
Defines functions layout.isolates.in.box layout.elite layout.community add_isolates layout.cl

Documented in layout.cl layout.community

# Layouts -----

#' Layout with Louvain clusters
#' @param graph 
#' @param decompose 
#' @param n 
#' @param remove.isolates 
#' @param isolates.distance 
#' @param isolates.cloud.size 
#' @param ... 
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(den)
#' den.culture   <- has.tags(den, "Culture", result = "den")
#' graph         <- elite.network(den.culture, result = "affil")
#' plot(layout.cl(graph, decompose = TRUE, isolates.distance = 0.8, isolates.cloud.size = 1.5))

layout.cl                      <- function(graph, decompose = TRUE, n = 3, remove.isolates = FALSE, isolates.distance = 0.2, isolates.cloud.size = 1.2, ...){
    graph.out                     <- as.undirected(graph, mode = "collapse")
    graph.out                     <- largest.component(graph.out)
    g                             <- graph.out
    if (identical(decompose, TRUE)) {
    g                             <- betweenness.decomposition(graph, max.path = 2, estimate.min = 1)
    sp                            <- distances(g) <= n
    g.sp                          <- graph.adjacency(sp, mode = "undirected")
    cl.sp                         <- cluster_louvain(g.sp)
    cl.reduced                    <- as.factor(membership(cl.sp))
    cl.names.reduced              <- split(V(g.sp)$name, f = cl.reduced)
    cl.reduced.mem                 <- rep(NA, length = vcount(graph.out))
    for (i in 1:length(cl.names.reduced)) cl.reduced.mem[V(graph.out)$name %in% cl.names.reduced[[i]]] <- i
    o                              <- drl_defaults$default
    o$edge.cut                     <- 0.8
    o$init.iterations              <- 5
    o$init.attraction              <- 0.2
    o$expansion.temperature        <- 1000
    o$crunch.iterations            <- 100
    o$crunch.attraction            <- 0.5
    o$crunch.temperature           <- 500
    o$expansion.iterations         <- 300
    o$simmer.temperature           <- 50000
    o$simmer.attraction            <- 0.3
    o$cooldown.attraction          <- 0.5
    cl.fill                        <- cluster_louvain(graph.out, weights = 1/E(graph.out)$weight)
    clm                            <- as.factor(membership(cl.fill))
    split.names                    <- split(V(graph.out)$name, f = clm)
    sub.graphs                     <- lapply(split.names, induced_subgraph, graph = graph.out)
    edges                          <- lapply(sub.graphs, get.edgelist)
    edges                          <- do.call("rbind", edges)
    graph.plot                     <- graph.out
    E(graph.plot)$weight           <- 1/E(graph.plot)$weight
    for (i in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      E(graph.plot, edges[i, ])$weight <- E(graph.plot, edges[i, ])$weight * 2
    # Reduced graph edges
    clm                            <- cl.reduced.mem
    split.names                    <- split(V(graph.out)$name, f = clm)
    sub.graphs                     <- lapply(split.names, induced_subgraph, graph = graph.out)
    edges                          <- lapply(sub.graphs, get.edgelist)
    edges                          <- do.call("rbind", edges)
    for (i in 1:nrow(edges)) {
      E(graph.plot, edges[i, ])$weight <- E(graph.plot, edges[i, ])$weight * 2
    gs                             <- graph.strength(graph.out)
    lay                            <- cbind(gs, degree(graph.out))
    lay                            <- layout_with_drl(graph.plot, weights = E(graph.plot)$weight,  options = o, seed = lay)
    lay                            <- layout_with_fr(graph.plot, coords = lay, niter = 4, start.temp = 15)
    if (identical(remove.isolates, FALSE)) {
      lay.isolates                   <- add_isolates(graph, graph.out, lay = lay, distance = isolates.distance, cloud.size = isolates.cloud.size)
      lay.isolates[, 1]              <- lay.isolates[, 1] * -1
      lay                            <- lay.isolates

add_isolates                    <- function(graph, graph.out, lay, cloud.size = 1.1, distance = 0.2){
  lay.stjernen                   <- lay
  lay.stjernen                   <- norm_coords(lay.stjernen)
  lay.all.o                      <- layout_with_fr(graph, weights = 1/E(graph)$weight, grid = "nogrid", niter = 500)
  ind                            <- V(graph)$name %in% V(graph.out)$name
  lay.all                        <- norm_coords(lay.all.o)
  lay.all[ind,]                  <- lay.stjernen
  lay.all[ind == FALSE,]         <- (lay.all[ind == FALSE,] * cloud.size) + distance

#' Create a network layout with community clusters
#' @param graph an igraph object
#' @param community a vector with commmunity memberships
#' @param strength the strength of attraction between community members
#' @return a matrix with coordinates
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(den)
#' den.culture     <- has.tags(den, "Culture", result = "den")
#' graph.culture   <- elite.network(den.culture)
#' com             <- membership(walktrap.community(graph.culture))
#' lay             <- layout.community(graph.culture, com, 2, cloud.size = 1.5)
#' graph.plot(graph.culture, layout = lay, vertex.fill = as.factor(com)) + scale_fill_discrete(guide = "none")

layout.community             <- function(graph, community, strength = 2, ...){
  graph.com                     <- largest.component(graph, cut.off = 0)
  com.com                       <- community[V(graph)$name %in% V(graph.com)$name]
  o                              <- drl_defaults$default
  o$edge.cut                     <- 0.8
  o$init.iterations              <- 5
  o$init.attraction              <- 0.2
  o$expansion.temperature        <- 1000
  o$crunch.iterations            <- 100
  o$crunch.attraction            <- 0.5
  o$crunch.temperature           <- 500
  o$expansion.iterations         <- 300
  o$simmer.temperature           <- 50000
  o$simmer.attraction            <- 0.3
  o$cooldown.attraction          <- 0.5
  clm                            <- as.factor(com.com)
  split.names                    <- split(V(graph.com)$name, f = clm)
  sub.graphs                     <- lapply(split.names, induced_subgraph, graph = graph.com)
  edges                          <- lapply(sub.graphs, get.edgelist)
  edges                          <- do.call("rbind", edges)
  graph.plot                     <- graph.com
  E(graph.plot)$weight           <- 1/E(graph.plot)$weight
  for (i in 1:nrow(edges)) {
    E(graph.plot, edges[i, ])$weight <- E(graph.plot, edges[i, ])$weight * strength

  gs                             <- graph.strength(graph.plot)
  lay                            <- cbind(gs, degree(graph.plot))
  lay                            <- layout_with_drl(graph.plot, weights = E(graph.plot)$weight,  options = o, seed = lay)
  lay                            <- layout_with_fr(graph.plot, coords = lay, niter = 5, start.temp = 15)
  # Layout isolates
  lay.isolates                   <- add_isolates(graph, graph.com, lay = lay, ...)
  lay.isolates[, 1]              <- lay.isolates[, 1] * -1
  lay                            <- lay.isolates

layout.elite <- function(graph, ...){

layout.isolates.in.box <- function(graph, layout, ...){
antongrau/eliter documentation built on March 2, 2024, 8:05 p.m.