ethnicolor: Impute Race and Ethnicity Based on Name

Install and Load the package

The latest development version of the package will always be on GitHub. To install the package from GitHub and to load the installed package:


To install the package from CRAN, type in:


Next, load the package:


Census Data

To get category of the content from the Census last name data:

##   name cs2000_rank cs2000_count cs2000_prop100k cs2000_cum_prop100k cs2000_pctwhite cs2000_pctblack cs2000_pctapi cs2000_pctaian cs2000_pct2prace
## 1 smith           1      2376206          880.85              880.85           73.35           22.22           0.4           0.85             1.6

appeler/ethnicolor documentation built on May 30, 2019, 4:20 p.m.