echoIBM.setup: Returns a list of the following strings: (1) the path to the...

View source: R/echoIBM.setup.R

echoIBM.getPathR Documentation

Returns a list of the following strings: (1) the path to the event, (2) the event name, (3) the event number, (4) the path to the cruise, and (5) the cruise name.


The vessel information can be given in 4 ways:

  • nodesEarth + speed

  • origin + nodesLocal + speed

  • origin + heading + distance + speed

  • origin + heading + duration + speed


  starttime = "2015-01-01 00:00:00",
  origin = NULL,
  heading = NULL,
  distance = NULL,
  speed = NULL,
  duration = NULL,
  nodesLocal = NULL,
  nodesEarth = NULL,
  utim = NULL,
  pingduration = 1,
  heave = 0,
  rtx = 0,
  rty = 0,
  rtz = NULL,
  type = "v"

echoIBM.readFile(path, ext = "vessel", t = 1)

  files = NULL,
  maxrange = list(),
  mode = "CWNormal",

echoIBM.setCTD(event, files = NULL, ...)

echoIBM.setCalibration(event, files = NULL, ...)

echoIBM.setNoise(event, files = NULL, nr0a = list(), ...)

  schoolName = "School",
  surveyRegion = NULL,
  expandSurveyRegion = NULL,
  target = c("herring", "mackerel", "point"),
  schoolDistribution = c("layer", "uniform", "flat"),
  schoolSize = list(x = 100, y = 100, z = 20, type = "Weibull", shape = 5, cor = 0.4),
  schoolDens = 1852^-2,
  schoolDist = NULL,
  schoolCount = NULL,
  fillSurveyRegion = TRUE,
  seed = 0,
  depthRange = c(-100, 0),
  onlyFirstEvent = FALSE,

  starttime = "2015-01-01 00:00:00",
  utim = NULL,
  origin = c(0, 0),
  heading = 0,
  distance = NULL,
  duration = 1,
  speed = NULL,
  nodesLocal = NULL,
  nodesEarth = NULL,
  pingduration = 1,
  numt = NULL,
  heave = 0,
  rtxv = 0,
  rtyv = 0,
  rtzv = 0,
  offset = NULL,
  freeze = NULL,

  starttime = "2015-01-01 00:00:00",
  origin = NULL,
  heading = NULL,
  distance = NULL,
  speed = NULL,
  duration = NULL,
  nodesLocal = NULL,
  nodesEarth = NULL,
  utim = NULL,
  pingduration = 1,
  numt = NULL,
  heave = 0,
  rtxv = 0,
  rtyv = 0,
  rtzv = 0

  starttime = "2015-01-01 00:00:00",
  origin = NULL,
  heading = NULL,
  distance = NULL,
  speed = NULL,
  duration = NULL,
  nodesLocal = NULL,
  nodesEarth = NULL,
  utim = NULL,
  numt = 1,
  pingduration = 1,
  heave = 0,
  rtxv = 0,
  rtyv = 0,
  rtzv = NULL,

plslTable(range = NULL, mode = "CWNormal")

replaceKeepDim(x, replacement, esnm, ...)



The start time of the event, i.e., the time of the first ping/vessel position, either given as a time object or a string such as "2015-01-01 00:00:00".


The origin of the event, i.e., a vector of two elements giving the longitude and latitude of the first ping.


The heading of the vessel in radians counter clockwise from East, either given as a single numeric, or as a vector of headings associated with vessel track segments.


The distance associated with each vessel track segment.


The speed of the vessel in knots, associated with each vessel track segment.


The duration of each vessel track segment in seconds.


The nodes defining the vessel track segments, given as local nodes relative to the origin (can include the origin c(0, 0))


The nodes defining the vessel track segments, given as global nodes in the coordinate system of the earth relative to the origin (can include the origin c(0, 0)).


The UNIX time points of the event. If not given, the starttime and pingduration will define the UNIX time points.


The duration of the pings in seconds. Currently only one single fixed value is allowed.


The heave of the vessel in meters, either given as a single value, a vector of length equal to the number of vessel track segments, or alternatively a funciton of the number of time steps such as rnorm() or the more appropriate function(x) set.seed(x); runif(x), which sets the seed as the number of time steps.


A list of the following elements: (1) 'path', giving the paths to the sub-events, (2) 'esnm', giving the names of the acoustic instruments in the events (same length as 'path'), and (3) 'name', giving the name of the event.


A string naming the file extension of the file to read.


The time steps to read.


is the identifier of the event, either given as the number of the event, a string contained in the name of the event, or the path of the event directory.


An optional vector of file names to be read and written to the simulation events. If empty (default) the resource files of the echoIBM package are used.


The maximum range of the sonar in meters.


The mode of the sonar. Use plslTable() to get avaialbe modes.


Arguments passed on to replacement functions.


A data frame of two rows and the three columns x, y and z, defining the survey region.


A code word defining the target. One of "herring", "mackerel" and "point".


A code word defining the distribution of schools. One of "layer", "uniform" (equal probability of encountering a school in all directions but the z direction, corresponding to a homogenious Poisson point process in the x-y-plane), "flat" (random ordering of schools sequenced between the survey bounds).


Definition of the school sizes, either given as a list of dimensions in the x, y and z direction (repeated to the number of schools), or a list of dimensions added a type of random generator for the sizes, such as type = "weibull", indicating correlated Weibull distributed sizes, where the shape and correlation are specified by 'shape' and 'cor'. Alternatively schoolSize can be a list to be used as input the a function schoolSize$type, which must be a function including the ... argument to avoid errors. For correlated Weibull distributed sizes use e.g. list(x = 100, y = 100, z = 20, type = "Weibull", shape = 5, cor = 0.4), where 0.4 is the maximum available correlation. For correlated uniform variables use e.g. list(x = c(30, 300), y = c(30, 300), z = c(30, 300) / 5, type = "Uniform", cor = 0.5), where 0.5 is the maximum available correlation. For schoolSize$type=="Uniform", if schoolSize$x is given as a single numeric, this is interpreted as uniform between 0 and 2 * x.


The area reserved for each school.


The mean distance between schools. Use rather schoolDens.


The number of schools.


Logical: If TRUE fill the survey region so that schools are generated also outside of the original survey region, elliminating edge effects in the spatial distribution of fish.


The seed of the school generation


The depth range of the schools. Should be given in the surveyRegion.


Logical: If TRUE generate school files only for the first event (saving storage).


The pitch of the vessel in radians positive for uppwards pitch (bow lifting). See info.TSD("rtxv")


The roll of the vessel in radians positive for starboard side tilted down. See info.TSD("rtyv")


The orientation of the vessel in radians counter clockwise, IN ADDITION to the heading of the vessel specified in heading. See info.TSD("rtzv")


The max range of the sonar.


The list to replace values in.


A list of the values to replace.


The name of the sonar, used when the replacement is a list with esnm as names.


is either the idenfication number of the cruise, given as specified by the IMR (yyyynnn), or the path to the directory containing the event to be read.


is the name of the directory holding the data files (usually one of "tsd" and "raw")

arnejohannesholmin/echoIBM documentation built on April 14, 2024, 11:37 p.m.