plot: Plot SSA object

plotR Documentation

Plot SSA object


This function plots various sorts of figures related to the SSA method.


## S3 method for class 'ssa'
     type = c("values", "vectors", "paired", "series", "wcor"),
     vectors = c("eigen", "factor"),
     plot.contrib = TRUE,
     numvalues = nsigma(x),
     numvectors = min(nsigma(x), 10),
     idx = 1:numvectors,



SSA object holding the decomposition


Type of the plot (see 'Details' for more information)


Arguments to be passed to methods, such as graphical parameters


For type = 'vectors', choose the vectors to plot


logical. If 'TRUE' (the default), the contribution of the component to the total variance is plotted. For ‘ossa’ class, Frobenius orthogonality checking of elementary matrices is performed. If not all matrices are orthogonal, corresponding warning is risen


Number of eigenvalues to plot (for type = 'values')


Total number of eigenvectors to plot (for type = 'vectors')


Indices of eigenvectors to plot (for type = 'vectors')


Second set of indices of eigenvectors to plot (for type = 'paired')


Grouping used for the decomposition (see reconstruct)


This function is the single entry to various plots of SSA objects. Right now this includes:


plot the graph of the component norms.


plot the eigenvectors.


plot the pairs of eigenvectors (useful for the detection of periodic components).


plot the reconstructed series.


plot the W-correlation matrix for the reconstructed objects.

Additional (non-standard) graphical parameters which can be transfered via ...:


lattice plot type. This argument will be transfered as type argument to function panel.xyplot.


logical. Whether to plot zero-level lines in series-plot, eigenvectors-plot and paired-plot. Zero-level isolines will be plotted for 2d-eigenvectors-plot.


logical. Whether to use symmetric scales in series-plot, eigenvectors-plot and paired-plot.


logical. For 2d-eigenvector-plot and wcor-plot, indicating whether raster representations should be used. 'TRUE' by default.


color vector for colorscale (for 2d- and wcor-plots), given by two or more colors, the first color corresponds to the minimal value, while the last one corresponds to the maximal value (will be interpolated by colorRamp)


for 2d-plot, range of displayed values


for 2d-eigenvectors-plot, a numeric vector giving breakpoints along the range of z, a list of such vectors or a character string. If a list is given, corresponding list element (with recycling) will be used for each plot panel. For character strings, values 'free' and 'same' are allowed: 'free' means special breakpoints' vectors (will be evaluated automatically, see description of cuts argument in 'Details') for each component. 'same' means one breakpoints' vector for all component (will be evaluated automatically too)


for 2d-reconstruction-plot, the number of levels the range of z would be divided into.


color or 'NULL'. Defines background color for shaped 2d-eigenvectors plot. If 'NULL', standard white background will be used.

See Also

ssa-object, ssa plot.reconstruction,


# Decompose 'co2' series with default parameters
s <- ssa(co2)
# Plot the eigenvalues
plot(s, type = "values")
# Plot W-cor matrix for first 10 reconstructed components
plot(s, type = "wcor", groups = 1:10)
# Plot the paired plot for first 6 eigenvectors
plot(s, type = "paired", idx = 1:6)
# Plot eigenvectors for first 6 components
plot(s, type = "vectors", idx = 1:6)
# Plot the first 4 reconstructed components
plot(s, type = "series", groups = list(1:4))
# Plot the eigenvalues by points only
plot(s, type = "values", plot.type = "p")

# Artificial image for 2dSSA
mx <- outer(1:50, 1:50,
            function(i, j) sin(2*pi * i/17) * cos(2*pi * j/7) + exp(i/25 - j/20)) +
      rnorm(50^2, sd = 0.1)
# Decompose 'mx' with default parameters
s <- ssa(mx, kind = "2d-ssa")
# Plot the eigenvalues
plot(s, type = "values")
# Plot eigenvectors for first 6 components
plot(s, type = "vectors", idx = 1:6,
     ref = TRUE, at = "same", cuts = 50,
     plot.contrib = TRUE, symmetric = TRUE)
# Plot factor vectors for first 6 components
plot(s, type = "vectors", vectors = "factor", idx = 1:6,
     ref = TRUE, at = "same", cuts = 50,
     plot.contrib = TRUE, symmetric = TRUE)
# Plot wcor for first 12 components
plot(s, type = "wcor", groups = 1:12, grid = c(2, 6))

# 3D-SSA example (2D-MSSA)
ss <- ssa(Barbara, L = c(50, 50, 1))
plot(ss, type = "values")
plot(ss, type = "vectors", idx = 1:12, slice = list(k = 1),
     cuts = 50, plot.contrib = TRUE)
plot(ss, type = "vectors", idx = 1:12, slice = list(k = 1, i = 1))
plot(ss, type = "vectors", vectors = "factor", idx = 1:12, slice = list(k = 3),
     cuts = 50, plot.contrib = FALSE)
plot(ss, type = "series", groups = 1:12, slice = list(k = 1))
plot(ss, type = "series", groups = 1:12, slice = list(k = 1, i = 1))
plot(ss, plot.method = "xyplot", type = "series", groups = 1:12, slice = list(k = 1, i = 1))

asl/rssa documentation built on Sept. 7, 2024, 9:27 p.m.

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