Man pages for aranryan/arlodr

ar_add_predictionsMake predictions based on growing out dlogs, after filtering...
a_to_qConversion from annual to quarterly
a_to_q_xtsConvert an annual xts object with multiple columns and to...
calc_annualizedCompounded Annual Rate of Change (not sure the difference)...
calc_cagrCompounded Annual Rate of Change (Ending Value / Initial...
center_regAdds a centered regressor as a new column
check_vargeocheck whether all intended geographies are included in a...
clean_up_trendCleans up a dataframe of data that has been read in from the...
convert_str_xlmergedConvert str data from Excel with merged column headers to...
create_named_listCreate a named list
create_sa_strUse seasonal factors to create monthly or quarterl seasonally...
create_sa_str_muse seasonal factors to create monthly seasonally adjusted...
create_sa_str_quse seasonal factors to create monthly seasonally adjusted...
create_sa_str_v2Use seasonal factors to create monthly or quarterl seasonally...
create_state_name_dfCreate state name dataframe
create_test_traincreate the test and train data
create_to_do_vecCreate a vector of geographies to be run for various...
create_trend_tidyAppend a trend variable
create_ts_reg_mCreates a ts object out of a selected column in a data frame...
days_in_monthreturn days in month
esttrendEstimate a trend
eval_test_actualevaluates the test versus actual
extend_strdaysExtend the number of strdays by recalculating
extract_pred_levPull out the predictation data column.
factor_extendFunction to extract seasonal factors and extend them using a...
fbindBind two factors as an example
filter_datewFilter a data frame based on a date column and specific start...
fit_dynFits a model
fit_model_dynFit a model after filtering data frame to particular...
ggplot_set_scale_y_conset format of scale_y_continuous
grow_dlogtake a test dataframe with predicted series of dlogs and use...
grow_dlog2Take a test data frame with predicted series of dlogs and use...
holiday_regHoliday regressors
index_mcreate an index of a _monthly_ xts or maybe zoo series
index_m_meltedcreate an index of a single monthly series that is in a...
index_qcreate an index of a quarterly xts or maybe zoo series
index_q_meltedcreate an index of a single quarterly series that is in a...
index_q_xtsruns across a quarterly xts object to create an index of each...
load_strprocess monthly STR data
load_str_mProcess monthly STR data
load_str_qProcess monthly STR data to create quarterly data
log_growth_1Estimate annualized growth
log_growth_2Estimate annualize growth modified
log_growth_qEstimates trend growth on quarterly data
m_to_qaggregates, or converts, from monthly to quarterly
plot_title_1adds the title
plot_title_2another approach to add title
plot_title_3another approach to add a title
plot_title_5Plotting function
plot_title_two1combines two plots together (e.g. employment and GDP)
predict_dyncreate predictions using dyn$predict created based on...
predict_dyn2Create predictions using dyn$predict, setup to start with and...
q_to_aconversion to annual
q_to_a_xtstakes a quarterly xts object with multiple columns and...
q_to_mConversion from quarterly to monthly
q_to_m_xtsConvert a quarterly xts object with multiple columns to...
rbind.all.columnsrbind dataframes when you want to keep all columns
roll_beta_logCalculates rolling regression estimates
run_indiv_rrun individual regressions for each metro
run_pooled_rrun pooled and fixed effect regressions
scale_percent_0Set scale to percent with no decimal places
scale_percent_1Set scale to percent with one decimal place
scale_percent_2Set scale to percent with two decimal places
seas_factors_mcreate monthly seasonal factors
seas_factors_m_2modifed version of seas_factors_m
seas_factors_qcreate quarterly seasonal factors
seasonal_ad_2modified version of seasonal_ad Uses a holiday regressor...
seasonal_applyApply the seasonal factors
seasonal_estEstimate seasonal factors
seasonal_overallCombined steps of seasonal adjustment
simp_xtsput a tidy data frame with identfying columns such as a...
skip_seasonal_adskip seasonal adjustment
slope_log_qestimate slope coefficient on quarterly data, using log...
theme_jackSet theme example
theme_ts1defined theme for use in creating plots
xts_dropallnaDrop columns that are all na
aranryan/arlodr documentation built on Oct. 8, 2020, 12:46 p.m.