    collapse = TRUE,
    comment = "#>"


if(!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))


The tldr version

survClust$^1$ is an outcome weighted integrative supervised clustering algorithm, designed to classify patients according to their molecular as well as time-event or end point of interest. Until now, sub-typing in cancer biology has relied heavily upon clustering/mining of molecular data alone. We present classification of samples on molecular data supervised by time-event data like Overall Survival (OS), Progression Free Survival (PFS) etc.

Below is the workflow of proposed survClust method:

getDist - Compute a weighted distance matrix based on outcome across given m data types. Standardization across data types to facilitate the integration proces and accounting for non-overlapping samples is also accomplished in this step.

combineDist - Integrate m data types by averaging over m weighted distance matrices.

survClust and cv_survclust - Cluster integrated weighted distance matrices via survClust. Optimal k is estimated via cross-validation using cv_survclust. Cross-validated results are assessed over the following performance metrics - the logrank statistic, standardized pooled within-cluster sum of squares (SPWSS) and cluster solutions with class size less than 5 samples.


(1) The input datatypes needs to be carefully pre-processed. See the data pre-processing section.

(2) cv_survclust is a wrapper function that cross-validates and outputs cluster assignments. If you run without cross validation and just the commands on its own (getDist, combineDist and survClust), you are over-fitting!

In this document, we use the TCGA UVM data set and a simulation example to demonstrate how to use survClust to perform integrative supervised clustering.

All TCGA data has been downloaded from the TCGA pan-cancer paper$^2$

Data and Pre-processing

The data and pre-processing steps are largely followed from iCluster$^3$ manual by - iCluster (Mo Q, Shen R (2022). iClusterPlus: Integrative clustering of multi-type genomic data. R package version 1.32.0.). The pre-processing steps that we used in the manuscript are described here.


#mutation data

#copy number data

#TCGA UVM clinical data

Supervised integrative cluster analysis

To run supervised integrative clustering analysis - we will be calling cv_survclust. Cross-validation takes time and we will be using the BiocParallel package and splitting cross-validation across k clusters.

We will perform 3-fold cross-validation over 10 rounds as follows:

cv_rounds = 10

#function to do cross validation 
    for (i in seq_len(cv_rounds)){
        fit[[i]] <- cv_survclust(uvm_dat,uvm_survdat,kk,this.fold)
        print(paste0("finished ", i, " rounds for k= ", kk))

We will be using this code for both UVM data and then use this as a simulation example as discussed in the manuscript$^1$.

Note that 10 rounds of cross-validation is not enough and we recommend at least 50 rounds of cross-validation to get some stability in results.

UVM data

ptm <- Sys.time()<-bplapply(2:7, uvm_all_cvrounds)
ptm2 <- Sys.time()

#> ptm
#[1] "2022-09-05 20:54:21 EDT"
#> ptm2
#[1] "2022-09-05 21:01:12 EDT"

Supervised integrative clustering was performed on TCGA UVM consisting of about 80 samples and 87 genes in the mutation data and CN data summarized over 749 segments.

lapply(uvm_dat, function(x) dim(x))

The above process took about ~7 minutes on a macOS Catalina with 2.6 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 running on 8Gb RAM. If you wish to skip the run-time, output is available as Due to 10 rounds of cross validation, the results from your run might differ from what is provided.

The output is a list object consisting of 6 sub-lists for $k = 2:7$, with 10 cv_survclust outputs (for each round of cross-validation), each consisting of cv.labels, cv.logrank, cv.spwss for 3 folds.

#for k=2, 1st round of cross validation

Now, let's use survClust::getStats to summarize and survClust::plotStats to plot some of the supervised integrative clustering metrics.

ss_stats <- getStats(, kk=7, cvr=10)
plotStats(ss_stats, 2:7)

Picking k cluster solution

In the above plot, the topleft plot is summarizing logrank over 10 rounds of cross-validated class labels across 3-fold cross-validation. Here, we see how logrank peaks at k=4.

the topright plot is summarizing SPWSS or Standardized Pooled Within Sum of Squares. Briefly, pooled within-cluster sum of squares were standardized by the total sum of squares similar to methodology used in the gap statistic$^5$ to select the appropriate number of clusters.

