Man pages for armanabraham/chb
Choice history biases

AssignConditionAssign condition to sessions
BestWeightsByLambdaFind best weights
BiasAfterRandomizationCompute weights after randomizing trials or responses
BuilDataForGLMPrepare data for GLM analysis
ClassifyRawDataClassify raw data
ConditionLabelsLabels assigned to each experimental condition
CorrelateAgeAndBiasCompute correlation between age and bias
CorrelationMatrixOfParametersCompute correlation matrices for each parameter of the GLM...
CV.glmnetStub for glmnet cross-validation that accepts a formula
FilterRawDataFilter out unnecessary or pilot data
FitLogitFit probit function
FitProbitFit probit psychometric function
FitWeibullFit Weibull function
FitWeibullLogContrastFit Weibull after log transforming contrast values
ForestPlotPlot model parameters as a distance from vertical
GlmnetStub for glmnet that accepts a formula
HistoryAdaptationScatterplotHistory scatterplot that shows how history biases adapt
HistoryScatterplotByEducationScatterplot of choice history weights grouped by Education
HistoryWeightsScatterplotA scatterplot of choice history biases
LapseRateFromHighestContrastCompute lapse rate from highest contrast intensity
LikelihoodReturn root means square error Log-likelihood of choosing...
LoadDataFunction to load data. It needs a vector containing full...
PlotContrastAndHistoryWeightsPlot both contrast and choice history weights
PlotContrastPairsFunction to plot stimulus intensities during switching or...
PlotPsychometricCurvesPlot psychometric curves
PlotSensitivityDeclineShow decline in visual sensitivity from choice history biases
PlotSparklineOfRunPlot whole run as Tuft's sparklines of left/right choice and...
PlotThVsBiasPlot contrast threshold vs subject bias
PlotVIFsFunction to plot Variance Inflation Factor (VIF)
PrepareRawDataEnrich rawData with helper columns
PrepareTrialsPrepare a dataframe with a given contrast intensity
ProbitThresholdCompute contrast threshold using fitted probit model
ProportionRightwardResponsesCompute proportion rightward responses
RegularizedRegressionFit model parameters using regularized regression
SensitivtyDeclineMatrixCompute decline in sensitivity as a function of choice...
SimulateNoBiasVsSubjectBiasEstimate slope and threshold with and without history biases
SimulateOneSubjectSimulates responses of one subject
SimulateResponsesSimulate responses using given model weights
SimulateSubjectResponsesSimulate subject responses for different set of failure...
SortParamsSort parameters of the model in intuitive way
StimulusSideSequencesCompute length of sequences on left or right sides
SubjectDemographicsSubject info
ThAndSlopeForSimDataCompute threshold and slope from simulated trials
ThSlopeAndLapseGet threshold, slope and lapse rate from glmData
WeibullThAndSlopeEstimate threshold and slope using Weibull
WeightsWithAllLambdasModel weight for each lambda
armanabraham/chb documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:39 p.m.