Man pages for arendsee/pied
functions for compositional, bifurcating pipelines

add_classPrepend a class to the class vector
are_composableCheck if two functions are composable
basic_functionsBasic functions
cache_functionsCache functions
classcheckCheck the htype
composeMake composition of functions
connectConnect nodes into a pipeline
default_funCreate a default (NULL returning) function for a given type
default_inodeCreate a default inode object for a given type
hnode_settersGet and set elements of an hnode
is_functionis.* functions for checking classes
make_cacherCreate a caching function
make_effectorCreate a new effector function
make_validatorCreate a new validator
nformalsGet number of formal arguments
nodeBuild function
npositionalGet number of formal positional arguments
piedpied: A typed monadic pipeline
runallRun functions for their side effects
typeAccess, set, and print function types
unifyCollapse all arguments into unary closure
arendsee/pied documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:20 p.m.