knitr::opts_chunk$set(tidy = FALSE,
                      cache = FALSE,
                      dev = "png",
                      message = FALSE,
                      error = FALSE,
                      warning = TRUE)
data("crossCoefs1", "crossCoefs2", "crossCoefs3", "crossCoefsJR1", "crossCoefsJR2", "crossCoefsJR3" )
options( ucscChromosomeNames=FALSE )
transcriptDb <- loadDb( file.path(
        system.file("extdata", package="HumanDEU"),
        "GRCh38.sqlite" ) )

Plot coefficients of known exon skipping events


[@Clark2017] reported a exon-skipping event of the gene ATP11B using both qPCR and microarray data. Figure 5 of that paper shows RT-PCR profiles of several tissues, where Heart and Stomach (which are tissues also present in subset C of GTEx) display differential splicing of this exon.

dplyr:::filter(resultsDF, label=="subsetC",
               gene == "ENSG00000058063",
               tdu > 1, padj < 0.1 )[,c("padj", "tdu")]

plotGeneREUCs( crossCoefsJR3, "ENSG00000058063", exons=c("E039") ) +
    facet_wrap( ~exon, nrow=1 ) +
    guides( fill = guide_colorbar( title="RSIC" ) )

coords <- range( geneTrack@range[geneTrack@range$transcript %in% "ENSG00000058063" &
                 geneTrack@range$exon %in% c("E038", "E039", "E040", "E041", "E042"),] )
start( coords ) <- start( coords ) - 100
end( coords ) <- end( coords ) + 100

ind <- levels( colData(dxd3)$individual )[32]
samples <- HumanDEU:::getSampleIdentifiers(
          c("Heart - Left Ventricle", "Stomach"),
          ind, dxd3 )
path <- Sys.getenv("gtex")
bamFiles <- sapply( samples, function(x){
    file.path( path, "alignments", x,
        sprintf("%s_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam", x ) )
} )

if(  all( file.exists(bamFiles) ) ){
#    png("sup2_clark2007_sashimi_ATP11B.png", res=300, width=3.5, height=2.5, unit="in")
    plotSashimi( bamFiles,
                nameVec=c("Heart", "Stomach"),
                transcriptDb=transcriptDb, geneTrack=geneTrack, highlightOffset=200,
                coords=coords, highlight="E039", offset=0, plotTranscripts=FALSE,
                sizes=c(1, 1, .5, .3), rnaYLim=list(c(0, 35), c(0, 55) ) )


In the same figure of the same paper, [@Clark2007] shows that two exons of the gene TPD52 are differentially spliced between heart and stomach tissue. We found the same patterns in the GTEx data.

dplyr:::filter(resultsDF, label=="subsetC",
               gene == "ENSG00000076554",
               exon %in% c("E014", "E015"),
               tdu > 1, padj < 0.1 )[,c("padj", "tdu")]

#png("sup2_clark2007_reucs_TPD52.png", res=300, width=4.2, height=1.8, unit="in")
plotGeneREUCs( crossCoefsJR3, "ENSG00000076554", exons=c("E014", "E015") ) +
    facet_wrap( ~exon, nrow=1 ) +
    guides( fill = guide_colorbar( title="RSIC" ) )
coords <- range( geneTrack@range[geneTrack@range$transcript %in% "ENSG00000076554" &
                 geneTrack@range$exon %in% c("E012", "E016"),] )
start( coords ) <- start( coords ) - 1600
end( coords ) <- end( coords ) + 170

if(  all( file.exists(bamFiles) ) ){
#    png("sup2_clark2007_sashimi_TPD52.png", res=300, width=3.5, height=2.5, unit="in")
    plotSashimi( bamFiles,
                nameVec=c("Heart", "Stomach"),
                transcriptDb=transcriptDb, geneTrack=geneTrack,
                coords=coords, highlight=c( "E014", "E015" ), highlightOffset=100, offset=0, plotTranscripts=TRUE,
                sizes=c(1, 1, .5, .4), lwd.sashimiMax=1, collapseTranscripts="meta")


Example of the gene SLC25A3 of figure 1 from [Wang_2008].

