
Defines functions get_sqp

Documented in get_sqp

#' Extract variable estimates from the SQP 3.0 prediction algorithm
#' @param study string with the name of the study. Upper and lower cases
#' are ignored and regular expressions are supported.
#' @param question_name A vector of strings specifying the variable names. A
#' search is performed for similar names from all variables in
#' the study. Upper or lower case is ignored and regular
#' expressions are supported.
#' @param country the country where the question was applied in two letter ISO
#' code. See the ISO two letter country name list
#' \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2}{here}
#' for all options. Upper or lower case is ignored.
#' @param lang the language the question should be in, in a three
#' letter character. See the ISO three letter country name list
#' \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes}{here}
#' for all options. Upper or lower case is ignored. This should be
#' a language spoken in \code{country}.
#' @param all_columns a logical stating whether to extract all available
#' columns from the SQP 3.0 database. See the details section for a list of all
#' possible variables.
#' @param authorized \code{TRUE} to return \strong{only} the authorized
#' prediction or \code{FALSE} to return all available predictions. If set to
#' \code{FALSE} a warning is issued reminding the user to pick one prediction
#' for each variable based on the \code{user_id} and \code{user_username}
#' columns.
#' @details
#' \code{get_sqp} is a simple wrapper around \code{\link{find_questions}},
#' \code{\link{find_studies}} and \code{\link{get_estimates}} for a direct
#' downloading strategy of the SQP data. For a lower-level approach use
#' a combination of these functions to extract SQP data.
#' SQP predictions can be both 'authorized' predictions, which are
#' performed by the SQP 3.0 software, and 'crowd-sourced' predictions which are
#' added to the database by other users. By default, \code{sqp_data}
#' always returns the 'authorized' prediction when it is available. When
#' it is not, it returns the first non-authorized prediction, and so on.
#' If the user wants to choose a specific prediction, then
#' \code{authorized = FALSE} will return all available predictions for each
#' question.
#' If \code{authorized = FALSE} and \code{all_columns = FALSE},
#' \code{get_sqp} raises an error because there is no way of
#' disentangling which prediction is authorized/unauthorized without the
#' additional \code{user_id} column (observed when \code{all_columns = TRUE}).
#' \code{sqp_data} returns a four column \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} with
#' the question name and the estimates for \code{quality}, \code{reliability}
#' and \code{validity}. However, if \code{all_columns} is set to \code{TRUE}
#' the returned \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} contains new columns. Below you can
#' find the descriptionof of all columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item question: the literal name of the question in the questionnaire of the study
#' \item question_id: the API internal ID of the question
#' \item id: this is the coding ID, that is, the coding of the authorized prediction
#' \item created: Date of the API request
#' \item routing_id: Version of the coding scheme applied to get that prediction.
#' \item authorized: Whether it is an 'authorized' prediction or not. See the details section
#' \item complete: Whether all fields of the coding are complete
#' \item user_id: The id of the user that crowd-sourced the prediction
#' \item error: Whether there was an error in making the prediction. For an example,
#'  see \url{http://sqp.upf.edu/loadui/#questionPrediction/12552/42383}
#' \item errorMessage: The error message, if there was an error
#' \item reliability: The strenght between the true score factor and the observed
#'  variable or 1 - proportion random error in the observed variance. Computed as
#'  the squared of the reliability coefficient
#' \item validity: The strength between the latent concept factor and the
#'  true score factor or 1 - proportion method error variance in the true
#'  score variance. Computed as the square of the validity coefficient
#' \item quality: The strength between the latent concept factor and the
#'  observed variable or 1 - proportion of random and method error variance
#'  in the latent concept's variance. Computed as the product of reliability
#'   and validity.
#' \item reliabilityCoefficient: The effect between the true score factor and
#'  the observed variable
#' \item validityCoefficient: The effect between the latent concept factor and
#'  the true score factor
#' \item methodEffectCoefficient: The effect between the method factor and the
#'  true score factor
#' \item qualityCoefficient: It is computed as the square root of the quality
#' \item reliabilityCoefficientInterquartileRange: Interquartile range for the reliability coefficient
#' \item validityCoefficientInterquartileRange: Interquartile range for the validity coefficient
#' \item qualityCoefficientInterquartileRange: Interquartile range for the quality coefficient
#' \item reliabilityCoefficientStdError: Predicted standard error of the reliability coefficient
#' \item validityCoefficientStdError: Predicted standard error of the validity coefficient
#' \item qualityCoefficientStdError: Predicted standard error of the quality coefficient
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{sqp_login}} for logging in to the SQP 3.0 API through R
#' and \code{\link{find_questions}}, \code{\link{find_studies}} and
#' \code{\link{get_estimates}} for the lower-level approach of extracting
#' estimates.
#' @return \code{\link{get_sqp}} returns a \code{\link[tibble]{tibble}} with the
#' predictions. The number of columns depends on the \code{all_columns}
#' argument.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Log in with sqp_login first. See ?sqp_login
#' sqp_login()
#' # 'es' and 'spa' here stands for Spain and Spanish
#' get_sqp("ESS Round 4", "tvtot", "es", "spa")
#' get_sqp(
#'   "ESS Round 4",
#'   c("tvtot", "ppltrst", "pplfair"),
#'   "se",
#'   "swe"
#' )
#' # Sweden-Swedish
#' get_sqp(
#'   "ESS Round 4",
#'   c("tvtot", "ppltrst", "pplfair"),
#'   "se",
#'   "swe"
#' )
#' # Germany-German
#' get_sqp(
#'   "ESS Round 1",
#'   c("vote", "trstplt"),
#'   "de",
#'   "deu",
#'   all_columns = TRUE
#' )
#' }
get_sqp <- function(study,
                    all_columns = FALSE,
                    authorized = TRUE) {
            length(country) == 1,
            length(lang) == 1)

  sqp_question <- find_questions(study, question_name)
  country_filt <- tolower(sqp_question$country_iso) == tolower(country)
  language_filt <- tolower(sqp_question$language_iso) == tolower(lang)
  sqp_question <- sqp_question[country_filt & language_filt, ]

  predictions <-
      all_columns = all_columns,
      authorized = authorized

asqm/sqpr documentation built on May 28, 2020, 5:13 a.m.