Man pages for aschleg/numberr
Numberr is a package containing number-theoretic algorithms and functions primarily written in C++ using Rcpp

binomial_coefficientCalculates the binomial coefficient with several different...
binomial_factorialCalculates the binomial coefficient using the factorial...
binomial_multiplicativeCalculates the binomial coefficient using the multiplicative...
binomial_recursiveCalculates the binomial coefficient using a recursive method.
catalanReturns the Catalan numbers up to n.
catalans_constantApproximates Catalan's Constant, K.
collatzComputes the famous 3n + 1 sequence, also known as the...
cullenReturns the Cullen number integer sequence up to a given...
factorialFunction for calculating factorials using the standard...
factor_trialComputes the factors of an integer, should they exist, using...
fallingfactorialComputes the falling factorial.
fallingfactorial_functionComputes the falling factorial function as a string.
fermat_factorComputes the factorization of an integer n by Fermat's...
fermat_primeTests if an integer is (probably) prime using the Fermat...
fibonacciComputes the Fibonacci sequence up to given value of n.
gcdComputes the greatest common divisor with several algorithms...
gcd_divisionCalculates the Greatest Common Divisor using the Euclidean...
gcd_extendedImplementation of the extended form of the Euclidean...
gcd_recursiveCalculates the Greatest Common Divisor of two integers using...
gcd_subtractionComputes the Greatest Common Divisor of two integers using...
iscompositeTests whether a given value n is composite. Essentially the...
iscoprimeTests if two integers are coprime.
isevenTests if a given value n is even or not.
isoddTests whether a given given value n is odd.
isprimeTests whether a given value n is prime with a naive test.
issquareTests if a given integer is a square number.
lcmComputes the least common multiple of two integers, a and b.
lucas_lehmerPerforms the Lucas-Lehmer primality test for determining if a...
mod_expoComputes large modular exponents with modular exponentiation.
numberr-packageA short title line describing what the package does
pollardrhoImplementation of Pollard's rho algorithm for factorizing an...
ramanujanApproximates the factorial :math:'n!' given an integer...
risingfactorialComputes the rising factorial. Also known as the Pochhammer...
risingfactorial_functionComputes the rising factorial, also known as the Pochhammer...
stirlingApproximates a factorial of an integer n using Stirling's...
stirlinglnApproximates the factorial of n using the approximation given...
supercatalanReturns the super-Catalan number sequence up to the given...
aschleg/numberr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 10:31 a.m.