Man pages for argent0/functional
Usefull functions for functional R

as.vector.pairpair's as.vector method
constcreates a constant function
EQconvinient functional version of ==
grapes-and-and-and-grapes(&&&) :: (b -> c) -> (b -> c') -> (b -> (c, c'))
grapes-cash-grapesFuncion application
grapes-cmap-grapesApply a function to a dataframe's or matrix columns
grapes-o-grapesFunction composition
grapes-select-grapesselect according to a predicate
grapes-set-grapespersist a valut to storage
grapes-times-times-times-grapes(***) :: (a -> c) -> (a' -> c') -> ((a, a') -> (c, c'))
GTconvinient functional version of >
idThe identity function.
lazycreates a lazy value
lazy_creates a lazy value
LTEconvinient functional version of <=
NOTconvinient functional version of !
pairpair S3 class constructor
selectBygenerate a function that selects according to a predicate
uncurryGenerates function that takes a pair as argument
argent0/functional documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:26 p.m.