
{ "title":"Atlassian Deployment Triggers", "link":"", "image":"/img/deploysonly.gif", "description":"Uses Async call to lucene index for super fast autocompletion to address performance issue loading config.", "featured":true, "tags":["Java","jQuery","REST APIs","Bamboo","JSON"], "fact":"Reduce page load time from minutes to instantaneous.", "weight":"100", "sitemap": {"priority" : "0.8"} }

Addressed pretty significant page load performance issue founde in larger deployments. Eliminates uses of intensive backend query, replacing it with an asynchronous API call against a lucene index. This change reduces page load from from 2+ minutes to nearly instant, with an incredibly responsive UI.

anthonypileggi/me documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:09 p.m.