
#' @title Unsampled Reports
#' @description Returns a single unsampled report.
#' @param accountId character. Account ID to retrieve unsampled report for.
#' @param profileId character. View (Profile) ID to retrieve unsampled report for.
#' @param unsampledReportId character. ID of the unsampled report to retrieve.
#' @param webPropertyId character. Web property ID to retrieve unsampled reports for.
#' @param token \code{\link[httr]{Token2.0}} class object with a valid authorization data.
#' @return
#' \item{id}{Unsampled report ID.}
#' \item{kind}{Resource type for an Analytics unsampled report.}
#' \item{title}{Title of the unsampled report.}
#' \item{accountId}{Account ID to which this unsampled report belongs.}
#' \item{webPropertyId}{Web property ID to which this unsampled report belongs. The web property ID is of the form UA-XXXXX-YY.}
#' \item{profileId}{View (Profile) ID to which this unsampled report belongs.}
#' \item{}{The start date for the unsampled report.}
#' \item{}{The end date for the unsampled report.}
#' \item{metrics}{The metrics for the unsampled report.}
#' \item{dimensions}{The dimensions for the unsampled report.}
#' \item{filters}{The filters for the unsampled report.}
#' \item{segment}{The segment for the unsampled report.}
#' \item{status}{Status of this unsampled report.  Possible values are PENDING, COMPLETED, or FAILED.}
#' \item{downloadType}{The type of download you need to use for the report data file. Possible values include `GOOGLE_DRIVE` and `GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE`. If the value is `GOOGLE_DRIVE`, see the `driveDownloadDetails` field. If the value is `GOOGLE_CLOUD_STORAGE`, see the `cloudStorageDownloadDetails` field.}
#' \item{driveDownloadDetails}{Download details for a file stored in Google Drive.}
#' \item{cloudStorageDownloadDetails}{Download details for a file stored in Google Cloud Storage.}
#' \item{created}{Time this unsampled report was created.}
#' \item{updated}{Time this unsampled report was last modified.}
#' \item{driveDownloadDetails.documentId}{Id of the document/file containing the report data.}
#' \item{cloudStorageDownloadDetails.bucketId}{Id of the bucket the file object is stored in.}
#' \item{cloudStorageDownloadDetails.objectId}{Id of the file object containing the report data.}
#' @references \href{}{Management API - Unsampled Reports Overview}
#' @family Management API
artemklevtsov/RGA documentation built on May 10, 2019, 1:50 p.m.