GeomTimeline: Funcion for ploting an Earthquake's Location timeline...

Description Usage Format


Funcion for ploting an Earthquake's Location timeline building a GEOM Function from scratch The GeomTimeLine will use a Dataframe compiled using the function eq_clean_data. The GeomTimeLine function is a prototype function which will be used as foundation for our geom_timeline function. The GeomTimeLine function will take advantage of the ggplot2's geom_point. Using the Earthquakes' dates as X-axis main values, the Y-axis value will be not relevant while plotting a timeline horizontal bar The geom_point's size and colour will be defined by the Earthquake's magnitude The GeomTimeLine was build using the Function Prototype provided in the Course's Material 4.7.1 Building a New Geom




An object of class GeomTimeline (inherits from Geom, ggproto) of length 5.

arielaragon/Mastering_Software_Dev_R_Master documentation built on May 18, 2019, 9:16 p.m.