dplyr:::filter(resultsDF, label=="subsetC",
               gene == "ENSG00000075415",
               exon %in% c("E014", "E016"),
               tdu > 1, padj < 0.1 )[,c("padj", "tdu")]

#png("sup2_wang2008_reucs_SLC25A3.png", res=300, width=4, height=1.8, unit="in")
plotGeneREUCs( crossCoefsJR3, "ENSG00000075415", exons=c("E014", "E016") ) +
    facet_wrap( ~exon, nrow=1 ) +
    guides( fill = guide_colorbar( title="RSIC" ) )
coords <- range( geneTrack@range[geneTrack@range$transcript %in% "ENSG00000075415" &
                 geneTrack@range$exon %in% c("E012", "E017"),] )

ind <- levels( colData(dxd3)$individual )[4]
samples <- HumanDEU:::getSampleIdentifiers(
          c("Colon - Transverse", "Heart - Left Ventricle"),
          ind, dxd3 )
path <- Sys.getenv("gtex")
bamFiles <- sapply( samples, function(x){
    file.path( path, "alignments", x,
        sprintf("%s_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam", x ) )
} )
if(  all( file.exists(bamFiles) ) ){
#    png("sup2_wang2008_sashimi_SLC25A3.png", res=300, width=3.5, height=2.5, unit="in")
    plotSashimi( bamFiles,
                nameVec=c("Colon", "Heart"),
                transcriptDb=transcriptDb, geneTrack=geneTrack,
                coords=coords, highlight=c( "E014", "E016" ), offset=0, 
                sizes=c(1, 1, .5, .4), lwd.sashimiMax=2.5,
                transcriptIntrons=c("ENST00000401722", "ENST00000228318"))


[@Guerrero_Castillo_2017] described the expression of a long and a short version of the isoform

dplyr:::filter(resultsDF, label == "subsetC",
               gene == "ENSG00000160194",
               exon %in% c("E008", "E009") )[,c("padj", "tdu")]
dplyr:::filter(resultsDF, label=="subsetB",
               gene == "ENSG00000160194",
               exon %in% c("E008", "E009"))[,c("padj", "tdu")]

#png("sup2_guerrero2017_reucs_NDUFV3subB.png", res=300, width=4, height=1.8, unit="in")
plotGeneREUCs( crossCoefsJR2, geneName="ENSG00000160194", exons=c("E008", "E009") ) +
    guides( fill = guide_colorbar( title="RSIC" ) )
#png("sup2_guerrero2017_reucs_NDUFV3subC.png", res=300, width=4, height=1.8, unit="in")
plotGeneREUCs( crossCoefsJR3, geneName="ENSG00000160194", exons=c("E008", "E009") ) +
    guides( fill = guide_colorbar( title="RSIC" ) )

coords <- range( geneTrack@range[geneTrack@range$transcript %in% "ENSG00000160194" &
                 geneTrack@range$exon %in% c("E007", "E010"),] )

ind <- levels( colData(dxd2)$individual )[2]
samples <- HumanDEU:::getSampleIdentifiers(
          c("Lung", "Muscle - Skeletal"),
          ind, dxd2 )
path <- Sys.getenv("gtex")
bamFiles <- sapply( samples, function(x){
    file.path( path, "alignments", x,
        sprintf("%s_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam", x ) )
} )

if(  all( file.exists(bamFiles) ) ){
#    png("sup2_guerrero2017_sashimi_NDUFV3subB.png", res=300, width=3.5, height=2.5, unit="in")
    plotSashimi( bamFiles,
                nameVec=c("Lung", "Muscle - Skeletal"),
                transcriptDb=transcriptDb, geneTrack=geneTrack,
                coords=coords, highlight=c( "E008", "E009" ), offset=0, 
                sizes=c(1, 1, .5, .4) )

ind <- levels( colData(dxd3)$individual )[3]

samples <- HumanDEU:::getSampleIdentifiers(
          c("Artery - Aorta", "Heart - Left Ventricle"),
          ind, dxd3 )
path <- Sys.getenv("gtex")
bamFiles <- sapply( samples, function(x){
    file.path( path, "alignments", x,
        sprintf("%s_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam", x ) )
} )

if(  all( file.exists(bamFiles) ) ){
#    png("sup2_guerrero2017_sashimi_NDUFV3subC.png", res=300, width=3.5, height=2.5, unit="in")
    plotSashimi( bamFiles,
                nameVec=c("Artery", "Heart"),
                transcriptDb=transcriptDb, geneTrack=geneTrack,
                coords=coords, highlight=c( "E008", "E009" ), offset=0, 
                sizes=c(1, 1, .5, .4) )