Here SPWSS decreases monotonically as the number of clusters k increases. The optimal number of clusters is where SPWSS is minimized and creates an “elbow” or a point of inflection, where addition of more clusters does not improve cluster separation. For example, here the plot elbows at k=4

Another property of SPWSS is that it can be used to compare among different datasets as it lies between 0 and 1 after standardization. This is useful for comparing survClust runs between individual data types and when we integrate them.

The last plot, on the bottomleft, shows for each k how many k class labels have <=5 samples in 10 rounds of cross validation. In our case here, for k >5 the number of classes with <=5 samples increases, so we can choose k=4.

k4 <- cv_voting(, getDist(uvm_dat, uvm_survdat), pick_k=4)

plot(survfit(Surv(uvm_survdat[,1], uvm_survdat[,2])~k4), mark.time=TRUE, col=1:4)

Let's see some of the differentiating features in mutation data.

mut_k4_test <- apply(uvm_dat[[1]],2,function(x) fisher.test(x,k4)$p.value)

All the figures as shown in the manuscript are plotted using panelmap. It is available on GitHub over here -

We will use it to see the distribution of these mutations across the 4 clusters from a previous run. An example from previous runs is shown below. This is only for illustration process and the cluster groups might differ between the latest run.

htmltools::img(src = knitr::image_uri("uvm_mut_example.png"), 
               style = 'margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto')

And for Copy Number data as follows -

cn_imagedata <- uvm_dat[[2]]
cn_imagedata[cn_imagedata < -1.5] <- -1.5
cn_imagedata[cn_imagedata > 1.5] <- 1.5

oo <- order(k4)
cn_imagedata <- cn_imagedata[oo,]
cn_imagedata <- cn_imagedata[,ncol(cn_imagedata):1]

#image y labels - chr names
cnames <- colnames(cn_imagedata)
cnames <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(cnames, "\\."), function(x) x[1]))
tt <- table(cnames)
nn <- paste0("chr",1:22)

chr.labels <- rep(NA, length(cnames))

index <- 1
chr.labels[1] <- "1"

for(i in seq_len(length(nn)-1)) {
    index <- index + tt[nn[i]]
    chr.labels[index] <- gsub("chr","",nn[i+1])

idx <- which(!(


axis(2, at = 1 - (idx/length(cnames)), labels = chr.labels[idx], las=1, cex.axis=0.8)
abline(v = c(cumsum(prop.table(table(k4)))))

simulation example

Simulation example is presented in the survClust manuscript $^1$.See Figure (S1) and Supplementary Note. Below we provide code on how we generated the simulated dataset and how to run it via survClust.

#function to do cross validation 
    for (i in seq_len(cv_rounds)){
        fit[[i]] <- cv_survclust(simdat, simsurvdat,kk,this.fold)
        print(paste0("finished ", i, " rounds for k= ", kk))

ptm <- Sys.time()<-bplapply(2:7, sim_cvrounds)
ptm2 <- Sys.time()


The above process took about r ptm2-ptm on a macOS Catalina with 2.6 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 running on 8Gb RAM.

The output is a list object consisting of 6 sub-lists for $k = 2:7$, with 10 cv_survclust output (for each round of cross-validation), each consisting of cv.labels, cv.logrank, cv.spwss for 3 folds.

Now, let's use survClust::getStats to summarize and survClust::plotStats to plot some of the supervised integrative clustering metrics.

ss_stats <- getStats(, kk=7, cvr=10)
plotStats(ss_stats, 2:7)

Picking k cluster solution

In the above plot, the topleft plot is summarizing logrank over 10 rounds of cross-validated class labels across 3-fold cross-validation. Here, we see that logrank peaks at k=3.

The topright plot is summarizing SPWSS or Standardized Pooled Within Sum of Squares. The plot elbows at k=4

The last plot, on the bottomleft, shows for each k how many k class labels have <=5 samples in 10 rounds of cross validation. In the simulation example, cluster solutions having <5 samples increases at k=7

k3 <- cv_voting(, getDist(simdat, simsurvdat), pick_k=3)

sim_class_labels <- c(rep(1, 50), rep(2,50), rep(3,50))

table(k3, sim_class_labels)

plot(survfit(Surv(simsurvdat[,1], simsurvdat[,2]) ~ k3), mark.time=TRUE, col=1:3)

We see, that we are able to get the simulated class labels as survClust solution with good concordance.

