knitr::opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE,
                      cache = FALSE,
                      dev = "png",
                      message = FALSE,
                      error = FALSE,
                      warning = FALSE)

Exon statistics

We attach the libraries needed for this vignette. We also load the data object containing gene and transcript annotations.


data("dxdObjects", "geneInfo", "transcriptInfo")

The code below displays the number of exonic regions from multi-exonic genes, including those from protein-coding genes.

numberOfSamples <- length( unique( c( unique( as.character( colData(dxd1)$sample ) ),
                  unique( as.character( colData(dxd2)$sample ) ),
                  unique( as.character( colData(dxd3)$sample ) ) ) ) )

multiExonicGenes <- ( mcols(dxd1) ) %>%
                         dplyr:::count(groupID) %>%
                         filter( n > 1 ) )$groupID

numberExons <- nrow( filter(,
                            groupID %in% multiExonicGenes ) )

proteinCodingGenes <- filter( geneInfo,
                             gene_biotype == "protein_coding" )$ensembl_gene_id

length( intersect( multiExonicGenes, proteinCodingGenes ) )

nrow( filter( mcols(dxd1 ) ),
             groupID %in% multiExonicGenes,
             groupID %in% proteinCodingGenes ) )

Next, we load the of the precomputed objects and format them in a 'tidy' data frame that summarized the statistics for each exonic region in each subset of the GTEx data.

data( "crossCoefs1", "crossCoefs2", "crossCoefs3",
      "pvals1", "pvals2", "pvals3",
      "dxdJRObjects", "dsdObjects" )

getResultsDF <- function( crossCoefs, dxd, dxdJR, pvals, label="" ){
    tdu <- unlist( lapply(seq_len(dim(crossCoefs)[1]), function(i){
               max(abs( colMedians( (crossCoefs[i,,] - mean(crossCoefs[i,,]) ) / sd(crossCoefs[i,,]) ) ) )
           }) )
    #tdu2 <- unlist( lapply(seq_len(dim(crossCoefs)[1]), function(i){
    #max(abs( colMedians( crossCoefs[i,,] ) ) )
    #}) )
    sds <- unlist( lapply(seq_len(dim(crossCoefs)[1]), function(i){
               sd( crossCoefs[i,,] )
           }) )
    names(tdu) <- dimnames(crossCoefs)[["exon"]]
#    names(tdu2) <- dimnames(crossCoefs)[["exon"]]
    names(sds) <- dimnames(crossCoefs)[["exon"]]
    rMeans <- rowMeans( counts( dxd, normalized=TRUE )[,colData(dxd)$exon=="this"] )
    oMeans <- rowMeans( counts( dxdJR, normalized=TRUE )[,colData(dxdJR)$exon=="others"] )
    nameList <- strsplit(rownames(dxd), ":")
    df <- data.frame(
        gene=sapply( nameList, "[[", 1),
        exon=sapply( nameList, "[[", 2),
        pvals=pvals, label=label)
      #   df$pvals[rMeans < 10] <- NA
    df$padj <- p.adjust( df$pvals, method="BH" )

path <- system.file("data", package="HumanDEU")

fl <- file.path( path, "resultsDF.RData" )

if( !file.exists( fl ) ){
    resultsDF <- rbind(
        getResultsDF( crossCoefs1, dxd1, dxd1JR, pvalsTissues1, label="subsetA" ),
        getResultsDF( crossCoefs2, dxd2, dxd2JR, pvalsTissues2, label="subsetB" ),
        getResultsDF( crossCoefs3, dxd3, dxd3JR, pvalsTissues3, label="subsetC" ) )
    save( resultsDF, file="../data/resultsDF.RData")

getDEUNumbers <- function( lab, dfFun, returnEx=FALSE ){
    df <- filter( dfFun,
                 label %in% lab,
                 padj < 0.1,
                 tdu > 1 )
    numbOfExons <- nrow(df)
    numbOfGenes <- length(unique(df$gene))
    cat( sprintf("%s has %s DEU exons that correspond to %s genes\n",
                 lab, numbOfExons, numbOfGenes) )
    if( returnEx ){
        return( paste(df$gene, df$exon, sep=":") )

allExons <- list(
    getDEUNumbers( "subsetA", resultsDF, returnEx=TRUE ),
    getDEUNumbers( "subsetB", resultsDF, returnEx=TRUE ),
    getDEUNumbers( "subsetC", resultsDF, returnEx=TRUE ) )
names(allExons) <- c("A", "B", "C")

