
How it works:

  1. The app generates a link to the authorizion page
  2. Once user authorize the application, the user is redirected back to the app page with the addition of a URL parameter code:
  3. The app parses the code URL parameter using the shiny::parseQueryString() function
  4. The app receives the access token credentials using a POST request
  5. The app creates an object of class httr::token2 which is used to query the API using the functions of the RGA package

To obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials for your application, complete these steps:

  1. Creation of a new project (can be skipped if the project is already created):
    • Open the page in your favorite browser;
    • Click on Create Project blue button at the top left of the page;
    • Enter the name of the project into the PROJECT NAME field in the pop-up window;
    • Click Create to confirm the creation of the project.
  2. Enabling access to the Google Analytics API:
    • Select your project from the project list on page;
    • Select APIs & auth and then APIs sub-menu in the left sidebar;
    • Click on the Analytics API link in the Advertising APIs section;
    • Click Enable API for activation Analytics API.
  3. Creating a new application:
    • Select APIs & auth and then Credentials sub-menu in the left sidebar;
    • Click on Add credentials blue button at the top left of the page;
    • Select OAuth 2.0 client ID in the pop-up window;
    • Select Web application from Application type list;
    • Change name of the client if you need;
    • Add exact URL where you application hosted in the Authorized redirect URIs field;
    • Click on the Create blue button to confirm the creation of the client ID.
  4. Obtaining Client ID and Client secret:
    • Select the project from the project list on the page;
    • Select APIs & auth and then Credentials sub-menu in the left sidebar;
    • Click on name of the client from the Name column in the OAuth 2.0 client IDs table;
    • Click on the Download JSON button at the top and save this file as creds.json in the application root directory.

artemklevtsov/RGA documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:50 p.m.