
name: Report a bug about: Report a bug such as crashes or wrong/unexpected behaviour title: '' labels: bug assignees: aphalo

Please briefly describe your problem and what output you expect. If you have an ordinary question, please don't use this form, but instead ask on stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com using tag [ggpmisc} and optionally [ggoplot2].

Please include a minimal reprex. The goal of a reprex is to make it as easy as possible for me to recreate your problem so that I can fix it. If you've never heard of a reprex before, start by reading https://www.tidyverse.org/help/#reprex, and follow the advice further down the page. Do NOT include session info unless it's explicitly asked for, or you've used reprex::reprex(..., si = TRUE) to hide it away.

Delete these instructions once you have read them.

Brief description of the problem

# insert reprex here

aphalo/photobiology documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 7:28 a.m.