Man pages for arcaldwell49/SimplyAgree
Flexible and Robust Agreement and Reliability Analyses

agree_coefAgreement Coefficents
agreement_limitLimits of Agreement
agree_nestTests for Absolute Agreement with Nested Data
agree_npNonparametric Test for Limits of Agreement
agree_repsTests for Absolute Agreement with Replicates
agree_testTests for Absolute Agreement
blandPowerCurvePower Curve for Bland-Altman Limits of Agreement
dem_regDeming Regression
jmvagreeSimple Agreement Analysis
jmvagreemultiNested/Replicate Data Agreement Analysis
jmvdemingDeming Regression
jmvreliReliability Analysis
loa_lmeLimits of Agreement with Linear Mixed Effects
loa_mermod-methodsMethods for loa_mermod objects
loa-methodsMethods for loa objects
loa_mixedMixed Effects Limits of Agreement
loa_mixed_bs-methodsMethods for loa_mixed_bs objects
powerCurve-methodsMethods for powerCurve objects
reli_statsReliability Statistics
simple_agree-methodsMethods for simple_agree objects
simple_eiv-methodsMethods for simple_eiv objects
simple_reli-methodsMethods for simple_reli objects
SimplyAgree-packageSimplyAgree: Flexible and Robust Agreement and Reliability...
tolerance_delta-methodsMethods for tolerance_delta objects
tolerance_limitTolerance Limits from an Agreement Study
arcaldwell49/SimplyAgree documentation built on Oct. 26, 2024, 4:15 p.m.