Man pages for aphalo/photobiologyFilters
Spectral Transmittance and Spectral Reflectance Data

all_selectorsNames of different indexing vectors
band_pass_filtersIndexing of filters of different curve types
bpi_visqueen_filtersIndexing of greenhouse films from BPI Visqueen
clear_filtersIndexing of filters of different colors
courtaulds_filtersIndexing of cellulose di-acetate films from Courtaulds
etola_filtersIndexing of PE films supplied by Etola Oy
evonik_filtersIndexing of PMMA sheets (Plexiglas) by Evonik
filter_materialsIndexing of filters made from different materials
filters.mspctSpectral transmittance of diverse optical filters
filters_UVIVIF.mspctSpectral fluorescence of diverse optical filters
foiltek_filtersIndexing of Plastic Sheets Supplied by Foiltek
glass_windowsSpectral transmittance for glass windows
materials.mspctSpectral reflectance of land surfaces
mcdermit_filtersIndexing of McDermit "polyester" films
metals.mspctSpectral reflectance of metals
midopt_filtersIndexing of MidOpt filters
petri_dishesIndexing of Petri dishes
photobiologyFilters-packagephotobiologyFilters: Spectral Transmittance and Spectral...
photography_filtersIndexing of photography filters
refractive_index.mspctRefractive-index spectra for materials
schott_filtersIndexing of Schott filters
screens_nets.mspctSpectral transmittance of plastic covers, climate screens and...
screens_nets_suppliersIndexing of Climate Screens and shade nets by Supplier
stacked_filtersSpectral transmittance for filter stacks
theatrical_gelsIndexing of theatrical "gels"
uqg_filtersIndexing of UQG filters
water_nRefractive index of water
xl_horticulture_filtersFilter spectra data for commercial grenhouse films from XL...
aphalo/photobiologyFilters documentation built on Jan. 13, 2025, 4:04 p.m.