Below we plot a venn diagram of the exons that are TDU in each subset of the GTEx data. We also draw a venn diagram of the genes with at least one exon with TDU in each subset of the GTEx data.

formatNumbersInVenn <- function(p){
    idx <- sapply(p, function(i) grepl("text", i$name))
    for(i in 1:7){
        p[idx][[i]]$label <-
            format(as.numeric(p[idx][[i]]$label), big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE)

venn.plot <- venn.diagram(
    allExons, NULL,
    fill=c("#66c2a5", "#fc8d62", "#8da0cb"),
    main=sprintf("Exons (%s)",
        format(numberExons, big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE) ) )

venn.plot <- formatNumbersInVenn(venn.plot)
allGenes <- lapply( allExons, function(x){
                       unique( sapply(strsplit(x, ":"), "[[", 1 ) ) } )

numG <- length(unique(unlist(allGenes)))
numG/length(unique( multiExonicGenes ))
length( unique( multiExonicGenes ) )


venn.plot.genes <- venn.diagram(
    allGenes, NULL,
    fill=c("#66c2a5", "#fc8d62", "#8da0cb"),
    main=sprintf("Genes (%s)", format(length(unique( multiExonicGenes)),
        big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE) ) )
venn.plot.genes <- formatNumbersInVenn(venn.plot.genes)

gl <- grid.layout(nrow=1, ncol=2)
vp.1 <- viewport(layout.pos.col=1, layout.pos.row=1)
vp.2 <- viewport(layout.pos.col=2, layout.pos.row=1)

Then, we get the number of exons with TDU in at least one of the subsets of the GTEx data.

#sapply( allExons, function(x){ length(x) / numberExons } )

allExons <- unique( unlist(allExons) )

cat( sprintf( "Total number of DEU exons %s\n", length( allExons ) ) )
cat( sprintf( "Total number of exons %s\n", numberExons ) )
cat( sprintf( "Percentage of DEU exons: %s\n",
                       round( 100 * length(allExons) / numberExons ) ) )

We then plot the relation between the tissue score and the p-value. Subset B and C are plotted together and are included in the supplementary material.

effectSizeVsPval <- function( lab, xmax=1.5 ){
    resultsDF$pvalsTrans <- -log10( resultsDF$pvals )
    res <- filter(resultsDF, label==lab, mean > 10)
    res$col <- ifelse( res$padj < 0.1 & res$tdu > 1, "darkred", "#000010" )
    panel1 <- ggplot( res, aes(tdu, pvalsTrans, fill=col, col=col) ) +
        geom_hex( aes(alpha=log(..count..)),fill=c("#000000"), bins=75) +
        xlim(0, xmax) +
        scale_colour_manual(values=c("#00000030", "#8b000060")) +
        theme(legend.position="none") +
        geom_vline(xintercept = 1, lwd=1, col="darkred") +
        geom_hline(yintercept = min(res$pvalsTrans[which(res$padj < 0.1)], na.rm=TRUE),
                   lwd=1, col="darkred" ) +
        xlab("Tissue score") +
        ylab( expression(paste(-log[10], "(p-value)") ) )

fig2PanelA <- effectSizeVsPval( "subsetA" )
effectSiS1 <- effectSizeVsPval( "subsetB", xmax=2.5)
effectSiS2 <- effectSizeVsPval( "subsetC", xmax=2)

sup2 <- plot_grid( effectSiS1, effectSiS2,
                  ncol=2, label_size = 16,
                  labels="AUTO" )


For each gene, we estimate the number of exonic regions and the number of base pairs of the union of its exonic regions.

exonsPerGene <- %>% dplyr:::count(groupID)
colnames(exonsPerGene)[2] <- "exons"
geneWidth <- tapply(
    groupIDs(dxd1), sum )
stopifnot( names( geneWidth ) == exonsPerGene$groupID )
exonsPerGene$geneWidth <- as.numeric( geneWidth )

Then, we estimate the fraction of exonic regions that are used in a tissue-dependent manner and the fraction of base pairs that are affected by TDU.

