PetfindeR 2.1.0

PetfindeR 2.0.0

New major release coinciding with the release of v2.0 of the Petfinder API! The legacy version of the Petfinder API, v1.0, will be retired in January 2020, therefore, the PetfindeR library has been updated almost from the ground up to be compatible as possible with the new version of the Petfinder API! The new version of the Petfinder API is a huge improvement over the legacy version, with many changes and additions to the design of the API itself.

Below is a summary of all the changes made in the release of PetfindeR 2.0.

PetfindeR 1.1.3

No changes to the API for internal functionality have been changed. Versioning updated to 1.1.3 in accordance with CRAN submission policies.

PetfindeR 1.1.0

PetfindeR 1.0.0

First release implementing primary functionality for interacting with the Petfinder API. The following table of methods can also be found in the project's README.

| Method | Petfinder API Method | Description | |-----------------------|----------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | breed.list() | breed.list | Returns the available breeds for the selected animal. | | pet.find() | pet.find | Returns a collection of pet records matching input parameters. | | pet.get() | pet.get | Returns a single record for a pet. | | pet.getRandom() | pet.getRandom | Returns a randomly selected pet record. The possible result can be filtered with input parameters. | | shelter.find() | shelter.find | Returns a collection of shelter records matching input parameters. | | shelter.get() | shelter.get | Returns a single shelter record. | | shelter.getPets() | shelter.getPets | Returns a collection of pet records for an individual shelter. | | shelter.listByBreed() | shelter.listByBreed | Returns a list of shelter IDs listing animals matching the input animal breed.

aschleg/PetfindeR documentation built on July 12, 2020, 4:30 a.m.