[@Ritz_2010] example of an exon included mainly in cerebellum.

dplyr:::filter( resultsDF, label == "subsetA",
               gene == "ENSG00000127990",
               padj < 0.1,
               exon %in% c("E006"),
               tdu > 1 )

#png("sup2_ritz2010_reucs_SGCE.png", res=300, width=3.5, height=1.8, unit="in")
plotGeneREUCs( crossCoefsJR1, geneName="ENSG00000127990", exons=c("E006")) +
    guides( fill = guide_colorbar( title="RSIC" ) )
ind <- levels( colData(dxd1)$individual )[1]
samples <- HumanDEU:::getSampleIdentifiers(
          c("Brain - Cerebellum", "Brain - Hippocampus"),
          ind, dxd1 )

coords <- range( geneTrack@range[geneTrack@range$transcript %in% "ENSG00000127990" &
                 geneTrack@range$exon %in% c("E005", "E008"),] )

path <- Sys.getenv("gtex")
bamFiles <- sapply( samples, function(x){
    file.path( path, "alignments", x,
        sprintf("%s_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam", x ) )
} )

if(  all( file.exists(bamFiles) ) ){
#    png("sup2_ritz2010_sashimi_SGCE.png", res=300, width=3.5, height=2.5, unit="in")
    plotSashimi( bamFiles,
                nameVec=c("Cerebellum", "Hippocampus"),
                transcriptDb=transcriptDb, geneTrack=geneTrack,
                coords=coords, highlight=c( "E006" ), highlightOffset=50, 
                sizes=c(1, 1, .5, .4) )


[@Sielski_2014] reported the usage of an alternative 5' exons for the gene MYO1C. Exon E053 (labeled "Exon -1" in that paper that translated the peptide MRYRA) tissue-dependent usage based than the RT-PCR presented in their Figure 1.

dplyr:::filter( resultsDF, label == "subsetC",
               gene == "ENSG00000197879",
               padj < 0.1,
               exon %in% c( "E053", "E061" ),
               tdu > 1 )[,c("tdu", "padj")]

#png("sup2_sielski2013_reucs_MYO1C.png", res=300, width=4.2, height=1.8, unit="in")
plotGeneREUCs( crossCoefs3, geneName="ENSG00000197879", exons=c("E053", "E061") ) +
    guides( fill = guide_colorbar( title="REUC" ) )
#png("sup2_sielski2013_rsics_MYO1C.png", res=300, width=4.2, height=1.8, unit="in")
plotGeneREUCs( crossCoefsJR3, geneName="ENSG00000197879", exons=c("E053", "E061") ) +
    guides( fill = guide_colorbar( title="RSIC" ) )
ind <- levels( colData(dxd3)$individual )[40]
samples <- HumanDEU:::getSampleIdentifiers(
          c( "Heart - Left Ventricle", "Pancreas" ),
          ind, dxd3 )

coords <- range( geneTrack@range[geneTrack@range$transcript %in% "ENSG00000197879" &
                 geneTrack@range$exon %in% c("E049", "E061"),] )

path <- Sys.getenv("gtex")
bamFiles <- sapply( samples, function(x){
    file.path( path, "alignments", x,
        sprintf("%s_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam", x ) )
} )
if(  all( file.exists(bamFiles) ) ){
#    png("sup2_sielski2013_sashimi_MYO1C.png", res=300, width=3.5, height=2.5, unit="in")
    plotSashimi( bamFiles,
                nameVec=c("Heart", "Pancreas"),
                transcriptDb=transcriptDb, geneTrack=geneTrack,
                coords=coords, highlight=c( "E053" ), offset=0, highlightOffset=70,
                transcriptIntrons=c("ENST00000438665", "ENST00000359786","ENST00000361007"),
                sizes=c(1, 1, .5, .4) )


