Man pages for anthonypileggi/typeformR
Data analysis for Typeform surveys

associationTestTest for an association between two survey questions
cleanDataClean & prepare data obtained from the Typeform API
compressDataCompress questions (to remove duplicate data)
convertValuesConvert response values to the appropriate type (based on...
getAssociationsTest associations between all survey questions
getDataGet survey data from Typeform (using the API and rtypeform R...
helloHello, World!
mergeQuestionsMerge user responses for three different questions
parseIDParse a Typeform Question ID into its individual components
plotTwoQuestionsCreate a bi-variate plot that describes the results of two...
reorderQuestionsPut a list of question-responses in the order they were...
runShinyAppRun a Shiny App included within this package
summarizeDataCompute descriptive statistics for a list of typeform...
summarizeQuestionCompute descriptive statistics for responses to a typeform...
anthonypileggi/typeformR documentation built on May 10, 2019, 12:17 p.m.