
A basic package for scRNAseq data analysis.

this package is no longer being supported

For ongoing support for automated qc, please see:

This pipeline was designed to automatically perform various QC steps such as mitochondrial content cutoffs and doublet detection.

A big motivation for this package was to develop a QC approach that both accurately removes low quality cells in the context of very high levels of heterogeneity and cell-type specific differences in mito-content and even library size. Thus, the main philosophy of the QC approach here is to first cluster, then perform analyze quality on each cluster, with the aim of more accurately applying QC thresholds than simple global cutoffs.

The following describes the default pipeline for individual sample QC and processing, as implemented in the seuratpipeline() function: The path to Cellranger output in the H5 or directory formats is specified. Kallisto output is also supported but has some extra requirements (see documentation).

Other functions included in this package include convenience functions for other common scRNAseq analysis methods including:

Installation instructions:

install.packages("devtools") #if devtools not already installed
devtools::install_github('apf2139/tamlabscpipeline', build_vignettes = T)

Use browseVignettes("tamlabscpipeline") and select the HTML option for a discussion of functions and analysis tips.


seurat_obj <- tamlabscpipeline::seuratpipeline(data = "path_to_cellranger_output.h5", 
                                               format = "h5")

Currently, single-sample pipeline is up and running. Functions are mostly set for integration (multi-sample comparison) pipeline, but documentation / vignettes are not ready yet. Upcoming updates in terms of code include HTO Demux; smarter doublet calling if Hashing was used; parallelization; better Windows compatibility (almost everything currently works); and better compatibility for human data (almost everything already currently works). (AF, 2020.01.08)

Dependencies are being tweaked / tested. but some required ones along with their versions include:

devtools::install_github(repo = 'ChristophH/sctransform')

if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

A big thank you to to the developers of these packages, especially the Satija lab (Seurat); Gottardo lab (MAST); Chris McGinnis and the Gartner lab (DoubletFinder); and Alexey Sergushichev (fgsea). Also, thanks to Peer lab at MSKCC; Zheng lab at Einstein (Dr.s Deyou Zheng and Yang Liu); and all the members of the Tammela lab.

Please enjoy this nice dolphin.

apf2139/tamlabscpipeline documentation built on July 23, 2021, 11 a.m.