addNumDeu <- function( exonsPerGene, num ){
    subset <- paste0( "subset", LETTERS[num] )
    colName <- paste0( "deuExons", LETTERS[num] )
    colName2 <- paste0("affectedBp", LETTERS[num])
    deuEx <- getDEUNumbers( subset, resultsDF, returnEx=TRUE )
    deuExGn <- sapply( strsplit( deuEx, ":" ), "[[", 1 )
    affectedWidth <- width( SummarizedExperiment::rowRanges( dxd1 )[deuEx] )
    affectedWidth <- tapply( affectedWidth, deuExGn, sum )
    deuPerGene <- table( deuExGn )
    exonsPerGene[[colName]] <- 0
    exonsPerGene[[colName]][match( names(deuPerGene), exonsPerGene$groupID )] <- deuPerGene
    exonsPerGene[[paste0("fracAffectedExons", LETTERS[num])]] <-
        exonsPerGene[[colName]] / exonsPerGene$exons
    exonsPerGene[[colName2]] <- 0
    exonsPerGene[[colName2]][match( names(affectedWidth), exonsPerGene$groupID )] <- affectedWidth
    exonsPerGene[[paste0("fracAffectedBp", LETTERS[num])]] <-
        exonsPerGene[[colName2]] / exonsPerGene$geneWidth

addGeneExpr <- function( exonsPerGene, num ){
    dsd <- get( paste0( "dsd", num ) )
    dsd <- estimateSizeFactors( dsd )
    geneMeans <- rowMeans( counts( dsd, normalized=TRUE) )
    colName <- paste0( "mean", LETTERS[num] )
    exonsPerGene[[colName]] <-
        geneMeans[match( exonsPerGene$groupID, names(geneMeans) )]

for( i in 1:3 ){
    exonsPerGene <- addGeneExpr( exonsPerGene, i )
    exonsPerGene <- addNumDeu( exonsPerGene, i )

exonsPerGene <-
rownames(exonsPerGene) <- exonsPerGene$groupID

backFile <- file.path( path, "geneBackgrounds.RData" )

if( file.exists( backFile ) ){
    load( backFile )
    backgroundList <- lapply( c("A", "B", "C"),
            frm <- as.formula( paste( "sign ~ exons +", paste0( "mean", x ) ) )
            df <- exonsPerGene
            df$sign <- as.numeric( df$deuExonsA > 0 )
            mm <- matchit( frm, df, meathod="nearest", distance="mahalanobis" )$match.matrix[,1]
        } )
    names(backgroundList) <- c("subsetA", "subsetB", "subsetC")

Then, we print a table containing all the information (corresponding to supplementary figure 1).

table1 <- sapply( c("A", "B", "C"),
                     mean <- paste0( "mean", x )
                     deuExons <- paste0( "deuExons", x )
                     expressed <- table( exonsPerGene$exons > 1 & exonsPerGene[,mean] > 100 )["TRUE"]
                     deuExpressed <- table(
                         exonsPerGene$exons > 1 &
                         exonsPerGene[,deuExons] > 0 &
                         exonsPerGene[,mean] > 100 )["TRUE"]
                     c( `Expressed (> 100 counts)`=expressed,
                        `Expressed and TDU`=deuExpressed,
                        `Percentage`=round(deuExpressed/expressed*100) )
rownames(table1) <- gsub(".TRUE", "", rownames(table1))
colnames(table1) <- paste("Subset", colnames( table1 ))

print( xtable( formatC(table1, format="d", big.mark=','), digits=0,
  caption="Many highly expressed genes are subject to transcript
  isoform regulation across tissues. Each column shows numbers
  for one subset of the GTEx data. Row 1: Number of multi-exonic
  genes with means of normalized sequenced fragments larger than
  10. Row 2: Subset of genes
  from the first row that have evidence of tissue-dependent
  usage in at least one exonic region. Row 3: Percentage of
  genes from the first row that have evidence of tissue-dependent
  usage in at least one exonic region.",
  file="table1.tex" )

The code below generates and prints supplementary table 2.

