screens_nets.mspct: Spectral transmittance of plastic covers, climate screens and...

screens_nets.mspctR Documentation

Spectral transmittance of plastic covers, climate screens and shade nets


A collection of transmittance spectra for plastic covers, climate screens and shade nets used in horticulture. We include under "plastic covers, climate screens and shade nets", nets, cloths and laminated and perforated films with spatially heterogeneous optical properties. We exclude "filters" including all semi-transparent and transparent sheets and films with spatially homogeneous optical properties. Spectra for nearly 200 types of covers, screens, and nets from eight suppliers were measured consistently as described by Kotilainen et al. (2018).




A filter_mspct object named screens_nets.mspct containing a collection of filter_spct objects each with a variable number of rows and 2 variables.


The variables for each spectrum are as follows:

  • w.length (nm)

  • Tfr (fraction)

Spectra were measured on new (never used) samples. Optical properties can be expected to change with ageing due to chemical changes induced by solar UV radiation and by soiling during the usual life expectancy of five or more years. Spectral data for twenty four climate-screen samples (ten Harmony-type, two Luxous-type, seven Solaro-type and six Tempa-type) and four insect-screen samples provided by Svensson (AB Ludvig Svensson, KINNA, Sweden, Twenty-six shade-net samples (16 Sombra-type and ten Sombra raschel-type (patterned)) and 12 thrip, aphid, and insect -net samples (two Anti-Trip-type, eight Anti-Afidos-type and two Anti-Insect types) were provided by Mallas Textiles (Mallas Textiles Fabricantes, Chimalhuacán, Mexico, were described by Kotilainen et al. (2018). Additional spectra obtained by the same authors are also included in this package. If you use these data in publications, please, cite both Kotilainen et al. (2018) and this package.

The variables in each member spectrum are as follows:

  • w.length (nm)

  • Tfr (transmittance expressed as a fraction of one)

These member objects contain metadata stored as R attributes. Accessors to the metadata are available: what_measured(), how_measured(), when_measured(), filter_properties() and comment().


These data were acquired as part of research funded by the Academy of Finland (Decision No. 304653 and 304519 to T. M. Robson) and USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Decision No. 107454 to R. Hernández).


Please see the help for the indexing vectors for specific details. The original data of Kotilainen et al. (2018) plus additional spectral data are available at Zenodo (Robson and Kotilainen, 2018). The data read from file ScreensNets_irrad_trans.xlsx, worksheet "database", have been reprocessed to remove noise. The wavelength values have been "thinned" in featureless regions using as criterion the lack of change in the local slope to significantly reduce the size of the data set. Lossless compression was applied to the R data file containing the data set.


Kotilainen, Titta; Robson, T. Matthew; Hernández, Ricardo (2018) Light quality characterization under climate screens and shade nets for controlled-environment agriculture. PLOS ONE, Vol. 13, No. 6, p. e0199628. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.1371/journal.pone.0199628")}.

Robson, T. Matthew; Kotilainen, Titta (2018) Spectral transmittance of solar radiation by screens and nets used in horticulture and agriculture. 1.1.1. Data set. Zenodo. \Sexpr[results=rd]{tools:::Rd_expr_doi("10.5281/zenodo.1561317")}

Catálogo de productos. Mallastextiles, Chimalhuacán, Edo. de México.

"Samples folder". Howitec Netting.Bolsward, The Netherlands.

"Samples". Arrigoni Spa. Uggiate Trevano, Italia.

"Samples". Criado & Lopez. El Ejido (Almería) España.

"Samples". oerlemans plastics BV. Genderen, The Netherlands.

"samples". Jiangsu Huachang Yarns & Fabrics Co. Ltd. Jurong, Jiangsu, China.

Samples folder. Kinna, Sweden.

See Also






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