Risk Sharing Network Project

A project to analyze risk sharing netwroks (TODO: needs further elaboration)

Required Packages

  1. futile.logger
  2. igraph

Exploratory data analysis

  1. Download the entire project as a zip file (or clone using Git or Github)

  2. To get some preliminary exploration of the Tanzania data.

    If you are using Rstudio:

    1. Open the project risk_sharing.Rproj (using File -> Open Project)

    2. Open the file src/tanzania_exploration.R in the Rstudio Editor (File -> Open File)

    3. Source the file

    If you are using the command prompt:

    1. cd into the project directory

    2. Run the file src/tanzania_exploration.R

    cd risk_sharing Rscript src/tanzania_exploration.R

arnoblalam/risk_sharing documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:46 p.m.