Man pages for asgr/sphereplot
Spherical Plotting

car2sphTransforms 3D cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates
pointsphereRandom sphere pointing
rgl.sphcircGreat circle generator
rgl.sphglobeCreate a World, Night Sky or CMB Globe
rgl.sphgridCreate a spherical plotting grid
rgl.sphlineDraw Great and Minor Circle Line Segments
rgl.sphMWPlot Galactic plane + Galactic centre
rgl.sphpointsAdd points to spherical plots
rgl.sphsunPlot ecliptic + Sun
rgl.sphtextAdd text to spherical plot
sph2carTransforms 3D spherical coordinates to cartesian coordinates
sphereplot-packageSpherical plotting routines
asgr/sphereplot documentation built on Sept. 5, 2023, 4:58 a.m.