[@Hayakawa_2001] reported an exon that is specifically excluded in muscle tissues as compared to non-muscle tissues for an exon of the gene ATP5C1.

dplyr:::filter( resultsDF, label == "subsetB",
               gene == "ENSG00000165629",
               padj < 0.1,
               exon %in% c( "E021" ),
               tdu > 1 )[,c("tdu", "padj")]

ind <- levels( colData(dxd2)$individual )[1]
samples <- HumanDEU:::getSampleIdentifiers(
          c( "Muscle - Skeletal", "Esophagus - Mucosa"),
          ind, dxd2 )

#png("sup2_hayakawa2001_reucs_ATP5C1.png", res=300, width=3.6, height=1.8, unit="in")
plotGeneREUCs( crossCoefsJR2, "ENSG00000165629", exons="E021")+
        guides( fill = guide_colorbar( title="RSIC" ) )

coords <- range( geneTrack@range[geneTrack@range$transcript %in% "ENSG00000165629" &
                                 geneTrack@range$exon %in% c("E020", "E022"),] )
rng <- rowRanges( dxd2 )["ENSG00000165629:E021",]
start(rng) <- start(rng) - 50
end(rng) <- end(rng) + 50

path <- Sys.getenv("gtex")
bamFiles <- sapply( samples, function(x){
    file.path( path, "alignments", x,
        sprintf("%s_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam", x ) )
} )
if(  all( file.exists(bamFiles) ) ){
#    png("sup2_hayakawa2001_sashimi_ATP5C1.png", res=300, width=3.5, height=2.5, unit="in")
    plotSashimi( bamFiles,
                nameVec=c("Muscle", "Esophagus"),
                transcriptDb=transcriptDb, geneTrack=geneTrack,
                coords=coords, #highlight=c( "E021" ),
                sizes=c(1, 1, .5, .4) )


[@Hopitzan_2005] reported muscle-specific isoform expression of the gene Ankyrin-3. This is an example of a strong isoform switch where most exons are used in a tissue-dependent manner due to a combination of alternative splicing and alternative transcriptional events.

res <- dplyr:::filter( resultsDF, label == "subsetB",
               gene == "ENSG00000151150",
               padj < 0.1,
               tdu > 1 )

exns <- as.character( res[head(order( res$tdu, decreasing=TRUE ), 8),"exon"] )

nrow( dplyr:::filter( resultsDF, label == "subsetB",
               gene == "ENSG00000151150" ) )

#png("sup2_hopitzan2005_reucs_ANK3.png", res=300, width=6.5, height=4, unit="in")
plotGeneREUCs( crossCoefs2, "ENSG00000151150", exons=exns ) +
    facet_wrap( ~exon, nrow=2 )
#png("sup2_hopitzan2005_rsics_ANK3.png", res=300, width=3.6, height=1.8, unit="in")
plotGeneREUCs( crossCoefsJR2, "ENSG00000151150", exons="E067" ) +
    facet_wrap( ~exon, nrow=2 ) +
    guides( fill = guide_colorbar( title="RSIC" ) )
ind <- levels( colData(dxd2)$individual )[1]
samples <- HumanDEU:::getSampleIdentifiers(
          c( "Muscle - Skeletal", "Nerve - Tibial"),
          ind, dxd2 )

path <- Sys.getenv("gtex")
bamFiles <- sapply( samples, function(x){
    file.path( path, "alignments", x,
        sprintf("%s_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam", x ) )
} )
coords <- range( geneTrack@range[geneTrack@range$transcript %in% "ENSG00000151150" &
                 geneTrack@range$exon %in% c("E002", "E101"),] )
if(  all( file.exists(bamFiles) ) ){
#    png("sup2_hopitzan2005_sashimi_ANK3_1.png", res=300, width=3.5, height=2.5, unit="in")
    plotSashimi( bamFiles,
                nameVec=c("Muscle", "Nerve"),
                transcriptDb=transcriptDb, geneTrack=geneTrack,
                offset=0, type="coverage",
                rnaYLim=list(c(0, 55), c(0, 100)),
                sizes=c(1, 1, .5, .4) )

coords <- range( geneTrack@range[geneTrack@range$transcript %in% "ENSG00000151150" &
                 geneTrack@range$exon %in% c("E065", "E070"),] )
rn <- rowRanges(dxd2)["ENSG00000151150:E067",]

if(  all( file.exists(bamFiles) ) ){
#    png("sup2_hopitzan2005_sashimi_ANK3_2.png", res=300, width=3.5, height=2.5, unit="in")
    plotSashimi( bamFiles,
                nameVec=c("Muscle", "Nerve"),
                transcriptDb=transcriptDb, geneTrack=geneTrack,
                coords=coords, highlight="E067",
                sizes=c(1, 1, .5, .4) )


