
What kinds of information are you asking for?

In order to understand how and where the residents of Pittsburgh use different modes of transit we'll be asking you for information about the following:

  1. Basic demographics like Age, Sex, and Race
  2. Car, Bike, and Bus pass ownership
  3. Bike and Bus facility/route familiarity

We'll also ask you about different kinds of trips that you take within Pittsburgh to (i) commute to work, (ii) drop kids off at school, (iii) pickup groceries and (iv) attend "social" activities.

Given concerns over data privacy, we allow for survey respondents to either tell us what neighborhoods they travel to/from, or, for more useful and exact inference, the streets they use to travel to/from their destinations. For the latter case we encourage respondents not to include the street they reside on, but the nearest cross street to their residence.

How will the data be used?

The data will be used to further the mission of BikePGH and the city of Pittsburgh in creating an urban environment in which city residents can thrive without the need of a car. If you'd like further details please see the About, Methods and Analysis Tabs.

Are you selling my data?

No. This is a completely non-profit venture. The only "green" we want to see more of is in bike lanes and city trees.

How are my data stored?

Discussions are ongoing.

apeterson91/PTPT documentation built on April 5, 2022, 5:37 a.m.