant_findingsR Documentation

Sample inclusion, exclusion and blacklist sets for a MiADE CDB


Returns a set of SNOMED concepts (as a SNOMEDconcept vector) which can be used to exclude findings in the MedCAT named entity recognition step, or blacklist (filter out) findings from the final output.


exclude_irrelevant_findings(SNOMED = getSNOMED())

blacklist_vague_findings(SNOMED = getSNOMED())

blacklist_almost_all_except_diseases(SNOMED = getSNOMED())



environment containing a SNOMED dictionary


  • exclude_irrelevant_findingssocial history (except housing problems and care needs), administrative statuses (except registered disabled) and for concept detection

  • blacklist_vague_findingsvague findings and disorders, intended to be used in the blacklist

  • blacklist_almost_all_except_diseasesalmost all findings and vague disorders, intended to be used in the blacklist


SNOMEDconcept vector containing findings to exclude

anoopshah/Rdiagnosislist documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 9:48 a.m.