[@Hakim_2010] reported using RT-PCR a mutually exclusive splicing event that was exclusive to skeletal muscle.

dplyr:::filter( resultsDF, label == "subsetB",
               gene == "ENSG00000081189",
               padj < 0.1,
               tdu > 1 ,
               exon %in% c("E031", "E032", "E033", "E034", "E035", "E036", "E037")
               )[c("padj", "tdu")]

#png("sup2_hakim2010_rsics_MEF2C.png", res=300, width=6.5, height=4, unit="in")
plotGeneREUCs( crossCoefsJR2, "ENSG00000081189",
              exons=c("E031", "E032", "E033", "E034", "E035", "E036", "E037") ) +
        facet_wrap( ~ exon, nrow=2 ) +
        guides( fill = guide_colorbar( title="RSIC" ) )
ind <- levels( colData(dxd2)$individual )[1]
samples <- HumanDEU:::getSampleIdentifiers(
          c( "Muscle - Skeletal", "Thyroid"),
          ind, dxd2 )
path <- Sys.getenv("gtex")
bamFiles <- sapply( samples, function(x){
    file.path( path, "alignments", x,
        sprintf("%s_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam", x ) )
} )

coords <- range( geneTrack@range[geneTrack@range$transcript %in% "ENSG00000081189" &
                 geneTrack@range$exon %in% c("E031", "E037"),] )
start(coords) <- start( coords ) - 2500
end(coords) <- end( coords ) + 2500
if(  all( file.exists(bamFiles) ) ){
#    png("sup2_hakim2010_sashimi_MEF2C.png", res=300, width=3.5, height=2.5, unit="in")
    plotSashimi( bamFiles,
                nameVec=c("Muscle", "Thyroid"),
                transcriptDb=transcriptDb, geneTrack=geneTrack,
                coords=coords, highlight=c("E031", "E037"),
                offset=20, lwd.sashimiMax=1.2, sashimiHeight=.1,
                sizes=c(1, 1, .5, .4) )


dplyr:::filter( resultsDF, label == "subsetA",
               gene == "ENSG00000141068",
               exon %in% 
               padj < 0.1,
               exon %in% c("E045", "E046"),
               tdu > 1 )[,c("tdu", "padj")]

#png("sup2_muller2000_rsics_KSR1.png", res=300, width=4.2, height=1.8, unit="in")
plotGeneREUCs( crossCoefsJR1, "ENSG00000141068", exons=c("E045", "E046"))
ind <- levels( colData(dxd1)$individual )[7]
samples <- HumanDEU:::getSampleIdentifiers(
          c( "Brain - Cerebellum", "Brain - Caudate (basal ganglia)"),
          ind, dxd1 )

path <- Sys.getenv("gtex")
bamFiles <- sapply( samples, function(x){
    file.path( path, "alignments", x,
        sprintf("%s_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam", x ) )
} )
coords <- range( geneTrack@range[geneTrack@range$transcript %in% "ENSG00000141068" &
                 geneTrack@range$exon %in% c("E041", "E047"),] )
if(  all( file.exists(bamFiles) ) ){
#    png("sup2_muller2000_sashimi_KSR1.png", res=300, width=3.5, height=2.5, unit="in")
    plotSashimi( bamFiles,
                nameVec=c("Cerebellum", "Caudate"),
                transcriptDb=transcriptDb, geneTrack=geneTrack,
                coords=coords, highlight=c("E045", "E046"),
                offset=20, #lwd.sashimiMax=1.2, sashimiHeight=.1,
                sizes=c(1, 1, .5, .4) )

areyesq89/HumanTissuesDEU documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:51 a.m.