install notes:

Circa 2011: Following doesn't work on several installs, fails with problem finding libpq-fe.h

r install.packages('RPostgreSQL', type='source', configure.args="--with-pgsql-libraries=/opt/local/lib/postgresql83/ --with-pgsql-includes=/opt/local/include/postgresql83/")

for install from mac ports, install.packages('RPostgreSQL') worked, because it found pg_config... /opt/local/lib/postgresql83/bin/pg_config with PATH set properly install works

Connection details:

## [ramlegacy]
## Driver=/usr/local/lib/
## Description=Ram legacy database
## Port=5432
## Protocol=6.4
## FetchBufferSize=99
## Username=srdbuser
## Password=srd6us3r!
## Database=srdb
## ReadOnly=yes
## Debug=1
## CommLog=1

ashander/RAMlegacyr documentation built on May 12, 2019, 4:41 a.m.