
The rmonad package provides a set of tools to chain monadic sequences into stateful, branching pipelines. As nodes in the pipeline are run, they are merged into a graph of all past operations. The resulting structure can be computed on to access not only the final results, but also node documentation, intermediate data, performance stats, and any raised messages, warnings or errors. rmonad intercepts all exceptions, which allows for pure error handling.

Pipeline programming in R

Pipeline programming is common practice in the R community. The magrittr and pipeR packages offer infix operators for chained function application with very little overhead [@magrittr2014, @pipeR2016]. The output of the left-hand side value (or function output) is passed as the first argument to the right-hand function. Since the first argument of most R functions is the main data input, the functions can be chained as neatly as in familiar Bash pipelines.

The fundamental difference between rmonad and magrittr (or pipeR) is that rmonad passes state between nodes of the pipeline. The output of an rmonad pipeline is an igraph object [@igraph] that stores the relationships between all nodes in the pipeline. In the case of an error, rmonad provides access to both the traceback and the inputs to each failing function. This allows the pipeline to be debugged without rerunning it.

A goal is to wrap within one object everything that is need to produce a report on the pipeline. rmonad does not generate reports, but it can work very nicely as an input to tools that do, such the literate programming package knitr [@knitr] or the HTML report generator Nozzle.R1 [@gehlenborg2013nozzle].

Related work

rmonad is similar to the Make family of programs (e.g., GNU Make [@stallman2002gnu] or the R package drake [@drake]) in that it specifies a graph of dependent operations. Syntactically, it is more similar to magrittr. rmonad draws inspiration from the monad patterns of Haskell [@wadler1995monads]; early versions of rmonad were based on Either monad, but as rmonad has developed, the monadic connection has blurred.

Why we need a monadic pipeline program in R

When building pipelines, especially flexible and scalable pipelines, the main challenge is to maintain clarity in design and maintenance. A pipeline tool that keeps track of branching provides standard ways to think of pipelines and more efficient pipeline design.



rmonad is inspired from-Haskell style monads (see fig), but formal rigor has been sacrificed for convenience. It should be considered more, monadish, than monadic.


| feature | description | | --------------- | ----------- | | branching | ... | | conditionals | ... | | error recovery | ... | | documentation | ... | | print capture | ... | | code capture | ... | | benchmarking | ... | | caching | ... | | post-processing | ... | | summarization | ... | | metadata | ... |

This provides the main challenge for documenting pipelines. Many existing simple pipeline programs are linear. By providing a tool that enables debugging branched pipelines, we can encourage more complex and efficient pipeline development.

Both in documentation of the intermediate and final results as well as intermediate log/warning/error messages

Functions may print messages -- log messages, warning messages, or error messages -- which should be stored in the same node that stores the code and value. Usually in R, when running a big pipeline, it is difficult to tell what code produced what message since messages are sent to STDOUT.

In addition, since STDOUT history is finite, developers can very easily lose the messages. For example, one function may be processing several sequences and dump thousands of lines of warnings: one warning for each bad gene. This may easily be lost in the STDOUT but will be captured as strings in rmonad.

Capturing the messages as strings has the added benefit that the developer can add a warning formatters to the rmonad node, reducing this to one warning listing the number of bad genes. Then the developer can create a succinct issue report. Each issue is associated with a node in the Rmonad output object. So the developer can find the code and, if stored, the input values, to that function.

Each code block is associated with a node, (couldn't we do a string match of the code block to the whole code base to get line number for missues? -- Except we often don't have the whole code base. The R code my be copied in line by line, with interspersed irrelevant lines. Now, this could be possible if the user explicitly provided a source.)

rmonad automatically captures runtime and memory usage of each node.

(walk through a traceback. Long pipeline, an error at step X, go back and fix X)

(issue report as well as final presentation report. Report generation important, it provides wow factor and many companies sell reports.)

(How is this different from code capture, log/warning/error message capture? Maybe this is the input dependency information? Generally the term "metadata" is very vague...)

The metadata in a node is literally an arbitrary list associated with a node. This allows anything you want (such as version info) to be stuck in a node. It can be used in report generation, like the parameters in knitr chunks. It can also be used to store extra annotations or notes after a pipeline has been run.


| operator | description | | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | %>>% | pass left hand side (lhs) as initial argument of right hand side (rhs) function | | %v>% | like %>>% but stores lhs value | | %>_% | like %>>% but passes lhs instead of rhs -- propagates rhs failure | | %>^% | like %>_% but does not propagate rhs failure, branch operator | | %||% | use rhs value if lhs is failing | | %|>% | call rhs on lhs if lhs failed | | %*>% | treat lhs as list of arguments passed to the rhs function | | %__% | ignore lhs, rhs starts a new chain (but preserves lhs history) |

plot of a big pipeline

Include graph of pipelines here. (green = good; orange = warnings; red = errors)
Point out some errors that are caught by this graph. Point out some design 
decisions to make the pipeline more efficient inspired by looking at the graph. 
Spell out why this graph is important.


We have presented a method to incorporate monadic pipelines into R using the rmonad tool. This paper was motivated by the desire to publish best practices in pipelines in R and to encourage better pipeline design and maintenance.

A conspicuously absent feature is automatic parallelism and cluster submission handling. These may be added in the future, but currently the goal of rmonad is to handle complexity, not volume.

leave it open in the discussion as future directions, or point out how rmonad 
would be ideal for parallelism, unlike other pipeline documentation tools which 
are linear


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. IOS 1546858.

This research was supported in part by an appointment to the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Research Participation Program administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) through an interagency agreement between the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). ORISE is managed by ORAU under DOE contract number DE-SC0014664. All opinions expressed in this paper are the author's and do not necessarily reflect the policies and views of USDA, ARS, DOE, or ORAU/ORISE.


arendsee/rmonad documentation built on Dec. 19, 2020, 9:06 p.m.