
#' CellSurvAssay
#' This R package has been written around
#' \href{https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/CFAssay.html}{CFAssay},
#' another R package that can be used for Clonogenic Survival Analysis analysis
#' in R. However, CellSurvAssay has it’s own purposes and advantages:
#' @section Purpose: \itemize{ \item it makes performing Clonogenic Survival
#'   Analysis in R ncredibly user-friendly and efficient, even for beginner R
#'   users who don't have the luxury of time to dig deeper into R, \item it
#'   arranges all the commonly used steps of clonogenic assay analysis in one
#'   location and automates the data wrangling steps to the extent that only
#'   single lines of ode suffice for each step of the analysis, \item it
#'   utilizes \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} to plot the cell survival curves,
#'   and builds better quality figures than other available R packages, \item it
#'   is less time consuming and more convenient for the user, as it accepts the
#'   raw data for the analysis and calculates the plating efficiencies by
#'   itself, unlike many automated software commonly used, \item it offers
#'   various method options for parameter estimation and calculating plating
#'   efficiencies, unlike most other available software tools, and \item as R is
#'   being utilized, the methodology stays open and the results reproducible. }
#' @section Functions in the package: \itemize{ \item \code{\link{importData}}
#'   imports the data set in R \item \code{\link{lqmodelFit}} fits the linear
#'   quadratic model \item \code{\link{plotCSCurve}} plots a regular cell
#'   survival curve \item \code{\link{ggplotCSCurve}} plots the cell survival
#'   curves using \code{ggplot()} \item \code{\link{compareCurves}}
#'   statistically compares two cell survival curves \item
#'   \code{\link{calculateDER}} calculates the Dose Enhancement Ratio }
#' @seealso Please refer to the
#'   \href{https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/CFAssay.html}{CFAssay}
#'    R package for the statistics behind this package.
#' @docType package
#' @name CellSurvAssay
arunangshu-github/CellSurvAssay documentation built on June 15, 2022, 6:53 a.m.