| Construct a unitted element of a data.frame | | Override the default S3 for |
as.list.unitted | Convert unitted object to list |
as_tibble | Convert a unitted_list to a unitted_tibble |
as.unitted_list | Convert to a unitted_list |
delimit_units | Wrap a unit in delimiters if required |
deunitted | Extract data from a unitted object |
dot.str | importFrom utils str |
get_unitbundles | The internal, reasonably efficient method for acquiring an... |
get_units | Gets the units as a string or strings. |
is.unitted | Determine whether an object is unitted |
join | Join two unitted data.frames |
merge_units | Turn a units data.frame into the character representation of... |
mutate | Implements dplyr::mutate and dplyr::mutate_ for... |
new_unitted_class | Define a custom subclass of 'unitted' |
package-unitted | Rigorous unit tracking during data manipulation |
parse_units | Turn a units string into an internal units representation |
prepare_delimiter | Wrap delimiter in regexp escape characters if appropriate |
print.unitted | Print a unitted object |
read_unitted | Read a unitted data.frame from a text file that was written... |
select | Select/rename variables by name for unitted data.frames &... |
separate_units | Separate a unitbundle into a data frame of units and powers |
show-unitted-method | Show a unitted object |
simplify_units | Combine redundant units and eliminate units raised to the 0th... |
sort_units | Sort the units data.frame by numerator/denominator and then... |
unitbundle_Arith | Operations on unitbundles |
unitbundle-class | Class unitbundle |
unitbundle_Compare | Comparisons of unitbundles |
unitbundle_Logic | Logical operations on unitbundles |
unitbundle_Ops | Operations combining unitbundles and non-unitbundles |
unitted | Attach units to data |
unitted_access | Extract parts of a unitted object |
unitted_assign | Replace parts of a unitted vector, array, or data.frame |
unitted_bind | Bind unitted objects by row or column |
unitted_c | Combine unitted elements into a unitted vector |
unitted-class | A fusion of data and units |
unitted_data.frame-class | A data.frame with units attached to each column |
unitted_half_join.unitted_data.frame | Internal function to join two unitted data.frames |
unitted_join.unitted_data.frame | Internal function to join two unitted data.frames |
unitted_math | Group "Math" functions |
unitted_merge | Merge unitted data.frames by one or more common columns |
unitted_Ops | Operations on unitbundles |
unitted_rep | Replicate elements, maintaining the original units |
unitted_str | Return the structure of a unitted object. |
verify_units | Assert that a unitted object has the expected units |
write_unitted | Write a unitted object to file. |
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