
# We now solve the optimization problem.
# minimize (1/2n) sum(i=1,n) [ (y(i) - f(x(i)))/wght(i) ]**2 + (lambda1)*||f|| +(lambda2)*sqrt(J(f))
# To do this we first solve the prox problem
#   f^hat_lambda2 <- argmin (1/2n) sum(i=1,n) [ (y(i) - f(x(i)))/wght(i) ]**2 + (lambda2)*sqrt(J(f))
# Which requires us to find the root of the equation
# x*sqrt(J)(f^tilde_x) - lambda2/2
# where
# f^tilde_x <- argmin (1/2n) sum(i=1,n) [ (y(i) - f(x(i)))/wght(i) ]**2 + (x)*J(f)
# Args:
#   y.ord: response vector, n-vector ordered.
#   x.ord: covariate, x-vector also ordered.
#   lambda1, lambda2: Two tuning parameters.
# Returns:
#   An n-vector of solution.

# All code for splines has been moved to C++.
# solve.prox.spline <- function(y.ord, x.ord, lambda1, lambda2) {
#   require(stats)
#   n <- length(y.ord)
#   tempf <- function(lam_x) {
#     cpp_temp_func(lam_x, y.ord, x.ord,
#                   n, n_grid = 1000, lambda2)
#   }
#   lam_max <- cpp_find_lamdaMax(y.ord, x.ord,
#                               n, 1000, 1,
#                               lambda2);
#   #if(tempf(lambda2*1e+3) < 0) {
#   if(lam_max < 0) {
#     b1 <- cov(x.ord,y.ord)/var(x.ord)
#     b0 <- mean(y.ord) - (b1*mean(x.ord))
#     fhat <- b0 + (b1*x.ord)
#   } else {
#     lam <- uniroot(tempf, c(0,lambda2*1e+3),
#                    tol = min(lambda2^2,1e-10))$root
#     f_hat <- cpp_spline(y.ord, x.ord, lam, n, 1000)
#     fhat <- f_hat$sy
#   }
#   # Return final value.
#   max((1 - lambda1/sqrt(mean(fhat^2))), 0)*fhat
# }
# # An alternative version of the previous function.
# # Testing the differences in using C++ as an alternative.
# solve.prox.spline2 <- function(y.ord, x.ord, lambda1, lambda2) {
#   require(stats)
#   n <- length(y.ord)
#   tempf <- function(lam_x) {
#     cpp_temp_func(lam_x, y.ord, x.ord,
#                   n, n_grid = 1000, lambda2)
#   }
#   if(tempf(lambda2*1e+3) < 0) {
#     b1 <- cov(x.ord,y.ord)/var(x.ord)
#     b0 <- mean(y.ord) - (b1*mean(x.ord))
#     fhat <- b0 + (b1*x.ord)
#     phat <- 0
#   } else {
#     lam <- uniroot(tempf, c(0,lambda2*1e+3),
#                    tol = min(lambda2^2,.Machine$double.eps^0.25))$root
#     f_hat <- cpp_spline(y.ord, x.ord, lam, n, 1000)
#     fhat <- f_hat$sy
#     phat <- cpp_temp_func2(lam, y.ord, x.ord,
#                            n, n_grid = 1000, lambda2)
#   }
#   # Return final value.
#   list("fhat" = fhat, "phat" = phat, "lam" = lambda2)
# }
# ##########################################################
# ##########################################################
# # Misc Function:
# solve.spline <- function(y.ord, x.ord, lam) {
#   require(stats)
#   f_hat <- cpp_spline(y.ord, x.ord, lam, n, 1000)
#   fhat <- f_hat$sy
#   phat <- cpp_temp_func2(lam, y.ord, x.ord,
#                            n, n_grid = 1000, lam)
#   # Return final value.
#   list("fhat" = fhat, "phat" = phat, "lam" = lam)
# }
asadharis/PGSAME documentation built on Feb. 18, 2021, 9:14 p.m.