table2 <- sapply( c("A", "B", "C"),
                  nameB <- paste0("subset", x)
                  deuExons <- paste0("deuExons", x)
                  back <-[ backgroundList[[nameB]],] %>% dplyr:::count(gene_biotype) )
                  back <- back[back$gene_biotype %in% "protein_coding","n"]
                  fore <-
                      geneInfo[rownames(exonsPerGene)[which( exonsPerGene[,deuExons] > 0 )],] %>%
                          dplyr:::count(gene_biotype ) )
                  fore <- fore[fore$gene_biotype %in% "protein_coding","n"]
                  mt <- rbind(
                      c( fore, sum( exonsPerGene[,deuExons] >  0 ) - fore ),
                      c( back, length( backgroundList[[nameB]] ) - back ) )
                  c(`(Foreground) PC`= mt[1,1],
                    `(Foreground) Not PC`=mt[1,2],
                    `(Background) PC`=mt[2,1],
                    `(Background) Not PC`=mt[2,2],
                    `Odds ratio`=fisher.test(mt)$estimate,
              } )

rownames( table2 )[5] <- "Odds ratio"
colnames( table2 ) <- c("A", "B", "C")

print(xtable( t(table2), display=c("s","d", "d", "d", "d", "f", "g"),
                            caption="Enrichment of protein coding genes. Each row
  shows data for one subset of the GTEx data. The first four columns
  show the number of genes stratified by the categories depicted in
  the column names (PC - protein coding; foreground - genes with
  tissue-dependent usage in at least one exonic region; background -
  genes matched for expression strength and number of exonic regions).
  The fifth column shows odds ratios and the sixth column
  shows p-values from the Fisher's exact tests",
             align=c("p{0.03\\textwidth}", "p{0.15\\textwidth}",
                     "p{0.15\\textwidth}", "p{0.15\\textwidth}", "p{0.15\\textwidth}",
                     "p{0.08\\textwidth}", "p{0.15\\textwidth}") ),
      format.args = list(big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."), = TRUE, digits=2,
      file="table2.tex" )

We plot histograms of the fraction of exonic regions of each gene that are used in a tissue-dependent manner. We also plot the histogram of the fraction of exonic regions of each gene that are affected by TDU.

plotFracEx <- function(subset){
    dfPlot <- exonsPerGene %>%
        filter_(paste(sprintf("deuExons%s", subset), ">", 0 ) )
    pl <- ggplot(dfPlot, aes_string(x=paste0("fracAffectedExons", subset)) ) +
        geom_histogram(color="black", fill="white", binwidth=.05, boundary=0, closed="left") +
        xlab("Fraction of exonic\nregions with TDU") +
        ylab("Number of genes") +
        scale_y_continuous(labels = comma)

fig2PanelB <- plotFracEx("A")

plotFracBp <- function(subset){
    dfPlot <- exonsPerGene %>%
        filter_(paste(sprintf("deuExons%s", subset), ">", 0 ) )
    pl <- ggplot(dfPlot, aes_string(x=paste0("fracAffectedBp", subset)) ) +
        geom_histogram(color="black", fill="white", binwidth=.05, boundary=0, closed="left") +
        xlab("Fraction of TDU\nbase-pairs") +
        ylab("Number of genes") +
        scale_y_continuous(labels = comma)

fig2PanelC <- plotFracBp("A")

plotFracBp <- function(subset){
    dfPlot <- exonsPerGene %>%
        filter_(paste(sprintf("deuExons%s", subset), ">", 0 ) )
    pl <- ggplot(dfPlot, aes_string(x=paste0("fracAffectedBp", subset)) ) +
        geom_histogram(color="black", fill="white", binwidth=.05, boundary=0, closed="left") +
        xlab("Fraction of TDU\nbase-pairs") +
        ylab("Number of genes") +
        scale_y_continuous(labels = comma)

fig2PanelC <- plotFracBp("A")

The code above generates plots for subset A of the GTEx data. The code below generates plots for subset B and C of the data.

sup4 <- plot_grid(
    plotFracEx("B"), plotFracEx("C"),
    plotFracBp("B"), plotFracBp("C"),
    ncol=2, label_size=16, labels="AUTO" )

Table 3 is generated by the code below.