Bonus - UVM mutation data alone

survClust allows for integration of one or more data types. The data can be either continuous (RNA, methylation, miRNA or protein expression or copy number segmentation values) or binary (mutation status, wt=0, mut =1).

One can perform survClust on individual data alone. In this example, we will perform survClust on TCGA UVM mutation data alone.

#function to do cross validation 
cvrounds_mut <- function(kk){
    for (i in seq_len(cv_rounds)){
        fit[[i]] <- cv_survclust(uvm_mut_dat, uvm_survdat,kk,this.fold, type="mut")
        print(paste0("finished ", i, " rounds for k= ", kk))

#let's create a list object with just the mutation data 
uvm_mut_dat <- list()
uvm_mut_dat[[1]] <- uvm_dat[[1]]

ptm <- Sys.time()<-bplapply(2:7, cvrounds_mut)
ptm2 <- Sys.time()
ss_stats <- getStats(, kk=7, cvr=10)
plotStats(ss_stats, 2:7)

Picking k cluster solution

Firstly, since, these are only 10 rounds of cross validation, there is a lot of variability in each rounds of cross-validation, and the results here are for demonstration purpose only.

In the above plot, the topleft plot is summarizing logrank over 10 rounds of cross-validated class labels across 3-fold cross-validation. Here, we see how logrank peaks at k=4.

The topright plot is summarizing SPWSS or Standardized Pooled Within Sum of Squares. Here the plot elbows at k=4

The last plot, on the bottomleft, shows for each k how many k class labels have <=5 samples in 10 rounds of cross validation. We see that k=3 has cluster solutions with <=5 samples a lot more than k=4.

k4 <- cv_voting(, getDist(uvm_mut_dat, uvm_survdat), pick_k=4)
plot(survfit(Surv(uvm_survdat[,1], uvm_survdat[,2]) ~ k4), mark.time=TRUE, col=2:5)

Let' see these discriminant features.

mut_k4_test <- apply(uvm_mut_dat[[1]],2,function(x) fisher.test(x,k4)$p.value)

Appendix {#appendix}

Process TCGA dataset

# DO NOT RUN. Use provided dataset
#Process mutation maf data
#Download data from -

maf <- data.table::fread("mc3.v0.2.8.PUBLIC.maf.gz", header = TRUE)
maf_filter <- maf %>% filter(FILTER == "PASS",
                            Variant_Classification != "Silent")

# few lines of code in tidyR to convert maf to a binary file
maf_binary <- maf_filter %>%
    select(Tumor_Sample_Barcode, Hugo_Symbol) %>%
    distinct() %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = "Hugo_Symbol",
                values_from = 'Hugo_Symbol',
                values_fill = 0, values_fn = function(x) 1)

maf_binary$tcga_short <- substr(maf_binary$Tumor_Sample_Barcode, 1, 12)

# Process clinical file
tcga_clin <- readxl::read_excel("TCGA-CDR-SupplementalTableS1.xlsx", sheet=1, col_names = TRUE)

uvm_clin <- tcga_clin %>% filter(type == "UVM")
uvm_maf_binary <- maf_binary %>%
    filter(tcga_short %in% uvm_clin$bcr_patient_barcode) %>%
rnames <- uvm_maf_binary$tcga_short

uvm_maf <- uvm_maf_binary %>% select(-tcga_short) %>%
    apply(., 2, as.numeric)

# Remove singletons
gene_sum <- apply(uvm_maf,2,sum)
idx <- which(gene_sum > 1)

uvm_maf <- uvm_maf[,idx]
rownames(uvm_maf) <- rnames

uvm_survdat <- uvm_clin %>% select(OS.time, OS) %>%
    apply(., 2, as.numeric)

rownames(uvm_survdat) <- uvm_clin$bcr_patient_barcode

# process CN
library(cluster)#pam function for derive medoid
library(GenomicRanges) #interval overlap to remove CNV

seg <- read.delim(file="", header=TRUE,sep="\t",

pp <- substr(seg$Sample,13,16)
seg.idx <- c(grep("-01A",pp),grep("-01B",pp),grep("-03A",pp))

