Man pages for arnima-github/arni
Arni's Toolbox

avgAngleAverage Angle
BCbootApply Bias Correction to Bootstrap Estimates
benchDifference between Two Times
bevholtBeverton-Holt Recruitment
bevholt.hBeverton-Holt Recruitment
bevholt.RmaxBeverton-Holt Recruitment
bin2numBinary to Decimal
bisectionUnivariate Optimization
bookBind PDF Book
bounceBouncing Ball
capitalizeCapitalize Words
cdChange Directory
changeRelative Change
ciConfidence Interval
cohortsTransform Table to Cohort Format
compareCompare Objects
cquantileCumulative Quantiles
cvCoefficient of Variation
diff.characterCompare Files
dplotDensity Plot
DumpDump Objects
epsEPS Device
eps2pdfDistill EPS to PDF
eps2pngConvert EPS to PNG.
exportExport Data
fdimFLR Dimensions
fournierFournier Likelihood
gaGet Anywhere
geomeanGeometric Mean
githubGitHub User
goClose Graphics Devices
hclDemoHCL Colors
hessSE from Hessian
hex2numHexadecimal to Number
hockeyHockey-Stick Recruitment
hsvDemoHSV Colors
icesICES Areas
importImport Data
is.primePrime Numbers
lList Objects
laList All Objects
libStatusLibrary Status
lines.loessLoess Line
llaList All Objects
lmxy1Simple LM
lmxy2Multiple LM
loremDummy Text
mcmcPassMCMC Tests
monthsIntMonth Number
movingMoving Average
na.cleanRemove NA Values
nanoNano Editor
noiseGaussian Noise
norm.likeNormal Likelihood
norm.testNormal Distribution Test
num2binNumber to Binary
num2hexNumber to Hexadecimal
num2octNumber to Octal
num.derivNumerical Derivatives
nwToggle Emacs
oct2numOctal to Number
outGrubbsOutlier Test
outTrimTrim Outliers
panel.lmfitScatterplot with Least-Squares Line
panel.loessfitScatterplot with Loess Line
p.arrowsArrows with Solid Heads
pdepsPackage Dependencies
pdf.blankBlank PDF
plotcorr.colPlot Correlation
plot.loessPlot Loess
pslPrint Simple List
remove.pdf.stampRemove PDF Stamp
RequireRequire Package
rgbDemoRGB Colors
rickerRicker Recruitment
ricker.RmaxRicker Recruitment
rightRight Substring
roundpRound Proportions
satcolSaturate Colors
sdpStandard Deviation in Population
seStandard Error
shannonShannon Index
showColorsShow Colors
showPalettesShow Palettes
shrinkRownamesShrink Row Names
simplifySimplify Object Data Frame
splotSingle Quantile Plot
ss0Sum of Squares
ssmeanSum of Squares
statmodeStatistical Mode
tab2dfTable to Data Frame
tab2matTable to Matrix
trellisTrellis Device
uUpdate Packages
url2txtURL to Text
varpVariance in Population
vioplot2Violin Plot
vonBertVon Bertalanffy Growth
wald.testWald Test
write.listWrite List
x0X Intercept
xoptOptimal X
yuleYule's K
arnima-github/arni documentation built on Oct. 28, 2023, 6:18 p.m.