Internal font database

Will want an internal database that maps font names to file paths.

if (suppressWarnings(!require("pacman", quietly = TRUE))){

p_load(tidyverse, stringr, stringi, data.tree)

allfonts <- dir("./inst/fonts/", pattern = "*.otf", recursive = TRUE)

fontregex <- "^([^/]+)/((\\w+)-(\\w*?)?(Italic)?)\\.otf"

.fontdb <- allfonts %>% str_match(fontregex) %>% 
  tbl_df %>% 
  set_names(c("fullpath", "fontdir", "fontfile", "fontname", "weight", "shape")) %>%
  mutate(weight = if_else(weight == "", "Regular", weight),
         shape = if_else(, "Upright", shape))

fontTreeDf <- .fontdb %>% 
  mutate(pathString = str_c("fonts", fontname, weight, shape, sep = "/"))

fontTree <- as.Node(fontTreeDf)

.fontList <- as.list(fontTree)
devtools::use_data(.fontdb, .fontList, internal = TRUE)
.fontdb$weight %>% unique %>% sort %>% dput

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arbelt/azwmisc.fonts documentation built on May 10, 2019, 12:48 p.m.