Man pages for ash129/penrose
creates the P2 penrose tiling

col.meanGive the hex color weighted average of two hex colors
color.shapeGive the hex color to a shape based on hsv coordinates and...
hsvcolGive the hex color to a shape based on hsv coordinates with...
penrose.drawThe recursive penrose tiling plotting function
penrose.fullPlot a full penrose using the penrose() recursive function
rotateRotate and scale a point from a reference point
rotate.setRotate and scale a set of points from a reference point
simple.angleGive angle between two points
simple.distGive 2D Euclidean distance between two points
split.shapeSplit a kite or dart according to penrose construction by...
tanh.tweenCreate tweened intervals for animation frames based on...
transform.shapeRotate and scale a shape according to parameters
ash129/penrose documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:04 p.m.