#only take tumors
seg.idx <- c(grep("-01A",pp),grep("-01B",pp))
seg <- seg[seg.idx,]

seg$Sample <- substr(seg[,1],1,12)

uvm_seg <- seg[seg$Sample %in% uvm_clin$bcr_patient_barcode,]

colnames(uvm_seg) <- c("Sample", "Chromosome", "Start", "End", "Num_Probes", "Segment_Mean")

# pass epsilon as 0.001 default or user
reducedMseg <- CNregions(ss_seg,epsilon=0.001,adaptive=FALSE,rmCNV=FALSE, cnv=NULL, frac.overlap=0.5, rmSmallseg=TRUE, nProbes=75)

uvm_dat <- list(uvm_mut = uvm_maf, uvm_cn = uvm_seg)

Create simulation dataset

n1 <- 50 #class1
n2 <- 50 #class2
n3 <- 50 #class3
n <- n1+n2+n3
p <- 15 #survival related features (10%)
q <- 120 #noise

#class1 ~ N(1.5,1), class2 ~ N(0,1), class3 ~ N(-1.5,1)

sample_names <- paste0("S",1:n)
feature_names <- paste0("features", 1:n)

#final matrix
x_big <- NULL

# sample 15 informant features

#simulating class1
x1a <- matrix(rnorm(n1*p, 1.5, 1), ncol=p)

#simulating class2
x2a <- matrix(rnorm(n2*p), ncol=p)

#simulating class3
x3a <- matrix(rnorm(n3*p, -1.5,1), ncol=p)

#this concluded that part shaded in red of the matrix - 
#corresponding to related to survival and molecularly distinct
xa <- rbind(x1a,x2a,x3a)

# sample 15 other informant features, but scramble them.


x1b <- matrix(rnorm(n1*p, 1.5, 1), ncol=p)
x2b <- matrix(rnorm(n2*p), ncol=p)
x3b <- matrix(rnorm(n3*p, -1.5,1), ncol=p)

#this concluded that part shaded in blue of the matrix - 
#containing the molecular distinct features but not related to survival 
xb <- rbind(x1b,x2b,x3b)

#this concludes the area shaded area in grey which corresponds to noise
xc <- matrix(rnorm(n*q), ncol=q)

x_big <- cbind(xa,xb[permute.idx,], xc)

rownames(x_big) <- sample_names
colnames(x_big) <- feature_names
simdat <- list()
simdat[[1]] <- x_big

#the three classes will have a median survival of 4.5, 3.25 and 2 yrs respectively 
med_surv_class1 <- log(2)/4.5
med_surv_class2 <- log(2)/3.25
med_surv_class3 <- log(2)/2

surv_dist_class1 <- rexp(n1,rate=med_surv_class1)
censor_events_class1 <- runif(n1,0,10)

surv_dist_class2 <- rexp(n2,rate=med_surv_class2)
censor_events_class2 <- runif(n2,0,10)

surv_dist_class3 <- rexp(n3,rate=med_surv_class3)
censor_events_class3 <- runif(n3,0,10)

surv_time_class1 <- pmin(surv_dist_class1,censor_events_class1)
surv_time_class2 <- pmin(surv_dist_class2,censor_events_class2)
surv_time_class3 <- pmin(surv_dist_class3,censor_events_class3)

event <- c((surv_time_class1==surv_dist_class1),

time <- c(surv_time_class1, surv_time_class2, surv_time_class3)

survdat <- cbind(time, event)

simsurvdat <- cbind(time, event)
rownames(simsurvdat) <- sample_names


  1. Arora, Arshi, et al. "Pan-cancer identification of clinically relevant genomic subtypes using outcome-weighted integrative clustering." Genome medicine 12.1 (2020): 1-13.

  2. Hoadley, Katherine A., et al. "Cell-of-origin patterns dominate the molecular classification of 10,000 tumors from 33 types of cancer." Cell 173.2 (2018): 291-304.

  3. Shen, Ronglai, Adam B. Olshen, and Marc Ladanyi. "Integrative clustering of multiple genomic data types using a joint latent variable model with application to breast and lung cancer subtype analysis." Bioinformatics 25.22 (2009): 2906-2912.

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  5. Tibshirani R, Walther G, Hastie T. Estimating the number of clusters in a data set via the gap statistic. J Roy Stat Soc B. 2001;63:411–23.



arorarshi/survClust documentation built on April 21, 2024, 1:51 p.m.