
#' CBT data
#' @name CBT
#' @docType data
#' @author Mia S. O'Toole, Robert Zachariae, Megan E. Renna,
#' Douglas S. Mennin, & Allison Applebaum, 2016
#' @keywords meta-analysis, cognitive behavoral therapy.
#' @description
#' Data recieved with permission the authors.
#' Article:
#' Cognitive behavioral therapies for informal caregivers of
#' patients with cancer and cancer survivors: a systematic
#' review and meta-analysis.

#' EWI data
#' @name EWI
#' @docType data
#' @author Robert Zachariae & Mia S. O'Toole, 2015
#' @keywords meta-analysis, expressive writing
#' @description
#' Data recieved with permission the authors.
#' Article:
#' The effect of expressive writing intervention on psychological
#' and physical health outcomes in cancer patients—a
#' systematic review and meta-analysis.

#' bhlm model specification jpeg
#' @name bhlm_model_spec
#' @docType nativeRaster
#' @author Benjamin Zachariae, 2018.
#' @keywords jpeg, Bayesian, Hierarchical model, Latent mixture model.
#' @description Image displaying the graphical notation for the model specification.
#' Run following to show:
#'  \code{plot(0:1,0:1,type="n",ann=FALSE,axes=FALSE)}
#'  \code{rasterImage(bhlm_model_spec,0,0,1,1)}
arcuo/bachelors_meta documentation built on May 5, 2019, 2:41 a.m.