
#' Rename GESIS SPSS variables
#' The function reads in a GESIS \code{.sav} file and changes the variables
#' names  conforming \code{rOpenSci} recommendations. It removes characters
#' that cannot be easily handled programmatically, and it takes care
#' of minor variable labeling or naming inconsistencies in the last
#' 20 GESIS files. It will spot problems in most of the cases with
#' earlier files, but only the last 20 were manually controlled.
#' @param filename A  \code{.sav} downloaded from the GESIS library.
#' @examples
#'  ##This file is not shared on github.
#'  rename_gesis_vars <- function ( filename )
#' @export

rename_gesis_vars <- function ( filename ) {

  message ( "Currently this function is not shared.")
  message ( "The function corrects minor errors and changes the

antaldaniel/surveyreader documentation built on May 16, 2019, 2:29 a.m.