table3 <- sapply( c("A", "B", "C"),
                  fracAffected <- paste0( "fracAffectedExons", x )
                  fracAffectedBp <- paste0( "fracAffectedBp", x )
                  denominator <- sum(exonsPerGene[,fracAffected] > 0)
                  below25Ex <- table( exonsPerGene[,fracAffected] < 0.25 &
                      exonsPerGene[,fracAffected] > 0)["TRUE"]
                  below25Ex / denominator
                  below25Bp <- table(exonsPerGene[,fracAffectedBp] < 0.25 &
                      exonsPerGene[,fracAffectedBp] > 0)["TRUE"]
                  below25Bp / denominator
                      `# genes with TDU`=denominator,
                      `# genes (< 25% ER TDU)`=below25Ex,
                      `% genes (< 25% ER TDU)`=round( below25Ex/denominator * 100 ),
                      `# genes (< 25% bp TDU)`=below25Bp,
                      `% genes (< 25% bp TDU)`=round( below25Bp/denominator * 100 ) )
} )

table3 <- t( table3 )
colnames( table3 ) <- gsub( ".TRUE", "", colnames( table3 ))

print(xtable( table3, display=c("s", rep("d", ncol(table3) ) ),
  caption="Transcript differences across tissues. Each
row shows data for one subset of the GTEx data. The first
column shows the number of genes with TDU in at least one
exonic region. The second column displays the number of
genes with TDU in less than 25\\% of their exonic regions.
The third column shows the percentage of genes from the
first row with TDU in less than 25\\% of their exonic regions.
The fourth column displays the number of genes with TDU
in less than 25\\% of their length (excluding introns). The
fifth column shows the percentage of genes from the first
row with TDU in less than 25\\% of their length (excluding
    align=c("p{0.05\\textwidth}", "p{0.18\\textwidth}",
            "p{0.18\\textwidth}", "p{0.18\\textwidth}",
            "p{0.18\\textwidth}", "p{0.18\\textwidth}")),
    format.args = list(big.mark = ",", decimal.mark = "."), = TRUE, digits=0,
    size="\\small", file="table3.tex" )

fl2 <- file.path( path, "resultsGeneTable.RData" )
if( !file.exists( fl2 ) ){
    save( exonsPerGene, file="../data/resultsGeneTable.RData")

filter( resultsDF, padj < 0.1 ) %>%
          with(., tapply( pvals, label, max ))

The code below assembles figure number 2.

fig2 <- plot_grid(
    fig2PanelA, fig2PanelB, fig2PanelC,
    ncol=3, labels = "AUTO", align = 'h')
print( fig2 )
opt2 <- "ENSG00000095203"
pl <- plotGeneREUCs( crossCoefs2, opt2 )

Sashimi plot of the gene EPB2

tissues <- c( "Nerve - Tibial", "Muscle - Skeletal",
              "Thyroid", "Skin - Sun Exposed (Lower leg)" )
individual <- "GTEX-131XE"

samples <- as.character( colData(dxd2)[colData(dxd2)$tissue %in% tissues &
                                       colData(dxd2)$individual %in% individual &
                                       colData(dxd2)$exon=="this","sample"] )

as.character( colData(dxd2)[colData(dxd2)$tissue %in% tissues &
                            colData(dxd2)$individual %in% individual &
                            colData(dxd2)$exon=="this","tissue"] )

transcriptDb <- loadDb( file.path(
        system.file("extdata", package="HumanDEU"),
        "GRCh38.sqlite" ) )

options( ucscChromosomeNames=FALSE )
geneTrack2 <- GeneRegionTrack( transcriptDb )

path <- Sys.getenv("gtex")

bamFiles <- sapply( samples, function(x){
                file.path( path, "alignments", x,
                    sprintf("%s_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam", x ) )
} )


if(  all( file.exists(bamFiles) ) ){
    plotSashimi( sampleVec=bamFiles,
                nameVec=c( "Skin", "Tibial\nnerve", "Skeletal\nmuscle", "Thyroid" ),
                geneID=opt2, transcriptDb=transcriptDb,
                geneTrack=geneTrack, offset=100, type="coverage",
                plotTranscripts=TRUE, covHeight=1,
                cex=1, sizes=c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, .5) )

We also plot the same gene using the plotDEXSeq function

dxdSubset <- dxd2[,colData(dxd2)$sample %in% samples]
plotDEXSeq( dxdSubset, geneID=opt2, norCounts=TRUE,
           expression=FALSE, displayTranscripts=TRUE,
           fitExpToVar="tissue", transcriptDb=transcriptDb,
           legend=TRUE, lwd=2, cex=1.4, cex.axis=1.4 )

areyesq89/HumanTissuesDEU documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:51 a.m.